What does Sup Forums think of the Google Pixel?

What does Sup Forums think of the Google Pixel?

Google is going to dominate the smart phone industry

I don't even consider it due to its unjustified price.

Another Iphone.

Too expensive to even consider.

I want one, but i don't want to pay that much for a phone... I wont be using all the features anyway and don't care about impressing anyone with a phone.

It's too expensive for what you get.

Shit now that the hype is dead.

The iPhone of Android.

Number one thing is it's easy out of my price range.

Secondly, I need SD card support, so I still would probably go Motorola.

Third and finally, I don't like the looks.

would be a great phone if it were cheaper

Lmao poorfags


Why do you say this?

>durr it sort of resembles the iPhone so my fat neckbeard ass gets violently triggered


>Not wanting to.drop 1.5K on something you will use for like a year makes you a poorfag

Keep that attitude up user and I doubt you will remain a richfag

It's non free

Is this whole fucking board underage?

Can't stand that fucking glass bit at the top. Other than that it's decent albeit overpriced. The camera is pretty damn fine, and stock Android is objectively best Android.

There's nothing a single thing justifying the price tag.

It has the best mobile software of any device.

The hardware's a bit boring.

It will be good in 2019 when ROM support picks up for it

You're going to put it in a fucking case anyway

>vr netflix and interactive Hentai games


Google is evil now and I don't trust them with my data

I was trying out this guy's that I work with, and it was actually really nice to use and has no real bloat pre-installed (except for google apps, which 99% of smartphone users use anyways). I'd most likely never get one because of how expensive it is, but if I got a free one I'd definitely use it

Too expensive for the hardware, full botnet.
Better get a HTC/LG/Oneplus/Xiaomi/Moto g and put CM on it.

Ugly and overpriced piece of shit

>800+ yurobucks
Ha. No.