/bst/ battlestation thread

/comfy/ bed setup edition

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and how it is normally

>no anime
trash desu

Filthy battlestation reporting in.

>Steven SJW

yo im just on the first season, i heard it was good

What brand mousepad is that?


Cheap custom aliexpress pad. If you don't mind waiting 1 month for the chink to print and ship it, it's pretty fucking good.


nice being able to move that monitor around easily huh?

Looks good

>that distance from the edge of the desk to the keyboard

Quasimodo, is that you?

i will do big memes later.

comfy and homosexual
massive sports direct mug is best mug
please cable manage

white/black best pc color scheme tho

Television linked to raspberry pi3, linked to my NAS, I got a PS4 too but its not visible


I really like this. Any idea where you got those shelves?

How did everyone enjoy Christmas?

i got pants, it was a good year.

yeah its super nice

you setup is also pretty nice
corner setups are always comfy
nice pipe

more like big dicks
>comfy and homosexual
just the way i like it
you too man

Should have put that on my post above, but anyway, love at dedicated Spotify monitor and the cute Aoba and Hifumi hiding on the wall.

Is that a 3D mouse on the left of your keyboard? How useful is it? Always wondered how they worked.

What are you running on the Pi3? Or are you just using it as a small linux machine?

beats me, got them ages ago.

Though they're nothing special, just two pieces of wood.

yeah, it's a 3dconnexion spacenavigator
I wouldn't say that it does anything that you couldn't achieve with your keyboard and mouse already, but it sure makes CAD a whole lot comfier.

>nice pipe

a few close ups




yo, where can I get that desk

It was custom made.

>ywn Skype with coxwizard

>More like big dicks

well yea but i gotta do sock memes at the same time
why do you say that?
i talk to people sometimes

Having fun evading bans?
You data got posted on Sup Forums btw. Same as your pictures and videos.


no i dont get banned very often since i dont post very much now
>You data got posted on Sup Forums btw.
sure it did senpai. sure.
why dont you come over for some pancakes?
>Same as your pictures and videos.
yea those are posted quite a lot. they seem to be quite popular.

I guess you could say its emBEDded!
W-what are those boys doing? Are they w-wrestling?
What's in the jar?
>brick wall
>dark wooden desk
p noice
user, I...
lmao thats a cocc r u gay or smth?? XD
Too clean, looks a bit like a hotel room, get some faggy shit to give it more character
Like i do every year, by myself in my room.
I think you know what rating i give you ;););)
You can disco with me in discord, babe

>I don't get banned very often
Sure bud. Enjoying your mental illness so far? Heard your last bf used to abuse you

post pics

hahahaha no xD xD i just like cocc
no home of sexual!
my last bf was a fucking pussy i dont think he could abuse a fly

If you say so. Lmao

>SJW Universe
End your life.

i dont know why you try and make shit up
if you have a problem with me you could at least put some effort in and give me shit for real things. not just stuff you make up.

>if you have a problem with me
Nice projection you got there special snowflake

well, it seems like if you didn't have a problem then you wouldn't be posting.
you clearly aren't here to talk about technology

>submisive retard that post socks asking for attention
>u are no posting technologiiii!!!
Did I touch a nerve?

Comfy bed you got there. Ive been wanting to get a comforter again.
wha wha wa wa.
I like the set up bet a little cluttered where the controllers are.
Looking gey as usual.
comfy bed c:
Got 5tb more of storage.
Wouldnt recommend hes pretty gey and send cute images.

>well yea but i gotta do sock memes at the same time
living the dream

>I guess you could say its emBEDded!
that should be a criminal offense

W-what are those boys doing? Are they w-wrestling?
no that's gay

i think you said that already?

>user, I...
Are you dumb or serious?

It's 59.94Hz which is effectively the same as 60Hz, but the OS see's it as 59Hz and rounds down.

soon ill have a 4k tv hanging above my desk, i think it will look nice

you're looking super comfy octo!
i love that wallpaper

>Comfy bed you got there. Ive been wanting to get a comforter again.
yea it is pretty comfy

that video was pretty funny but i believe you may have Quasimoto confused with someone else :^)

i've been debating adding a 4k 40" above my current two monitors.

Get it on a fully adjustable wall mount or something and I think it would look great centered over my two 1440p monitors.

I use Kodi on pi3, which is pretty great imo, very stable, and I use my smartphone as a remote. I got another one in my living-room so I bought some kinda NAS (Western Digital 3To NAS, because student budget), this way I got access to my whole library. Both of them are ethernet wired so I can stream full HD movies!

I just moved in 2 months ago and I don't know what I can add... here is a pic in another angle!


even 20% off that's retarded

>2 monitors
>dat bezel down the middle in direct LoS.
>wants to add a 4k TV on a surface not parallel to his eyes


yep or use one of these maybe : amazon.com/gp/product/B00TFXO4Q4?ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00&redirect=true&psc=1&pldnSite=1

if you remove the middle thing it could be nice

Thanks famn and I know what Quasimodo is It just reminds me of that mr.ozimo video.

>Steven Universe
My nigga

>4k TV
lol, 4k monitor, not TV, i'm not a faggot

>dat bezel down the middle in direct LoS
What do you think two monitors are for you dumbass? This isn't for gaming, this isn't for viewing something across both screens at one time. Two monitors are so I can have multiple tasks open at once and be able to glance over and see everything I need without having to switch between windows or virtual desktops or other non-sense.

It's especially useful when trying to compare encodes side by side.

Got it for $280

why 2 PS2s

Yeah that's not really helping, 20%, 25%, even 50% off and that's just a joke of a case.

Lian-Li makes fine cases, but that's just dumb

There's a third hidden by the chair. One's there to be a PS2 and the other two are there to elevate the TV

>What's in the jar?
Bee honey for the tea.

