As someone who's used windows since the DOS days...

as someone who's used windows since the DOS days, typing in commands my dad would write on post it notes to play commander keen, going through win95 - win7 and all in all someone who is highly computer literate, let me offer you a pill that'll be hard to swallow.

the macOS DE is so much more sophisticated, so much more robust, functional, aesthetic, coherent and overall more powerful than any other OS that it really is unimaginable. I highly, highly urge you to build yourself a hackintosh this holiday season and spend a good 2 weeks with this DE. you will not regret it.

Other urls found in this thread:

did u give up on pretending to use windows?

is this the new desktop thread

>not using GNOME

Are you even trying?

Is it????????

post the one on the left


>Pixar/Star Wars/Nintendo icons
Why do Macfags love these so much? Just curious.

Their whole OS looks like a fucking cartoon, what else do you expect from them?

>more sophisticated, so much more robust, functional, aesthetic, coherent and overall more powerful
Please explain the basis on which each of these adjectives were used, and provide evidence aside from personal testimonies from yourself or others.

No joke, I'm interested

>you will not regret it.

Pretty bold claim considering that the macOS is shitty when it comes to hardware compatibility and if you enjoy it then you end up being part of an ecosystem of a shit company who will fuck you over and take your money.

Right into my boner. Care to share? Have some vile 3dpd as exchange...

gross no

>you end up being part of an ecosystem of a shit company who will fuck you over and take your money

The funny thing is that you probably sent this from a gaming machine which requires constant upgrades because (((developers))) need more power to make pretty screen visuals and don't have time to optimise. The funnier thing is that if you didn't you're using a craptop from [Windows OEM #82629] which will turn to dust in 3 years.

I want it too

OK since u posted best girl

windows shortcuts are keyboard based

macs are mouse based

all the apple ones take like 3 keys to do

I am using a thinkpad from 2011. It will likely last me another 5 years

>best girl

Kill yourself onii-san

no bully

I'm going to make a wallpaper with this probably

>2011 ThinkPad

You poor bastard. Another 5 years of only shitposting maybe. Has the trackpad turned into an eraser yet? Do you have to use that god awful clit mouse? How much does it creak when you look at it? Do the fans spool up to 100% when you open wordpad? How much oil does it take to lubricate those trackpoint buttons when they start to squeak?

t. Former ThinkPad user

can I get that desktop image?

Is this the new desktop thread?

I haven't used windows since 7 but IIRC this is what macOS has over windows natively

1) pdf reader
2) browser that is better than chrome/firefox/etc
3) graphing tool that may be useful to find intersections/minimums/maximums if your an early math student
4) screen recorder
5) image converter (jpg, tiff, png, openEXR, PDF)
6) (subjective) looks miles better
7) free word processor/presentation software which are actually not too bad, but their excel counterpart is ass
8) free audio (GarageBand) and video (iMovie) editors
9) being able to extract zips without winrar/7zip
10) if you have an iPhone, having your calenders/notes/reminders/other shit synced is great


>Another 5 years of only shitposting maybe.

I do data science and machine learning from this thing. I use data centers for anything intensive so it's more than good enough.

>Do you have to use that god awful clit mouse?

It is the best mouse. No squeaking, the clit mouse is as good as new.

>Do the fans spool up to 100% when you open wordpad?

not at all... It is always cool to the touch. Speaking of which, I don't think I have ever heard the fans on this thing.

>How much oil does it take to lubricate those trackpoint buttons when they start to squeak?

Who the hell keeps soaking their laptops in oil?


adding on a few more after I opened my applications folder

11) global dictionary/wikipedia lookup via right click
12) built in maps
13) (iPhone) being able to take calls/message via computer
14) generally more secure

>2) browser that is better than chrome/firefox/etc
Stopped reading right there

This is hilarious.

t. Current ThinkPad X220 user. And indeed, it will probably last me 5 years.
It's probably the comfiest computer I've ever used (and definitely the best laptop).

Also, if you're seriously recommending macOS to everyone on Sup Forums, then you're most likely a normie who's out of touch with your audience.

safari is the mother of all webkit browsers (brave, Vivaldi, opera and chrome). it is lean, highly efficient, and on my machine benches higher compared to chrome. hell, I remember using safari when it was available for windows and it was the best browser then for it as well.

dont be ignorant.

