/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
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$ help

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Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

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What are some cool thing to add my .bashrc? Something like that scripts that extracts archive or the one that colors man pages.

how to see ip information ? like gateway etc

If you search for inspiration, browse some peoples dotfiles or check out commandlinefu.com.

I'd recommend atool. It does basically the same but with additional features like, if the archive has more files than one, it automatically extracts the shit into a new directory instead of shitting up the current one.

How do you guys deal with duplicates?

>he unironically "uses" "free"crapware


internal: dig +short "$(hostname)"
external: dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com

fdupes does a very good job; first checks by size, then by hash, etc.
findimagedupes is good for finding "visual" picture duplicates.

Fuck off M$ shill

Don't feed him.

I can't wait for the kids to go back to school

>mfw there are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary software imageboard

>he doesn't use the superior OS aka OS X

A whole week, bud.

more like a few years kek

Ever since switching to Xfce from Gnome I've noticed a severe drop in battery life on my debian machine. What could possibly be causing this (or am I just imagining things?)?

I have around two hours difference between i3 and GNOME/KDE.

found your problem

>want to install linux
>download Arch ISO
>put it on USB
>ERROR: UEFI not signed bullshit
>go to BIOS settings
>change from Windows to Other OS
>boots Arch
>Pick Arch from the menu
>instantly reboots
WTF is going on??? how do I actually boot Arch with this UEFI shit?

ASUS mobo BTW.

I have tried all but findimagedupes, but they dont seem to handle it properly.It deletes files that are unique while leaving behind multiple copies of the same dupe,recursive or not.Is there some switch im overlooking?

I've got 100+ folders of shit i know i have dupes of 2,3 times

Type the directory instead of cd Dir:
shopt -s autocd

Make variables cdable:
shopt -s cdable_vars

Enable extended globbing:
shopt -s extglob

Enable ‘**’ globbing:
shopt -s globstar

Disable autocompletition when cli is empty:
shopt -s no_empty_cmd_completion

Enable autocompletition for sudo:
complete -cf sudo

zsh-like history search [ctrl+up/down]:
bind '"\eOa":history-search-backward'
bind '"\eOb":history-search-forward'

zsh-like cycle-throw-completitions.
bind 'tab:menu-complete'

zsh-like open a manpage for the word under the current cursor [alt+m]:
bind '"\em":"\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"'

Set boot method to legacy in bios.
UEFI is utter shit

>not installing zsh

Here's your (You).

You know that feeling when you have that little snippet of code in your reply box about to ask for help figuring out what you did wrong and then you finally find it and you feel like an ass?

>>>want to install linux
>>download Arch ISO
found your problem

>let me attach some random moe for extra triggering

>all these crappy zsh knockoff options that don't work well
just install zsh for fuck's sake. you can still use bash for scripts and almost all bash functions will work just fine.

it's $CURRENT_YEAR, there's no need to run antiquated bash crap. just install zsh and be done with it.

>closed source
That would imply that free software is about the opposite, "open source", but the opposite of free software is actually nonfree- or proprietary software.

have fun playing tetris with your nu-male macfag shell

Do you even know what you're talking about...
>bash: developed in 1989
>zsh: developed in 1990

>not using esh, shish or rc

who cares when it was developed? zsh has all the modern features, bash has none because bash devs don't care about userspace and only care about scripting.

>using anything but ksh93

bash = negro shell
which then means that its worse than literally anything else

Fuck off LBJ go back to being dead.

My platter drives are suddenly having horrible read/write performance,as low as 2MB/s.
Where do i start looking?
Smart and hdparm arent showing any issues, but performance is dogshit

Weev uses bash

butthurt negroshell user
in what way does this change my previous statement?

So wait a second. That wasn't a meme and the bash developer is really black? I can just replace it with zsh, right?

people really care about the race of the guy that code a software? I mean, linux, windows or OS X probably include some black and poo in the loo guys.

I think you better go with temple OS directly

> really care
> Sup Forums
You must be new here.

>almost all

Lol no.

I thought it was just a Sup Forums thing to be retarded


what does [spoiler]$[/spoiler] mean

vast majority do. and if they don't, just stick #!/bin/bash and they'll all work.

bash is crap for userspace.

forgot to add that I'm on arch

I use mksh.

it means gb2 if you want spoilers

hey guys, i havent used linux in a while and im gonna do an install of minimal debian. what wm should I use?

>tfw you install compton and still get screen tearing

>using a window manager

awesome > twm > afterstep > openbox > herbstluftwm > bspwm > emerald > jwm > echinus > evilwm > wmii > spectrwm > goomwwm > notion > lumina > wmfs > windowmaker > sithwm > stumpwm > qtile > cwm > treewm > page > vtwm > wm2 > muffin > selectwm > xmonad > lwm > amiwm > marco > mutter > aewm++ > compiz-fusion > blackbox > subtle > matwm2 > sawfish > xpra > oroborus > i3 > larswm > aewm > fluxbox > ctwm > ratpoison > compiz > windowlab > plwm > fvwm > musca > pekwm > icewm > enlightenment > dwm

Huh, the more you know

How many of the billion default applications KDE comes with are actually worth using, either on their own or because of how they're integrated into the DE? Or is it the case that they're generally not good at all?

compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc

The only reason to install KuckDE are filepicker thumbnails.

