Ratiocuck even on Christmas ...edition

Ratiocuck even on Christmas ...edition.

Old thread:>Comfy rules:
weebs what.cd rapedfugees newfags >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU (embed)
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup(some are not available, will be occasionally):

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before, they will /mark/ you and disable your invites and prevent you from joining recruitments.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers

Other urls found in this thread:


>early as fuck
>not even 330 posts yet
cucked up the OP

fucking kill yourself

Im too stupid for that

Fuck off, moron.

You did okay, friend.


nth for hdb is broken. autists on suicide watch commencing

he linked an ancient pastebin with a bunch of old urls, after he just lazy copy/pasted in the APL and PTH shit from the new faq

heavily autistic OP text, fine image, cucked up the text

fuck this op

The OP is fine.
If you don't like it then don't post here.

Fuck off, moron.

The old paste:
Recruitment will be on and off as stated.
The old paste tells you when in any month a tracker opens up, like cgpeers. Where to find open trackers, where to find easy invites(all info is still valid) Some open sign links/irc interview are not available but most are on/off so you would have to edit that paste weekly/daily so STFU.

New paste:
Added the 2 new important trackers that have some relevance.

This really is an ancient paste.

Who cares about people who are already on private trackers? Outsiders arent welcomed.

Glad youre reading it, now bring that knowledge with you back to to leddit and dont return

And a Merry Christmas to all!

Hello I come from Google. Is this the PassTheHeadphones.me invite thread?

yes, post your email


post proof of IPT ratio and i'll "sent ;)" you

>plebs and curries

[email protected] thanks

You are now /marked/ and will be banned from all trackers.

You are a fucking newfag ledditor and the OP is the oldfag yesterday who returned to shitpost for Christmas.

Is that a real thing? Do faglets really put you on a cuck list and ban you from all trackers?


I assume that's a good thing. When can I get the latest music?

This tells me nothing.

LB is sysop on hdb

george michael and 12 days of staff picks. how is more freeleech going to help the economy of a tracker that already has weimar republic levels of inflation? serious question

b-but pth is doing it, so it must be good...

Doing what? George Michael is neutral leech on P**.

I-I mean staff picks

pth staff picks were existing freeleech with the exception of 2. Also, 25-50 tokens were handed out and some george michael was made neutral leech.

>neutral leech


>I-I mean staff pricks

So many opportunities to build buffer will stimulate downloading but it will also lower the incentive to upload and seed long term.

Whats the best provider to host a irc? Or best IRC provider?

Financebro 2 please.

>Name: irc.broadcasthe.net

OVH, apparently :^)

But it takes so long to setup a IRC server :(

no its not just forward the port on your router

it takes like 30m to checkout inspircd & config it with the wiki

Thank you. Building now.


Who the fuck created passthebleach.me? paste.installgentoo.com already exists.

What exactly is neutral leech?

fuck off himitsu

neither download nor upload stats count for that torrent. also, welcome newfriend :-)

been on what its entire almost 9 years, just ignored the newfaggot features, friendo.


nothing counts.
no upload
no download

it's fucking tracker cancer

da goodness of ur heart, I see

>I was on what for 9 years but I'm too retarded to read the faq

got by just fine without reading the 900 pages of legalese

>actual image is 18x18

>I am a vet, kid
>Wiki? Is that a kind of sushi?

Except you didn't know what neutral leech was. How did you know what freeleech was then?

agic and miracles

who cares? fuck off


I never cared till now. Now that George Michael 's dead. Call the cops.

HDB got shut down


>posting the smiley with a carrot nose, literally giving it a carrot nose

who knew?

it's a snowman you ninny

Get out. Really?


Waffles expected back sometime during the holidays lads. Literally any day now.


they took the money and ran

pic related

HDBits is back up.
Looks like the worry was unfounded.

What is this cancer resolution

Still need a couple more gbs buffer on PTH, anything we can all agree to snatch or something (if that's not against the rules ofc)


I haven't bothered replacing my reaction image folder with actually HD images :^)

bit rude

go hit all the neutral leech torrents of our boy George

>neutral leech
Won't gain any upload tho lmao

Five finger death punch

been on What for 8 years and I always thought it was just "your upload doesn't count for the amount you downloaded, afterwards it still does" :')


Ignore them
>A torrent that is marked "Neutral Leech!" means you can download it without it counting against ratio. However, unlike freeleech status, neutral leech status means all upload traffic occurring on the torrent will not be recorded either.
This means it doesn't count at all as nuetral leech

Whats the point of FL on EMP? I already had over 500gb of buffer without even trying

>What's the point of FL on [___]? I'm already /setforlife/ :^)

No one likes show offs, user.

Whats the PTG IRC?

irc.passthepopcorn.me #ptg


Does AnimuBytes ever plan on fixing their email system?

Absolute Madman!

my upload speed is 0.86 Mbps (dl 10-14 Mbps)
am I completely useless when seeding?
should I give up on the idea of private trackers?

just seed shit as much as you can
or buy a seedbox

What email system?

holy shit the absolute madman

The one where you get an invitation link from.

irc.oppaiti.me #oppaitime

Banned from that channel.

fuck off spaghetti

It's broken?

Then suck aza's dick a little to get unbanned

Apparently. And has been for some days. Rumor has it that they're doing it deliberately, but I currently still think it's because it's Christmas and they just couldn't be bothered to fix it.

man, I'm 0.1 and doing ok (not on any cabal, tho)