/csg/ - Chink Shit General

Dancing Chinks Edition

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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• user receives his Pokeball powerbank , actual charge varies from advertised value • user receives some metal dice, "good enough if you're not gambling" • user reviews his Bluedio N2 bluetooth headphones, "really pleased" when listening to metal , • user guts his MX518 mouse, wonders if it's genuine • user shows off his chink lego tank he built last night • user wants to know how disputes work Previous thread:

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thanks for the advice anons, bought my xiaomeme earphones and comply tips.

ended up having to pay shipping, so that's a first. but still expect them some time in late january. better lurk for my chink shit to buy.

I haven't been following the CSGs for a while; does everyone already know about these Christmas sharks? I searched the last few threads and didn't find any mention of them.

Yes, they're just way too expensive to be hyped about.

No, but they look cool. I already have an ocean edition 32Gb though.

just when you thought they couldn't look any dumber

>buy 128gb microsd for my rn3p because memes
>it arrives
>already got everything i need in the internal memory and all my music in opus because mp3 a bloated shit
>still 9gb left
Any interesting uses for a microSD card that involve cheap chinkshit?

post videos you've taken with chink multirotors

this is from the JJRC H20C, one of the cheapest video drones available

got a pair of Eiaosi x6 for christmas
best IEMS i have ever had
2016 is the year of dreams boys

GearBest has the G1W-CB on sale right now for $32.99 if anyone's looking for a good cheap dashcam.

this is an mp3 player? why fill it up if you don't need to?

anyway to answer, could back up your shit to have more redundancy in your back up setup. should probably do that now that i mention. not sure what else you can do with it besides get more music?

Get an anemometer

Can't wait for mine to come in the mail.
My sons wife has a pair and they sounds fantastic.

what's the catch, those look cheap even compared to chink shit.

I have over 3 dozen of these installed in my fleet and they can confirm that you can't get this quality for anywhere near this price normally.

It's my phone the redmeme note 3 pro, thought 32gb wasn't going to be enough but it was.

I already have around 7k of songs, by no means an autistic Sup Forums-tier amount but songs in Opus have a very low file size.

that is the catch. they are cheap as shit
but for $2 they compete with $5-$10 IEMS, so they are really good for a cheap pair you dont have to care about

Cheap build quality.

Sound quality is way up for that price though so they're perfect for spares or backup.

i have sixty cents to spare, what cool shit can i buy



mini keychain measuring tape


Since the chink shit randomizer hasn't been updated since the Vietnam war ended, what are some nice things you've found recently?

Hard mode: no electronics, too much of that shit in every thread



>no electronics, too much of that shit in every thread
You're on Sup Forums!


The girl thread is dead and theirs thread is only Aliexpress.

Vivo XE 800s are the top-tier Budget Chink IEMs for 2016.

They have the same drivers as the GR07s for Christ's sake.

Don't listen to Eiaosi Shill The Trick is finding the legitimate Chink seller
as with the Pistons, the XE-800s have a fuckton of imitators/Chink Fakery.

So You mean that they are garbage-tier 10 bucks earphones that would break within weeks?

/10 would not buy desu

Oh wow.
Someone's grumpy today.

Got $15 for Christmas on a MasterCard. What should I buy?

Probably because I spent Christmas alone again, enjoying turkey and eggnog
>>at fucking subway

The Eiaosi reminds me of the Aweis I had 3 years ago, positively ancient Chinkmemes.

As much as I love the Aweis, I don't see how
the Eiaosi could compete with the Rock Zircons or Kzs.

ah well you can download offline maps, podcasts, pdfs, etc. that's what i do on my phone.

converting to opus seems like a good idea, but too lazy and paying for spotify as it is so yeah.

they're not as good as zircons
just leagues better than all the other sub $5 iems

I don't see how they could outcompete the RM610D from Remax, which has:

Excellent Build Quality
Excellent sound
And a Slightly higher price

I don't even see it etching out the ATRs

610D isn't sub $5 you autist.

Why are you so salty today user?
Mommy didn't give you prezzies for Christmas?

Look mate, no idea why you're so grumpy about it, but it's just another good budget earphones.

You'll probably think I'm shilling now, but hey don't knock it till you try it pal.

They're almost as good as zircons, but not quite there. I'm no audiophile so I can't do measurements, but that's just what my ears tell me.

Baoding Balls

the IEM wars are getting a little too intense on /csg/

it isnt that hard to make a good iem for cheap so there are A LOT of good chink iems out there and we are fighting over which one is "best" way too much

we should just accept that a lot of them are good and any "better" or "worse" is just down to personal preference

Look, I see this Eiaosi fag virtually on every /csg/ thread every single fucking day.

He is getting as cancerous as the Zukfag.

Base them on sound signatures and price range

this is true but there are also a LOT of shit ones too

however all of the "/csg/ approved ones" or highly rated ones on audiobudget that i have tried so far have been very good. and this includes the much maligned eiaosis, although the rock zircons are my favorite meme so far and i can understand how they got so popular

and you're right that among the very good ones its mainly personal preference that will determine which ones are better.

this. everyone has different preferences to sound response.

post you're a xiaomemes

>Base them on sound signatures and price range

true. but honestly, once we start getting above $10 they are usually all very good with the occasional outlier thats complete shit

Then go one step further and compare them to Mainstream Offerings at/above their price range.

Panasonics/Sony/Audio-Technica/Marshall etc.