I'm doing a Debian install as I want the customize-ability of Arch but I also want something a bit more stable. Should I go for testing or use the stable branch instead?

not using fish shell

400 rupee has been deposited in your windows live account

testing is fine

ubuntu gnu plux linux is based on testing

gnu object model environment >awesome > twm > afterstep > openbox > herbstluftwm > bspwm > emerald > jwm > echinus > evilwm > wmii > spectrwm > goomwwm > notion > lumina > wmfs > windowmaker > sithwm > stumpwm > qtile > cwm > treewm > page > vtwm > wm2 > muffin > selectwm > xmonad > lwm > amiwm > marco > mutter > aewm++ > compiz-fusion > blackbox > subtle > matwm2 > sawfish > xpra > oroborus > i3 > larswm > aewm > fluxbox > ctwm > ratpoison > compiz > windowlab > plwm > fvwm > musca > pekwm > icewm > enlightenment > dwm

x where x = non-gnu) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gnu


>le funny 12 year old

any DE as long has you have a computer made after 2005 >gnu object model environment >awesome > twm > afterstep > openbox > herbstluftwm > bspwm > emerald > jwm > echinus > evilwm > wmii > spectrwm > goomwwm > notion > lumina > wmfs > windowmaker > sithwm > stumpwm > qtile > cwm > treewm > page > vtwm > wm2 > muffin > selectwm > xmonad > lwm > amiwm > marco > mutter > aewm++ > compiz-fusion > blackbox > subtle > matwm2 > sawfish > xpra > oroborus > i3 > larswm > aewm > fluxbox > ctwm > ratpoison > compiz > windowlab > plwm > fvwm > musca > pekwm > icewm > enlightenment > dwm

[spoiler]calm down lads it was just a ruse[/spoiler]

Newfag here who wants to try linux, i can't get a straight answer on google so i thought i'd ask here. Sorry for such a retarded question but if i put an iso on a flash drive should i make it bootable with diskpart or does that only work for windows installations?

plebbitor = anyone who uses "le"



Anyone else have an actual answer?

any DE as long has you have a computer made after 2005 > twm > afterstep > openbox > herbstluftwm > bspwm > emerald > jwm > echinus > evilwm > wmii > spectrwm > goomwwm > notion > lumina > wmfs > windowmaker > sithwm > stumpwm > qtile > cwm > treewm > page > vtwm > wm2 > muffin > selectwm > xmonad > lwm > amiwm > marco > mutter > aewm++ > compiz-fusion > blackbox > subtle > matwm2 > sawfish > xpra > oroborus > i3 > larswm > aewm > fluxbox > ctwm > ratpoison > compiz > windowlab > plwm > fvwm > musca > pekwm > icewm > enlightenment > dwm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> awesome >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shite >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gnu anything

>he uses gnu trash

Fuck this linux shit. don't even try it. it doesn't work on 60% of the hardware and even if it somehow magically works it's buggy as fuck.

Found more of these.

Use KDE + Mac. This is literally the best option.


>le hacker image
take this shit back to plebbit where it truly belongs


Nice reddit-tier images my man.


Well i was wondering if i could just do it with windows command line instead of downloading a program.

Thanks. Found them here: psychologytoday.com/articles/201611/the-sorcerers-code

Don't even bother. Seriously. I'm switching from this shit OS and so should everyone else.

i just wanna try it on an old laptop faggot stop posting

Why? Just install XP or Win7 on it. Both of them are infinitely better than any distro you can possibly find. Come back in about 10 years, maybe then Linux won't be such buggy shit

i guess. if it's really this bad.

xp and 7 aren't free and require a third party activator.

why not make it yourself? it's pretty easy to follow a guide. also there are prexisting open source ones.
XP and 7 are by far the best OSes of today, haven't used macs so I can't really say anything but Win7 is most certainly better than Linux

anyone got wallpaper sized versions of these?

yeah, here you go

Have fun.

thanks user!


If anyone is interested, I used waifu2x.udp.jp/ for upscaling.

just installed ubuntu gnome LTS

i like it

what is better music player than clementine?

try deadbeef

I can't seem to redirect my audio to hdmi in mpv.
I tried:
$ mpv --ao=alsa --alsa-device=hdmi video.mp4
$ mpv --audio-device=alsa/hdmi video.mp4

But i just get a no sound error.

My audio devices:
$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC282 Analog [ALC282 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC282 Digital [ALC282 Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: NVidia_1 [HDA NVidia], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 2: NVidia_1 [HDA NVidia], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Nevermind, got it.
$ mpv --audio-device=alsa/hw:1,3 video.mp4

What is the best distro for African Americans?