total noob here..
started learning Javascript 2 days ago. I am no good at math. How far can I go? I am determined and I want to learn Javascript and other programming languages like C eventually...
total noob here..
started learning Javascript 2 days ago. I am no good at math. How far can I go? I am determined and I want to learn Javascript and other programming languages like C eventually...
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you determined?
If you were determined you would have studied harder in school
I want to cum on those feet
noob here. likewise i'm interested in jumping from javascript to c for some reason
I wasn't determined in school. I hated school. but life has kicked my ass. I have no good skills so I am now determined to acquire them. Web development has good salary potential so that's where I'm going...
> I am no good at math. How far can I go?
You should at least learn algebra... Unless you want to make games or other advanced stuff then you don't really need linear algebra, calculus and that sort of thing.
the other stuff like discrete mathematics and so on is useful, but you can probably do something to work around that.
her soles are naked and exposed
You're fine if you want to make web apps/sites. You just need enough math to know how to think logically I guess. I went up to HS calculus and it is more than enough to do anything in web dev.
If you want to make games you're going to have to learn/relearn some math. I had to brush up on a lot of trig when I tried doing graphics programming (OpenGL).
After awhile you might find that programming is actually teaching you math, once you solve some hard problems.
Are you chasing salary or a genuine interest?
You don't have to know programming to use it. Have an idea, find existing code or hire pajeets to do it
both.. I have ideas for a video game I really want to make eventually...
I want to code myself... not hire poo in loos to do it for me.
>started learning Javascript 2 days ago. I am no good at math. How far can I go? I am determined and I want to learn Javascript and other programming languages like C eventually...- 8 posts shown.
you're fucked. programming is math. you need math for everything and math is just abstract thinking. if you can't think in abstract terms, you have no business trying to program. go into management or IT instead. you'll find those careers much more rewarding.
there seems to be a lot of people who think they can make a quick buck or get a job through web dev. unfortunately, 99% of them fail.
>both.. I have ideas for a video game I really want to make eventually...
Well... you should AT LEAST know everything on Khan Academy... pluss graph theory and some discrete math on top of that, but then you should be good. At least know how everything works and what everything in the math world does. You will forget shit, but if you have been exposed to it then you know it when you are going to solve problems like "how do I program a camera to follow this character so that it does not clip through the scenery" and etc.
Use game maker, or any other library of tools out there!
Your goal is not to become a programmer, its to make a game
By having two goals, you will accomplish neither
Chase two birds with one stone and all that
nasty bitch with awful soles
wanna suck those toes
fight me
>I am no good at math.
Big no no. Time is money.People hire you to solve their shit and not wasting their time googling for solutions.
would you kiss and make love to her soles
>High arches
>all these pedos falling for jailbait
Oh, great, you just jumped right into JavaScript. Why, because everybody uses it? Good job, you're going to learn a little bit of boolean logic and some algebra and be able to write a text adventure or whatever.
>type theory
>category theory
>set theory
^^^ and you don't know anything about that.
You're going to be really fucking useful as a developer!!! Good for you, at least you can make fun of newbie pythonfags
immediately into le trash
because javascript was what was recommended after html/css...
i want to web dev... after js it will be php, then jquery...
Rule of thumb, OP:
Are you making games?
If yes - You need to be good at math.
If no - You will only need to be able to do algebra.
Programming does not equal math. Programming just sometimes has math. Programming DOES equal logic, so you need to be able to formulate your thoughts into step-by-step instructions that a machine can understand. If anything, programming is closer to writing than it is to mathematics. It is just writing without all the fluff.
Fucking pleb. You should know more about the code than the people you outsource to write it for you if you're in industry. Otherwise you're going to wind up with some bloated pajeet shit.
Hah, have fun learning the math behind quadronics. I hope you're not planning on writing an engine. If not, you're not really writing a game.
Found the wage slave
Enjoy working, i'm taking another vacation
>programming != math
>programming == logic
Here's the problem, faggot
>logic == math
unless you're talking about philosophy, in which case get the fuck off my board
In any case, it really doesn't sound like fucking anybody in this thread writes anything in a pure functional language on the regular basis, so whatever. Most of the fags on this board spend 90% of their time "programming" looking up libraries
>Programming does not equal math. Programming just sometimes has math. Programming DOES equal logic
Yes and no.
