Home for the holidays

>home for the holidays
>get comfy in mom's basement again
>hook up PC
>days go by
>mom complains about the wifi
>the problem we have is very clear and simple
>I tell them what it is
>just the cable company's router is shit
>nobody believes me
>"it happened when you got home and hooked up your computer, disconnect it."
>go fuck yourself
>she's just associating the most recent inconvenience with the most recent big change
>just like people associating things with Obama or Bush that were never his fault
>she calls cable IT
>they probe the network, voiding my fucking privacy
>after dealing with my mom and a gupta on the phone, it turns out I was right all along

Merry Christmas Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/dp/B003Y5RYNY/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482801388&sr=sr-1&keywords=tp link router

those verizon routers are pretty bad op

yeah I know user, but when you're broke and mom pays the bills you know how it goes

That's what you get for not whipping her into shape as a child. You can't let idiocy like that propagate in your home. Imagine if she's that idiotic in this regard how badly she has affected your mind in other areas while it was at its most vulnerable?

what's a good cheap-ish home router to buy?

Netgear makes some decent ones.

Is that an Actiontec router? Telus uses those in Canada, and yes, they suck big hairy moose dicks.
Mine's in the closet in case I have any issues that warrant calling tech support and they want me to be running their hardware, but for the most part it's been replaced by a mid-range D-Link model.

I never had a problem with them

t. never had a problem with them

1. Take nudes of your mom while she's sleeping
2. Blackmail her
3. Ask for a new router
4. ...
5. Profit!!!

circa 2008

Oh my days, so relate to this right now after trying to stop the propagation.

Unfortunately like smashing your head up against a brick wall, every fucking time.

Cable company routers are awful, but tech illiterate parents are worse. It took like 3 years of convincing my parents that the reason their hands were uncomforable while working at their computer was the shit Apple """Magic""" mouse.

I can top that. My father used to ask me for help on every little thing he wanted to do on his computer. Even things I'd shown him before. So one time I had to tell him, "Close this window, you don't need it open." His response? "How?" Seriously. I told him to close a window and he had no idea. And then when I got tired of wasting my time telling him how to do the same things over and over and tried to do it myself in a tenth of the time, he'd get extremely pissed off and angrily demand that I tell him, instead of do it for him, so he can know how to do it the next time.

If you were an alpha tech guy then your parents would never dare to question your authority. My parents don't question my authority but they got shitty DSL with 2Mbit/s download speed. I got LTE with 100 Mbit/s download speed so I still can stream TV, movies and netflix when visiting. Plus it's great in the cabin.

>My parents don't question my authority

Fuck off, fat ass.

Enjoy your parents shitty internet that will never improve because you suck :^)

tp link makes the best garbage routers.

amazon.com/dp/B003Y5RYNY/ref=sr_ph_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1482801388&sr=sr-1&keywords=tp link router

its a great beater, i install them all the time for people that just need basic wifi

Oh, yeah my brother's like that, don't have to deal with him much but I feel you user

Seriously, why didn't you point out that the fees they are paying to "rent" a modem and / or router from the cable company would buy them much better hardware from - gasp - Wal Mart, that would pay for itself within 1 year and give them freedom and better performance ?

Seriously, what sort of son are you?

This guy pays for movies? lol.

I don't have to deal with my father much either, considering I haven't spoken to him in about 3 years. If that's how he acts when he needs help, you can imagine how he gets when he's not looking for something.

Yes because I'm not poor. It's hassle and risk free.

If you're not poor then you I'm sure can afford yourself some other entertainment besides trying to look alpha on Sup Forums.

Was there any problems setting it up to work with their optik tv?

Obtaining digital entertainment legally is being alpha? Do you steal food, neighbors internet and electricity because it's "free"?

And yes I can afford other entertainment but choose to spend some time on Sup Forums. Or is it only poor people living in mom's basement allowed here?

I wouldn't know, because I cancelled my TV service. I don't watch enough of it to justify it. I looked into it a little bit, and there are options there though. I'm in one of the areas where they run fibre optic for their services, and the fibre modem has multiple ethernet out ports. If I were still using the TV, I'd put the Actiontec on one port and use it to serve the TVs and my router on another and use it to serve internet. If you're in a DSL served area, it seems the best option is to use a dumb switch after the DSL modem, and connect that out to Actiontec and your router of choice. I've heard of people using IPTV successfully with Asus routers, but it seems to be a pain in the ass to get working.

I've never used the isp supplied router at any residence or business I've been in charge of managing. They are always shit. set it to modem only mode / bridge mode, supply your own.

Also, no ISP or for that matter company will ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER admit that it was their fault. You'll know it is because you will just get silence and some vague answer like "It is possible that it could have failed but we will have to send somebody out to replace it oops I mean check it"

Every ISP has a huge charge if you call them out and it was pointless
No ISP has any kind of reimbursement if the equipment or service goes down which is completely due to their fault, they quietly fix it and then just ignore your call and cite some at-will bullshit in your contract

Cable company routers are always shit, I always just use my own. Replaced my parents with an older Belkin with MIMO and mine with a compact version of the good old Linksys WRT54G. Neither of us really have a fast enough internet connection or anything to justify new wireless N gear so old $5 garage sale stuff works just fine