/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

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Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

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/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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How do I get Xscreensaver to not be a pile of dogshit?

Shit on it and it'll be a pile of humanshit.

I'm not going to shit on a computer

Stop shitting up the thread.

If zsh is so good, why isn't it standard?

it's not POSIX

because it's bloated shite for macfags who cant configure their ps1 themselves

it has compatibility mode

is KDE plsma that bad? an don arch? it looks fun lately

zsh is a meme.

arch is a meme

These are exact example of a meme.

A distro without any flaw - does it exist?

arch is the only good linux distro (that isn't gentoo)

How come when changing a window's size in Openbox, it changes by pixel for any window that's not a terminal but for terminals it will resize in bigger increments? For example my firefox window is about 1200x1000 but urxvt is 144x66 at the same size.

nice meme


instead of x and y, terminal geometry is drawn by lines and colums, which depend on the font size

If linux is so good, why isn't it standard?

good things aren't always the most popular, for various reasons


yes, thanks for reiterating

Oh I understand, so that you always get the full line of text. Thanks.

for that, programs like urxvt send so called "window hints", these can be problematic sometimes in tiling window managers - if the wm respects these hints, the terminal can be slightly larger or smaller than other windows to be able to draw the full line


no wifi

dont buy cucked hardware

are there any linux-based smartwatches I should get?

Yes, here:

I'm on Arch Linux, just sayin'.

Me too, if it matters.

> Your friendly neighborhood search engine: Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Why duckduckgo is omitted? Is it a trick?


The universal operating system Debian gnu/linux

ddg is a meme

Oh ok, so not a trick but a free software alternative exists. Thanks for the information

what is the best distro ever???

Whatever happened to Lain linux project?


Why lainchan desire its own gnu operating system distribution?

More freedom

is there an actuall OS, or is there just the shity logo?


But why not install debian gnu linux or gnu guix system distribution or trisquel

Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

How lightweight?

Debian gnu plus linux is good, but you will have to choose your desktop environment software based on how much system resources are available

>sjwbian gnu is good
seems like you made some kind of typo

um... no?
it's GNU shit

Why can't Google treat Application Menu items in Android like locations like how Linux treats files? Wouldn't that make it dead easy to set up integration with google assistant/Ai helpers in general?

idk. might have something to do with it being a cuckOS aka GnU

I installed archa nd put lain as my wallpaper but it's not enough.

>being an arch pleb
lain would disapprove of your plebiness

I wanted newer software than slackware had.

I stand by my choice.

and that forced you to become an arch pleb?
i fail to see your retarded "logic"

dwm wasn't doing what I wanted it to do. So, I changed the source code. And I fixed my problems.

Free software is fucking amazing.

cool, now uninstall it and install xmonad or even just i3

Why would I want to use xmonadwhen I know C but don't know haskell?

you don't need to know that much of it and you can always learn it. it isn't oop shite so yeah. i3 is written in C though and is pretty good.

My ultrabook running Lubuntu has a 14" screen that is 1080p for some reason, making text really tiny
How can i make text scale to a bigger size? and menus too if possible.

Through lxappearance?

ended up making a file called ".Xresources" in my home folder and putting "Xft.dpi: 150" in it
after restarting lightdm, text was actually decent size.
now i just need to make the tiny mouse cursor bigger. i guess i can just download a custom cursor.

I'm technically on Arch, just saying. Antergos is cool, basically Arch for lazy people, and just werks.

What's your stance on Manjaro vs Antergos? Been meaning to look into one of them, but not sure which.

arch is pleb trash though

And even if you didn't know how to program computers you could have hired a programmer, exercised freedom 1 to give her a copy of the computer program's source code, asked her to exercise her freedom 2 to modify and improve the computer program, and then exercise her freedom 3, giving you an improved version of the software and fulfilling the work order. Even users who cannot program computers are freed from the control of the software author :). God bless free software and merry Christmas.

What are you using? Enlighten us.

i'm using a distro from the list from the previous thread.

Pls no gnu/unfriendly attitude upon this christmas day eve :)

This is the friendly gnu/linux thread, not the unfriendly user thread ;^)

How the hell is Manjaro ahead of Arch in kernel versions? lmao

how does this prevent me from stating the truth? ;)
truth >>>> fake friendliness ;^)

why is this surprising to you and why does the default kernel version matter when it is pretty easy to get any version you want on any distro you want?

>He claims that he uses Arch.

why would i be using shit tier distros? i'm not a redditor archpleb like yourself.

