Tfw reading about cybercrime

>tfw reading about cybercrime

Give me ONE - just ONE reason not to partake in this profitable activity.

it makes my heart bleed when I know my measly $3000/month salary means absolutely nothing when people make this in a day.

Rob a hospital or kill some doctors.
It's the right thing to do.


what are your skills op? "cybercrime" can mean practically anything.

tell me how i can make be the leet cyber criminal sounds great to me op

>steel 100,000 crebit card numbers
>10 cents a peice each month

>Made one million dollars

Ah yes, awful!

Because you're a fucking scrub and you'll go to prison if you try it

Also, the overwhelming majority of "cybercriminals" make jack shit but they live in third world shitholes like India or small towns in Russia where $12k a year is really good money. If you live in Western Europe or US/Canada you can make more money with less risk and effort bagging groceries.

I knew a guy who used to do all sorts of "cyber crime". Carding mainly and selling the carded products, mostly electronics, to some russian guy for a cheaper price who then sold the shit. Or getting products delivered that are not gonna be paid and then send them to the person who wants the product.
Selling bank and Paypal accounts.
That sort of stuff, you name it.

It sounds very profitable but it's really not. Either you are one of the smaller guys and won't make much profit (less than 1-2k a month) or you will become one of the big fishes. You'll earn a lot but you'll also catch the attention of the feds. And let me tell you and TRUST me, you WILL be caught. The guy I knew got caught and got 3 years for that.

You're better off working an honest job, friend.

You can't even do basic math, you shouldn't use computers. You can't be trusted.

10 * 100 000 is one million, my good felloe

Dude, fucking SSNs don't even fetch $10/per on the carder markets. CCs and security codes aren't worth jack shit.

Because 10 cents = 10 dollars, right?

How much do they go for then nigger

Dumps cannot possibly be under $10/each unless it's pajeets selling generated numbers.

How is it bad if people make millions

>Sell 2000 cards a month
>Make 6 figure, taxfree salary

Wow. Awful. Truly awful.

Credit cards are not sold for 10 cents.

What the fuck is wrong with you

You're really dumb and I can tell that you'll be caught just by the way you think and talk.
First of all, you won't be able to sell 2000 cards a month. Secondly, you won't have 2000 CCs to sell a month. Thirdly, you won't get a six-figure amount.
If it was that easy, then the market would be flooded with people doing that and everyone would get rich because it's sooo easy.

But go ahead, please do it. You deserve to be caught and then going to prison. Have fun with Jamal and Tyrone, they'll like you white boy ass.

K op. Get cracking on

Maybe you can make a shoebot or two and buy out all the next Yeezy's

>you wont sell 2000 a month
Why the hell not you smelly faggot

I'm just going to exploit vulnerabilities in botnet c&c's to steal bots and logs. It will be easy.

I read a few blogposts on it and it looks easy as fuck. Free money literally

Because that's about 66 cards a day. You won't have the time nor the customers to sell that much. The market is really small, nobody needs that many CCs.
>I read a few blogposts on it and it looks easy as fuck.
Have fun in prison top kek

>66 cards a day is a lot for a vendor on alphabay

Ok my dude. Kys

>I read a few blogposts on it and it looks easy

It does

>Find c&c panel
>Find one of countless SQLI vulnerabilities in it
>Log in
>Steal all bots, logs and rm -rf /*

K. Gl with that faggot

because unless ur l337 hax you will be stealing from mostly poor people

You are not liable for fraudulent bank or creditcard transactions in any Western country.



Last time i checks CCs are $10 a piece on alphabay :/

I think that nigger is high off crack

>possible in 2016
you'll lose so much money before you can find a method

You should really just call this /fbig/ now shouldn't you
I mean it's pretty obvious you're trying to get someone to cough up some info

>it's almost 2017 and this same faggot OP won't stop whining about carding on a siamese trading card forum

Either do it or don't. Stop looking here for reasons why you aren't being a criminal.


dumb frogshitter