If you're good at math, the solutions to mathematic problems will come easier.
If you're not that good, you atleast can fondle your way through, but hell, that's going to be some mess in the code. Other than that, there are lots of written solutions on the internet. It's all just trying to find what you're looking for.
In the end it's still math tho, you're just fighting your way through.
I'm a trust fund baby, you piece of shit. I have all the time in the world. You've probably used libraries I've written in my spare time, which is all of my time. Suck my coq and learn the b-method you faggot.
Logic does not equal math. Math is just a way of structuring logic in a way that is applicable. Things like thinking through a thing step by step is no math, but it is used in math. That is why being good at math helps you be good at programming, but does not automatically make you a good programmer. There is a reason math and logic are two different words.
But i don't have to. You seem angry, and if you really are tf then maybe you have a lingering sense of not accomplishing anything with your life yet
Go out there and make something! You can do it!!!
I'm not really sure if you know what math means. I think you're referring to algebra. Mathematical logic is math. You're right-ish, though - depending on other people's code is just asking for headaches, the exception being sturdy languages.
No, actually I'm pissed off about censorship, and the thriving market for malware that's legally sanctioned in Tel Aviv. I get pissed off by people who make money for the sake of money. I write languages for the sake of learning. And I'm just generally full of hate.
Let's have a dick measuring contest, if you know me so well. Post something you wrote. Hell, post your fucking github, you peacocking dipshit. The fact that I'm not happy with how the world is run has nothing to do with my work, and again, you've MOST LIKELY used one of my libraries if you aren't completely full of shit.
Honestly, nobody actually uses calculus in the real world. It's a philosophy class to teach people about math in the abstract. It's good to know, but it's useless in real world math for 99.99% of the population.
But algebra, trig, and especially geo? Definitely. Learn how to transform measurements between dimensions.
Start by making websites for your portfolio, learning a language is done best by using it and you'll gain something to show to your possible clients .
Goodluck because it's gonna be a rough ride because you'll be competing with people that already have their skills right so take any chance you can to get clients.
Oh my god you could not be more fucking wrong. And they're all aspects of the same idea.
Calculus and trigonometry are both areas of algebra, btw. Geometry is generally a different branch, but crosses over a lot when you get into topology.
Is this thread just filled with fucking undergraduates and high school students or something?
What the fuck are quadronics
>no one ever uses calculus
Keep telling yourself that. Clearly you have not done anything involving making games or any sort of engineering. You work on any sort of building project and you will use calculus more than algebra.
>Talking from experience. I worked on the team when we had to rebuild the shitty bridge outside of town. It sucked since it is curved.
>Is this thread just filled with fucking undergraduates and high school students or something?
You must be new here.
What the fuck is Google?
Do trust fund babies not go to school? If so, you really need to step up your self study!
I dont code. I dont program. I start businesses in things that catch my interest
It is really cool that you are motivated to pursue you passion of programming, but to imply that you need to know it to make a game is wrong
Also, nice NO U argument. You piece of shit, I've made more in the past 28 years than you'll make in your fucking lifetime, and you're welcome, asshole. Just because I have the ability to do shit without having to worry about money doesn't mean I don't do shit. I'm pretty fucking goddamn secure with my accomplishments, it just bums be out that so many fucking weenies that didn't literally grow up learning cs think they can get a 4 year degree so they can get a job doing bitch work - even if it's 80k a year bitch work - and act like they're l337 h4x0rs. Fucking blow me, you people piss me off and you happen to make up most of the workforce right now. It's a fucking shame that the shit I write has to be fucking abused by little turds like you just because I want it to help the
I want to be the one who protects that smile.
I went to MIT. That's cute, you're just baiting me at this point. Have fun being a capitalist, and go fuck yourself.
So, this is the new copypasta.
Go chase a dollar you piece of shit. Do any of your companies do anything that benefits the human race? I thought not. People like you deserve to be lined up and shot.