Why is it so hard to install ubuntu

I've tried several different versions, multiple usbs, multiple programs to make boot usbs.. closest i got was kubuntu which installed then when i rebooted it had changed my boot usb. Seemed like it had install on the usb and wiped my main hdd..

Computer was running fine on windows 7 so i doubt it's a hardware problem but most of the time my screen comes up with multicoloured squares and an error code "radeon stalled ring"

Any tips?

install Mac OS X

How's Fedora for someone who wants to distance himself from Ubuntu variants, but isn't ready for Arch?
Should be pretty good from what I've read.

>ready for Arch
i hope this is a joke

Fedora is a good operating system but keep in mind that it is a testbed

Some problem with your video card drivers.

Try a different release version of ubuntu (Long-term support if you tried installing latest, or vice versa)

What graphics card do you have

>redditor archpleb
That's it.

oh no! please don't hack my with your "python"

I've had this problem for a while with xdg-open where sometimes when I open something with it, the program will keep on infinitely creating subprocesses until the machine runs out of memory and finally crashes.

Any idea what's causing it, and what I could do to fix it? It happens every time when I click somebody's link from Steam chat - instead i have to copy-paste the link to a web browser. It also happened today when trying to open a .pdf file from Firefox and accidentally opening it with winebrowser instead.

I'm using Manjaro by the way, with i3.

What DM/WM should I use for maximum rice?

>maximum rice
>medium rice
i3, dwm

Im running a ubuntu baremetal on my server for recording audio samples, torrenting and some other random services.

I need to run a VM suite on top of ubuntu to run multiple VMs of an operating system so i can record more samples since its limited to 1 instance of the recording software because its super fucking hacked together.

Whats the best VM software that i can run headless? i need free.

using kubuntu. everytime I load my account the desktop will be there then crash and just be a black screen with the mouse. I can use alt+f2 to access programs but the desktop is no longer there.
Can't find a straight forward answer to get this solved. Can anyone help? pretty newb to linux.

No thanks.

That would make sense..

Xfx R7870 core edition

Have tried ubuntu 16.10, kubuntu, linux mint and have ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS at the moment

Can get to the grub menu but 'try without install' or 'install' will get a screen full of coloured squares and then that error message..

Motherboard is M5A97 asus, through my various google searches of problems i've had, multiple people mentioned UEFI BIOS and nomodeset so i've attempted to alter sertings they've suggested such as CSM and secure boot. This helped actually load a grub menu in some cases but every time i get past that, i end up with the error mentioned

Just got past grub menu to a low res desktop and install menu inserting "nomodeset" when i pressed "e" in grub menu

Not sure how much further i'll get

Did pop up with black screen and an error "no UMS support in radeon module" before switching to desktop/install menu

>trying to open a .pdf file from Firefox and accidentally opening it with winebrowser instead
$ xdg-mime default program_name.desktop application/pdf
Replace program_name.desktop with one of the file in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications.

Why not? Macs are better than linux

I don't own any apple products and from what i've seen of mac OS X, it's not for me.

Installed but post BIOS screen goes back to coloured squares with no error message. Is there a way to add the driver i need to my bootable usb?

Thanks, that servers as one fix, thought I would like to prevent this from ever happen again with any file type. Is there no alternative to xdg-open, or some general setting that makes the program not try to open stuff infinitely if it fails as it seems to do with winebrowser?

i installed antergos, and i cannot install anything with an aur client like for example apacker. i try and it says there is no space on /tmp. i google, supposedly rebooting would fix. nope, i tried just simply deleting files in there, nope. there is no entry in fstab because it is using my root partition so i cant resize it i dont think. this is immediately after install too, its not like ive even installed anything so /tmp shouldn't even be half full but there you go. ive installed arch itself many times before and never had this problem, what do

>i installed antergos
good, now uninstall that plebtrash

>wow use linux instead of windows!
>you have so much freedom
how about you back off?!?? i just want to fix this and google hasn't been being too helpful. i will probably switch back to linux mint if i cant figure this out

>linux mint dropped xfce4
how is cinnamon now?

huh? what are you even on about, redditor? what does windows have to do with any of this? you just installed a pleb distro and i told you to uninstall it (as you should do)

i came to linux because i actually enjoy having options not to be railroaded into gentoo by an elitist autist

have you tried another package manager like pacaur ? Maybe it's just the tool that is fucked up

qemu-kvm with libvirt/virt manager.