>whenever you have to boot into windows to play that ONE game
Whenever you have to boot into windows to play that ONE game
>when you're too dumb to set up a VM with PCIe passthrough
Implying a VM wouldn't have the same issue if used the same amount of times
Turn updates off?
>rebooting your VM
Also can anyone explain what the hell "working on updates" even means? It's taken 10 minutes to get to 16%, which means this is going to take over an hour to do at this rate. This is a computer with a 60GB windows partition and an SSD, I'm sure you could write to the entire drive several times in that timeframe.
Haha user, if only that was an option.
just install Windows 7 and disable updates
The one time a year you have to fire up Windoze in Fusion to update the service info on your motorcycle.
Each time it comes up Win7 x32 that you stole from work, and it asks if you want to check for updates. hahah. Fuck no.
Updates are a meme. Disable them immediately after install.
>but muh security
You have a ring -2 backdoor running even when your PC is off, what are you talking about. If you're compromised at least acknowledge that and don't make faux security get in your way. Windows was always meant to be a single user system, so use that one user(the built-in Administrator account).
>Haha user, if only that was an option.
Disabling the service and its dependencies works.
Nah, I honestly couldn't care about security on an OS I'm booting into a couple of times a month to use a single program on. I'm just pretty sure I can't disable automatic updates because I'm on the basic version of Win 10.
Does this work on all versions? What services do I need to disable?
BITS and update service(that's what it's called).
Alright, thanks, I'll do that when I finally get in. You sure this'll work and the service won't get "accidentally" reenabled by Microsoft?
You're disabling the way it could enable something back, so I don't think so.
>tfw finally finishes after 40 minutes
>login prompt
>typing in password
>greeted by pic related
>when you waited 40 minutes for Windows to reinstall all the bloat you manually removed last time
Why do non-ironically use this OS again?
I'm tired of AMD cards. How the fuck do I fool the nvidia drivers into believing they aren't in a virtual windows machine?
Let's not forget the bios rootkit present in one trillion devices that are there so you can manage your citizen's fleet of computers.
Why would it be upgrading if you hadn't been logged in to download updates?
What gaem
Well don't be a lazy nigger and actually keep it updated like anyone who isn't technologically retarded.
Because I got forced to download them last time I shut down
This. Not like the fucking computer automatically has updates to install after not having it on for a long period of time. I turned on our family computer yesterday for the first time in a year yesterday. Has windows 10 and it went straight to desktop and i was browsing for shit in less than 2 minutes.
>he didn't install windows 7
>still uses automatic updates
It's your own damn fault. Do it manually whenever you have time.
Hell, if you're just playing that one game why bother with updates at all?
This must be bait. It literally takes like 10 secs for that shit to run through on an SSD. Even on something that hasn't been booted in a week.
I wish it was bait, but it honestly took 40 minutes.
You need to hide the kvm hypervisor and change the vendor ID of the card.
In libvirt XML:
While in script form you replace your -cpu section with:
-cpu host,kvm=off,hv_vapic,hv_time,hv_relaxed,hv_spinlocks=0x1fff,hv_vendor_id=fuckyou
Did you use usb 2.0 or 3.0 to install? Or a disk?
Wait, nevermind I misread.
Fucking saved. But I thought nvidia changed their drivers to also detect things like this? I'll guess it's time to reinstall linux again once my pfsense routers's network interfaces are fine tuned for maximum throughput.
>But I thought nvidia changed their drivers to also detect things like this?
We only needed the kvm hidden stuff before. But then they checked for that, which is why you need to vendor_id set to something like 'fuckyou' in the example. What it is sat to doesn't matter.
NVIDIA hasn't tried to fuck with it since then which is some time ago by now. I guess they understood that the cat and mouse game will continue for a long time if they did. So it works perfectly fine now as long as you 1. Hide the KVM hypervisor from Windows and 2. Spoof the vendor_id so NVIDIA gets fucked.
Got it thanks. My dream might once again become true thanks to you user.
Good luck, user.
If you have sound issues like garbled sound (a common issue), check out some of the responses here: Just follow the chain of responses.
Why are Nvidia trying so hard to block this? Why wouldn't they want people to do it?
>Also can anyone explain what the hell "working on updates" even means? It's taken 10 minutes to get to 16%, which means this is going to take over an hour to do at this rate. This is a computer with a 60GB windows partition and an SSD, I'm sure you could write to the entire drive several times in that timeframe.
yes but it's uploading archived clones of everything you've done on your pc in that timeframe, to be anal eyezd and saved indefinitely by super computers.
>Why are Nvidia trying so hard to block this? Why wouldn't they want people to do it?
They have their own lineup of cards that allow this technology. The Quadro cards are basically made for it, which is why they don't want consumer cards to be able to be passed through. They want you to buy overly expensive Quadro shit.
They said it was a "bug", but it sure as fuck isn't since they haven't fixed it and they continued to fucking block it. So it's guaranteed because they want you to buy server-grade hardware for it.
Because it's not the way it's meant to be played.
>no mine crap
i've had to uninstall that piece of shit at least ten times now.
why not dualboot win7 instead of 10???
7 is lighter than 10 and no bloat
>having your machine connected to the Internet
Have one computer in my house actually on the internet, all the others are on a closed network. Don't even run an av, for the past 6 years.
>automatic updates
Haha sure ok
Because MS artificially limits which games you can legally buy and play to windows 10 with the help of windows store.
if that one computer connected to the internet is on the same network as the others, they're all vulnerable.
esp if you download shit just to put it on them with external drives even..
Quantum Break was only intended to be released for windows 10 through windows store. However due to excessive technical issues they released it on steam. Pretty much every xbone exclusive also available on PC is only available for windows 10. Unless Nutella has changed this approach recently.
>However due to excessive technical issues they released it on steam.
AKA it sold like shit because nobody switches their operating system for a single game. Then it came to Steam and sold like shit because it's a boring shooter stapled onto a TV show that would barely get views from stoners on borrowed Netflix subscriptions.
>AKA it sold like shit because nobody switches their operating system for a single game.
Yeah but you can't really publish a such statement. The shareholders wont be happy. I think the biggest issue was that no one wants to enter their credit card details on windows store when they have steam. Even origin is more successful than windows store.
>Then it came to Steam and sold like shit because it's a boring shooter stapled onto a TV show that would barely get views from stoners on borrowed Netflix subscriptions.
Yeah man I watch a bit on twitch and while some time powers seemed cool I realized I would get bored of the game in less than half an hour.
Yeah, it's not. That would defeat the purpose of the other network.
>Your PC will restart several times
I had only seen this message like 4 months ago during anniversary update, which is what you seem to be only now getting. Besides that, it's the exact update you can defer with a single checkbox in settings
If you're using Windows just to play games, I'd probably recommend this route too.
>Not using LTSB
I wouldn't know this feel, considering I've never had an update.
>Booting into the Windows partition just for old times sake
This. Fuck if you can't do this you shouldn't be on this board.
>using windows 10
you shouldn't be on this board
>Not using PS4
>Being a wincuck
What are you doing?
what did you learn?
Is Sway shway?
When u setup windows u can turn off updates and after, or ur beating a meme to death and beyond...