/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Post-Christmas Edition

Old thread: >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup(some are not available, will be occasionally):

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


mutracker is never dead
it lives on in our hearts
merry christmas


Any point leveling up on hdb? Not that it's hard or anything but I don't know what it could possibly offer me since I can't think of a tracker I wish I could be on.
>inb4 contributing to the community kek


SocietyGlitch recruits on HDB

>hd arena
>2017 and still signing up for public curry

Why the fuck would I want that? I don't wanna watch some fart's family videos.

>chd mteam tehc
when are you going to stop desu

Ok sorry :(

When you get into passthecurry or even one real tracker baby like ahd

but i'm already on ahd :O|


mutracker was pre-cool while it lasted

also never forget youtube.com/watch?v=crs8Th76Mp0

any suggestions on how to only seed 300 torrents max for emp? I tried torrent queueing but its still seeding like 900+, Only want to get the credits

>/ptg/ rule of thumb for curry detection
If you can't sell it, it's not worth signing up/using

Thanks /ptg/

>cant get an apollo account

damn boy you are past curry

Pls don't tell me they're smart enough to send out emails cause we joined with fake ones.

no, it's a tracker for MAME CHD images.

>is anyone else turned on more when a chick actually has a dick
my fave

So, what happens if you upload gore or illegal content to Tumblr?

Do the Pajeets send cops to you or what?

first dibs on any new tracker that may arise from the ashes of another like PTH

>chick actually has a dick

Is there a tracker specialized in Betamax rips?


>login screen
>they didn't give tyrone an account

Answet this pls, i'm curious.

gore would get you banned and cp would make tumblr send your ip and any other identifying info to the feds to save their arse and lock yours up

>being on pooloo in the first place

What did you do, user?


I am just curious considering how many things are uploaded to tumblr and people can reblog/repost them.

just because they rhyme, doesn't change the fact that you can only pick one

So how do we build buffer on PTH? None of that wait for freeleech picks peasantry crap? Does auto-snatching 2016/17 FLACs work yet? Got a new 256 GB iPhone and I have to rebuild my library since I lost my old library that I used on my 160 GB iPod Classic.

Does EMP have any H&R rules?

>Does auto-snatching 2016/17 FLACs work yet?
This only works during global freeleech

You want to auto-snatch hugely anticipated, popular music releases only

Also I would recommend keeping an eye on the site log for new freeleech torrents and hopping on those asap

>your average apooloo user.

>gore would get you banned and cp would make tumblr send your ip and any other identifying info to the feds to save their arse and lock yours up
na yo it's chillen. i use an ovh vps

just grab freeleech and grab new albums when they arise while using soulseek to grab old stuff
music trackers don't require buffer as you mainly end up snatching new stuff that's like 100mb unlike movies

kek you're fucked


no, you can delete it now user

Jesus christ how much porn do you have? If you only want to see 300 torrents then just remove all but 300 torrents from your client. I'd recommend keeping the 300 with the fewest seeders

So,is there any alternative for what.cd?

None. Nobody has thought to try to start one yet.

you're fucked

nope, your out of luck

Nope. The loss of WCD left a massive hole inside me that will never be filled again.

I'm still on pth :^)

Just wondering if I'm missing anything by not bing on apl

What about Pass the headphones or xanax?

No. Certainly don't look there.

Way too young to tell about either of them.

We celebrate Christmas for 3 days here!
>CHD is back

they're dead, nothing happening there

waffles might be coming back at some point user

>missing anything by not bing on apl
pic related

You're missing users moderating the Moderators

Jesus christ this is some stale ass bullshit. Posting shit that happens in the first week of a tracker is low hanging fruit, even WCD was a shitshow at first.

Does Empronium have a large library of JAV and are they just reuploads of chinese rips from like sukebe/dioguitar you can find everywhere

xanax staff identified

Having a decent ratio. Not having a suicidal seeder/leecher ratio. Not having a furry moderator.

Why don't you find out?

what's sukebe mean, and does it have anything to do with getting sucked

If you want JAV, you should be getting into Oppaitime

`Because they booted me long ago

speaking of stale memes, there's one now

You can't find this shit on a tracker that didn't have open signups. Find this on PTH. Oh wait you can't because you're Indian.

>doesn't include based lord scihd in tracker graveyard

I'm so sad phampais

xanax staff identified once again

Is it any better than nyaa?

By sukebe he means sukebei.nyaa.se

I just got an invite for alphareign. Is It good?

No. Yourexotic is better than Oppaitime but not better than sukebei

If Oppaitime was anything to go by in early 2016, it's garbage for content.


It's far better organized and has a lot of content nyaa doesn't have
But nyaa probably also has some content that OT doesn't have, so it's hard to say that one's better. Depends on exactly what you're looking for I guess. I'd say it's better in general

you can tell this meme is old by the way they call it xanax.

It's an okay public tracker indexer.

You don't really have to worrya bout using kat or tpb anymore

Squashpearl don't give a fuck

I think they have about 3 times the content they had a year ago


>download slsk
>find music for requests occasionally

>make 2tb library of music visible but they can't download
>get messages every day from fags who want to download things
>don't reply



what plans for the new year xnx staff? more freeleech? thought so. don't you think you've damaged the economy enough already?

I had a login for yourexotic saved from back in 2015. It must've been bad at the time if I just left it. I'll try it out again I guess

you rogue


did you even use what.cd or were you just on it the last 2 years and think it was always super strict on FL?

What is he going on about now?

Do you know how much that is compared to Empornium?

the last 2 years was actually easier as the fls/staff picks came think and fast. when I joined it was birthday and xmas only. I had to literally upload my way to elite.
apollo's approach to building a tracker is 10 years out of date. the private tracker community has moved on considerably since 2007.

What is the interview process like on apollo? Is it just like WCD was?

meant for

Yeah I don't care about the tracker. What does the moonspeak imply is the question.

>average ratio of the emp uploads i'm seeding is 1.81, including one i have only just grabbed
>i have australia tier speeds
it's underrated how comfy this place is

he crushed our hopes and dreams

It goessss wait in the irc for 2 weeks.

How expensive is to create a website with servers and all that?

>1) do you poo in the loo?
>answer affermative and get kickbanned from the irc

because apooloo is curry and they dont poo in the loo