Can't because the redmi note 3 pro is my only camera but
>redmi note 3 pro
>piston 3
>piston hybrids

this is why i'm really glad for guys like audiobudget who goes through tons of obscure chinkphones

its really useful in screening out the absolute shitters and gives some interesting ideas in which ones to try next

mi band is all i currently got from them.

was gonna go with a phone, but was gifted an S7, so i was happy with sticking with it.





+ xiaomeme pillow is under Mitu t-shirt and dead pistons 2, seems like rubber on cable have gone bad already

I figure if anybody would have it, it'd be the chinks, but does anybody know if a Male SD to Female USB adapter even exists? I tried out Amazon and Google for smaller sites, but nothing seems to come up.

Does this thing even exist?

And of course Mi Band 2 on my wrist.
Too bad that strap part is already failing, should I get steel or leather replacement strap?

why in god's name would you ever want that
i can assure you that whatever you're planning isnt going to work

do you even google?

It's not like Xiaomi screens expensive.

I bet it cost like $25 shipped.

Get leather, the steel ones lower the vibration strength like 70%

The USB ports on my laptop are really flaky while my SD card slot is just fine.

Well shit, you must have better source detection than I do, cause I didn't see shit. So thanks I guess, I now know that it exists at least. WIll continue my search.

what does the pillow do?

our phone have strongest gorirra grass for you dear customer

makes a company lots of money from people who have a cult like devotion to a brand

sort of like apple but chinkier

I don't know, it doesn't even have WIFI.


kinda get it, but my brand is a small upstart that i don't want to get into. nothing like the church of apple though

That is what Happened to my Sony Xperia.
One drop and the whole screen cracked and became unusuable

>make name for self selling high quality products
>cult following develops
>raise prices and lower quality
>drones buy everything you shit out

xiaomi is literally apple

Isn't that OPO/Vivo/Oppo?

>my brand is just small upstart and nothing like the church of microsoft

wonder where i heard that before

>put in wallet
>forget about it
>go to airport
>TSA inspection leads to cavity search

Pretty average. Also have a couple of other fake Xiaomi powerbanks

can we have a thread that's less stale, pale, and male? it's almost 2017 people

So, I bought 3 of the Chink knives on the Chink Shit infographic:

Enlan Bee EL-02: ebay.com/itm/182343316669

SANRENMU-7010LUC-SA-710: ebay.com/itm/121932949204

GANZO G717: ebay.com/itm/172167961794

Does anyone ITT have any of these? If so, just how chinky are they?

you do realize that /csg/ is a microcosm heavily influenced by the zeitgeist of Sup Forums and our discussions are largely a reflection of the prevailing themes of Sup Forums with a chinky twist

hence why 99% of thread content are on smartphones,flash memory,powerbanks,headphones, microphones , usb sound cards and mics

chink knives are fine to keep around in case you need them
its only if you use them somewhat regularly or often that you notice how chinky the steel is

I've heard that you can install the official Android TV launcher on one of those cheapo android TV boxes, but I've never seen someone actually do it
Anyone here tried it?

like pottery user, thank you.

you're right, should stop with my brand loyalty


I jumped on the zuk bandwagon after seeing how delicate the xiaomis can be.
I know it's only a matter of time until zuk gets popular enough to start doing the same. FUCK

Which xiaomi phone to get with best camera for my mum? Please help

mi max

Just got a refund on my Nexus 5X, so it's memetime


Mi5 is available for $215 now

Would pic related be able to power a BM-800? It says it's specifically designed to be capable of powering mics

Well AT is a nice brand, if that card can deliver 4.5V then you will be fine.

Your mom?
Just get a cheapass IUNI U3, faggot

mi5 of course

unless you want a microsd slot

They have a Taobao general too with advice on how to use an agent and such.

Show pics of your Eiaosi with all the other sub $5 IEMs you've tried.

/cgl/ is a slow board, the pacing is around the same as /trv/

PSA: Eiaosi shill has lied countless times about the earphones and since he rushes to make the thread it rarely makes the news. He's also confirmed to be the same guy who shills the Zuk.

1) he took a frequency response chart from $65 headphones when asked for proof Eiaosi is good.
2) he claims they're as good as Zircons but to this day refuses to show pictures of his Eiaosi next to his Zircons.
3) he uses stock photos in all his reviews
4) when asked for evidence Eiaosi are good he has a full-on meltdown about "Regular OP" and "Xiaomi shills". This is to distract from the fact he never provides said evidence.

Again, he's a liar. They may be $3 earbuds but $3 adds up with chink shit. The only honest reviews here say Eiaosi aren't worth it and they have pictures of the earbuds to back it up. This shill compulsively lies and can't be trusted.

Can I get a chinese smartwatch recommendation?

Anyone has link yo the cheapest RN3P Kate version with free shipping to Europe?

the normie battery life is kinda holding me off
was thinking mi max, but it has shitty bands compared to mi5 (with mods) or rmn3p kate

wish rmn3p had qc3 and type c :3

lmao this nigga put u in the twat knotz over earbuds...


>just passed $1000 spent on gearbest
>haven't bought anything for more than $20

help me








damn user, what have you been getting?

literally everything below $20 that's linked in the thread

Looks like someone's got your knickers in a twist

Pls provide links to "honest" reviews

If someone claims Eiaosi are as good as Zircons every single thread for weeks he has to prove he's even tried Zircons at all. If you haven't compared the two then you're just making shit up or "lying". It's very simple to take a picture of the two IEMs together, the fake drama above is to distract from that.


Found a 24x36" customized poster with the image i want for $9, anyone ordered something similar? anything cheaper out there?

already got the weeb picture :^)