Sup Forums operating system

I'm going to start a Sup Forums operating system as I've got some time.

Dubs decides what "features" will be included (within reason).

It's going to be written in html, javascript, and css for the most efficient user experience.

Also someone make the logo.

Other urls found in this thread:

>full windows application compatibility

add a garbage collector for every single thing allocated
make sure it follow factory, iterable, clonable, poofactory traits


Boots to a pic of OP

Logo is pic related

base it off of deepin
its my fav

>Cursor will be in the shape of a black penis

I really like this one, rerolling for you.


needs to be compatible with all existing and future windows, linux, osx, and android applications

it will have an NES game style soundtrack playing in the background by default

I like this idea.
It's going in.
What song?

a ripoff of bubble bobble perhaps?
do you like this one?

Create an artificial requirement that the OS must maintain backwards compatibility with obsolete platforms like the Commodore 64 and the Nintendo Gameboy and use that to justify not implementing modern features.

16 but colours only and 600x400 resolution

after POST the OS loading screen is an 16bit colour eggplant rotating CW while moving away then it stops then bold writing comes up saying poo poo pee pee

forgot to add the login screen is an elaborate maze game that takes 5 minutes to complete but it automoves so you have to direct its orientation and if you hit any walls it fails and the pc wipes your drives

weeb player with all the weeb filters and shaders and shit by default.

basically, pander to weebs as they will meme it into popularity


Sounds like a good idea!



The official OS of Sup Forums is Gentoo.

>I'm going to start a Sup Forums operating system
Another one? What for?

There's another?

Jew user repellent.

Fuck off CIA nigger!

rolling 4 u