Of course its gonna use less disk space because most of its components are already part of the MacOS.

Chrome is basically a whole OS nowadays, but its still better than any other browser...

>no Group Policy, Task Scheduler, Registry Editor, Services etc

>macOS is more aesthetic, coherent than any other OS
lets leave it at that

MacOS is basically a fancy toy for normies sitting at Starbucks.

>comparing sizes
this is actual autism.

>safari is the mother of all webkit browsers (brave, Vivaldi, opera and chrome).
That's not how inheritance works, but whatever.
WebKit is on its way out anyway, Servo will go mainline in 2017. If you want more meaningless numbers:

>I remember using safari when it was available for windows and it was the best browser then for it as well.
You're actually out of your god damned mind. Not a single piece of Apple software worked well on Windows compared to native versions. To say that it did is admitting to insanity.
The support for Safari for windows was so atrocious they just stopped producing it.

whats the filesize of edge? and I dont care if chrome is a whole OS, its a botnetting, spying piece of shit.

do yourself a favour and get this on whatever browser your on:

How do you uninstall programs in OSX? I'm not used to using it, but I am forced to fix people's issues on their own Macs through work. Googling has told me that deleting the binary from the Applications folder is enough, but that'd leave configuration files and the pinned dock icon.

appcleaner is a must have, uninstalling apps is utter shit on OSX I agree.

>and I dont care if chrome is a whole OS
It wasn't listed as a good thing, you retard.

>its a botnetting, spying piece of shit.
Install Chromium and uncheck all the boxes. That's so hard.

Some more irrelevant numbers for ya: latest Safari installer for Windows (last version from 2012) is 37MB; Chrome installer version 17 (also from 2012) is 23MB. That's the most fair comparison for them.

i use it on my work laptop, it works well with the fancy trackpad, but isn't anything special + half of the business software doesn't work properly on osx

>safari is the mother of all webkit browsers
khtml, look it up.

As someone who used Windows since the dog days through to xp and OS X from then on until this year you should install solus.

It's the operating systems final form

>safari is the mother of all webkit browsers
>what is konqueror

idk, i found macOS to be kinda confusing compared to Windows. To be fair, I grew up with Windows and the last time I shredded on a mac was my friend's (who also thought it was confusing compared to Windows) mom's turquoise iMac in the early 2000s

>t. mactoddler

wallpaper pls

How do I hackingtosh?


Sysadmin here.

You want me to put an OS on a computer that was built by people who are only motivated by the word 'hack' on it? LOL thanks I'll keep using Windows, Ubuntu, out of box OSes that I pay the people to make secure.

That way I can retain my financial information and identity in the new year.

I did, OP.

I got used to it and frankly, I don't think it's that perfect, but I don't want to go back to any other OS as main OS. My only issue with it is software compatibility and honestly parallels is really fucking good for that.

Also finding out very little features that I can't get otherwise is actually fairly fun. I'm still finding shit out today about file management.

I have been using safari for a while and I have to say that Chrome got good enough here that I don't really see the purpose though.

What I just wish is for better AMD drivers, but I can't ask for something that's not supposed to get support. Well, that and I would also wish for Apple to make decent computers again. A mac pro that is not a fucking overheating, underpowered trashcan. Wouldn't force so many people to go the hackintosh route.

GNOME is fucking disgusting. An App drawer... really?

>let me offer you a pill that'll be hard to swallow.
don't delude yourself, what you are swallowing is not a pill, is a lot a lot of semen from a black dude. And no, thank you I don't like to swallow cum from some random black dude.

Because they feel like they have to prove they're "Le epic nerds le XDDDD" "see guys I can't even work a fucking computer unless it's a watered down Fisher Price piece of shit.....But I'm totally a nerd just like you guys!"

Just to sum up OP's post here.

>I used Windows for many years and learned what true computer enthusiasts should know.

>But one day I caught aids and now I'm a Macfag who can't fit enough aids dick in my mouth

Have you told your parents you enjoy nigger dicks yet? I wonder how they'll react