>finally find how to deactivate adaptative brightness after summoning Astaroth and giving him my blood to circumvent Intel's voodoo satanic reverse-mantra code
>can't change brightness at all now, put it at 10, 50 or 100% it's all the same
>either your screen flickers all the time because of adaptative brightness or it just stays locked at an arbitrary brightness level and you lose control over it
>tfw the botnet wants me to go blind
W10 feels
>Using Windows 10
>Got a notebook for X-mas
>Windows 10
>Nothing fucking works. NOTHING
Install gentoo
What did you get? I got an ASUS T101HA. I think I'm going to try installing something else on it. W10 is downright unusable.
Pls recommend a distro for a lightweight peecee instead of being a dick, Mr meme man. Lubuntu?
>never update W8.1 for like 4 years
>no problems so far
my pc probably remotely controlled by russian hackers
Shitty local brand, similar specs to yours.
Will try to go back to 7. As you said 10 is unusable. Even changing the admin account name is a pain in the ass.
works on my computer
Happened to me too. Two things you gotta do.
>Turn off Adaptive Brightness in Advanced Oower Settings
>Turn off Adaptive Display in Intel Graphics menu.
Took me 2 months of laziness to finally get rid of it.
Unusable as in bad performance? Otherwise why not use the old control panel if you're not used to the new one?
lubuntu or arch with mate are good, you can even go for fedora mate
>people saying win10 is literally unusable
The fuck you boys doing?
>Almost 2017
>Not upgrading to Vista
As in badly designed and full of bugs
Also seems they keep with the trend of having almost non existent backwards compatibility
But that's what I did, user, but as I said, now I have another problem: I can't change the brightness settings anymore. Whether I use the little widget thingy in pic related or the brightness bar in the settings panel, nothing changes anymore.
Unusable as in things break, nothing works for long. Tick on or of setting x, y, z, and next reboot they'll be reversed or reset to default. It's unstable and glitchy as fuck through and through.
Install god's holy fucking temple.
At least they're looking out for your ease of use.
can't you turn it on adjust it and then turn it off again?
I have absolutely no idea on how to fix that. Is it stuck on max brightness?
Did that too. Only problem I have is w8 runs my main disk at 100% at startup for 2 minutes no matter what's I do
Reactivate intelshit and adaptative brightness every fucking time i want to change brightness level? ;_; Why won't windows let me use my computer as I want? What have I done to the Lord?
I think it's stuck on 50% right now .
Try changing brightness from Windows Mobility Centre. Search for it.
It doesn't work. It doesn't work, user. user. user!!!!!!
Try turning on the Adaptive Brightness in Power Settings only. If that doesn't work then I'm sorry. I can't do much more for you.
Doesn't work. Thank you for your time, user-kun. I'm installing fedora tonight!
No problem user. Glad I could help. Cheers
>3rd party drivers are angry
>Blame OS
>Aaagh, uuuuh, ah, Cortana-chan, you're the best, y-yes I promise I'll defend microsoft with my life, aaaghnghgn~