>Bee honey
as opposed to ant honey? There is only bee honey, honey is honey.

Greetings everyone

I don't care, I'm satisfied. I've been obsessing over this case since it came out, had to take the opportunity while I didn't have to pay $400. Plus there's only 500 of them and it's been out for ~6 months, if I waited much longer I wasn't going to get one.

and yet you're using 768p TN panels with bezels thicker than my wrist.

How do you take nice pics in such low light?
Using iphone6s

>watching that tumblr garbage

off yerself

iphones have dick low light pictures

You need much larger aperture to capture light in low light pictures.

They probably edited it on photoshop.

Holiday battlestation at my parents' place reporting in.

So? Besides, I'm using a 1680x1050 panel and a 1920x1080 one. After I build a Zen PC I'm upgrading to a 3440x1440 monitor.

What's the name of that space heater?

No-monitor set-up here

>upgrading to a 3440x1440
>build a Zen
>bought a $400 Yacht case

You just enjoy living the meme life dont you?

Are you 17 or something? Grow the fuck up.

2/2. I wish normally swivel the TV toward the desk but forgot.


the pictures look much darker then they actually are because i focus the camera on the screen
im using a one plus 3 to take the pictures

kek people on here are really mad that im watching some cartoon.


What's the issue?
What's the issue? I'm using a laptop C2D right now, it's about time for an upgrade.
>$280 yacht case
Yes, I bought I case I like to house my components. Just like every other person itt.

Muricans make honey out of sugar syrup.

>sports direct mug


Focusing on the screen worked ok

>Just like every other person itt
Everyone else would have spent $50-80 on the case and the other $200+ on a decent monitor or two.

Not to mention, 3440x1440 is a meme resolution, 21:9 aspect ratio is used for almost NOTHING, unless the only thing you do is watch movies all day and play one of the few games that supports 21:9 aspect ratio properly, then fine I guess, but you'd be much better off buying two 1440p or a single 4k monitor. It would be cheaper, better quality panel, and most likely be just as useful, if not more useful because of the extra resolution.

Finally, if you're using a C2Q laptop CPU, you have little to no reason to bother paying the premium you will have to get a decent Zen CPU, you could have upgraded to intel for $200-300 a year or two ago and had identical performance to what Zen will get you.

You spent $280 housing a shit computer that is barely worth putting in a case, and you're still using garbage monitors which make that $280 case look even more out of place since it just looks like you ran out of money after blowing it on the case.

I'm american, and no we don't.

It might be sold as a honey alternative, but it ain't honey.

>Muricans make honey out of sugar syrup

Please tell me you were just trolling.

There's no way Europoors actually believe this shit.....right?

>i just like cocc
>no that's gay
Phew i was afraid i was gonna catch 'the gay' if i looked at it with my innocent christian eyes.
Listen here you dip, just because it's effectively same as a 0.04Hz increase it doesn't mean that either of them are good refresh rates. You're on a 5820K and and a 960 so the monitors are probably for workspace and not for gaming, i am terribly sorry you were offended by my little meme arrow. Next time i see your battlestation i will keep how timid you are in consideration when responding.
>I don't know what I can add
Don't add stuff just to add it, find shit you like that you think will look good and keep it comfy.

>Everyone else would have spent $50-80 on the case and the other $200+ on a decent monitor or two.
So I bought a more expensive case, big deal.
>Everyone else would have spent $50-80 on the case and the other $200+ on a decent monitor or two.
21:9 is about the same as having dual 5:4 monitors, which is what I'm shooting for.
>Finally, if you're using a C2Q laptop CPU, you have little to no reason to bother paying the premium you will have to get a decent Zen CPU, you could have upgraded to intel for $200-300
I'm not upgrading to Intel, I'm upgrading to Zen.
>You spent $280 housing a shit computer that is barely worth putting in a case, and you're still using garbage monitors which make that $280 case look even more out of place since it just looks like you ran out of money after blowing it on the case.
Again, I like it. Don't see why it tickles your autism so much that someone's satisfied with their purchase. Ooh it was expensive, big fucking deal. It's not like I'm buying them on a daily basis or like it's a one time use thing. I spent $280 and now I have this thing forever. It's definitely not the most practical case and it doesn't even really suit my needs, but it's neat. This isn't a computer built for practicality, this is a computer being built because I found a yacht case and needed something to put inside it.

>just because it's effectively same as a 0.04Hz increase it doesn't mean that either of them are good refresh rates
>gaymer trash


>suddenly, Sup Forums is gay
What happened?

Not gonna apologise for having friends, you should try it some time.
qt3.14 korean gf's got stale

It wasn't sudden and it's not just Sup Forums.

>for having friends
being a computer gaymer means you have friends?

Neckbeards of the world, rejoice.

Kek, just the fact a gaming cock sucking faggot thinks he has "friends' because he jerks off online with them while playing call of duty is just laughable.

I have ACTUAL friends, we go out and ACTUALLY hang out instead of touching peepees online.

Struck a nerve, did I?


just funny to see a gaymer trying to imply because I don't game I somehow don't have friends, that's not how it works.

that mug?

It's this one: valvestore.welovefine.com/all-home-office/muggernaut-12/

There was no implication, that one was just in your head. I game mostly to do it with friends who I've med during school or over the internet. It's an easy way to hang out with friends who has moved far away due to work/school. Surely anyone who actually had friends would understand that so I understand it might have gone over your head. Why are you so fixated on the homosexuality anyway? Is it overcompensation?

>There was no implication
you're right, it was flat out said
>Not gonna apologise for having friends

...the fuckin boat case! kek

dat $280 boat case, don't hate :^)