And to bring it back to my main point...
Whatever faggot go start a sweet new company. It doesn't make you any less of a cuck, have fun working your way up to being independently wealthy, if that ever happens for you. Happened to me when I was born. Fuck you.
I know it's hard to detect sarcasm and stuff through the internet, but really 100% not even meming, I hope you find happiness.
I have, and I made it myself, whatever you might say. I've employed quite a few people in my (rather poor) part of the US, and hope I've treated them well. That's maybe the limit of my abilities.
Find some happiness. Or if you don't may your rage fuel your next great project.
I just started learning myself. It's not bad but I've yet to find a good IDE for it.
>is proud to be lazy
Just use Eclipse.
Just get good at math holy shit it's not difficult if you're dedicated. it will take 3-5 years but that's nothing compared to the benefits it'll do for your career
You don't have to be good at math to be a programmer, you have to know what you need to do to calculate what you want and the computer does it for you.
Best example is integral calculus. Solving for s is done on cheap calculators easily using the "box" method. Imagine splitting up S into a graph with 1 unit and then for each unit go up to the line and measure, then add them all up. When you use 1, it will be off by a lot. When you use 0.1, it will be very close. If you use 0.001, and increasingly smaller numbers, it will be exponentially close to the real answer, so much so that it won't matter otherwise.
>nobody uses calculus in the real world
Tell me what the first term in the Black-Scholes equation is.
I thought calculus was considered a non-rigorous form of analysis more so than analysis?
That is not calculus. That algebraic approximation. Sure, you can get an approximate answer that way, but if you know calculus, you can get the actual exact answer and why should anyone hire you when someone can do the job better?
More so than algebra lol
>both.. I have ideas for a video game I really want to make eventually...
Um, user. Video game development is easily one of the least rewarding areas of CS and IT you can go into, both in terms of money and the hours you have to pull.
Unless you're working at nasa, or making missiles, I don't think anything past the 30th decimal place is going to matter.
video game market is dead since 2008, it's all memes and complete luck now, people treat games that require you to do ANYTHING as a job
The point still stands: Why should someone hire you when someone can give a better answer. It does not matter if it "does not matter to you" when someone can do a job better.
Just install rails and make a web-site. Learn bits of HTML, CSS, jquery/coffee and ruby as you go. If it doesn't bore you to death, you'll eventually get interested enough to learn the necessary theory without sleeping through half of it.
It's pretty much pointless to start learning pure javascript outside of the field of the direct application - same as HTML and CSS. And it's also isn't the best language for learning the actual programming.
>math is just abstract thinking
what matters is time. being able to automate an answer that comes exponentially close versus an answer that is on target is going to answer more questions quicker. For money, you would only need two decimal places, highly doubt even engineering will need anything past 30. You can take the stress inducing "correct" job while I could act as someone between many companies answering questions that take place on this planet. (figuratively, and literally)
you can pass the calc tests using the $100 calculator and the brute force math way, theory shit is mainly for losers. if you think 50 decimal places is not good enough then I don't want to work for your psuedo-shit-theory company anyway
>theory shit is mainly for losers
Kek if you stop at the naive method during a technical interview for any major company you won't be getting invited back
In b4
>i d-d-didn't want to make 220k working for google anyways!
But that's wrong, you silly. One doesn't need math to code. Like, zero knowledge in basic math is required. And the mathematical logic that's actually widely used for programming has little to no similarities with regular algebra and geometry, not to mention it isn't really being taught in schools.
The algorithms too, have no relation to the basic math - they are common sense essentially.
All the "math" one needs for coding one will get from learning how to code.
unless you start programming before age 13 you will never be good
you never make it out of the bottom 20% of programmers
>projecting intensifies
Any interviewer worth their salt will be asking you optimization questions. If you seriously think you can give an approximate answer that any dumbass that finished middle school can give, have fun working in data management for $10 and hour.
No it isn't wrong. Your'e a fucking pleb and a shit-tier "programmer" if you've never heard of Curry-Howard.
For EVERYHTING that's not basic "click here to sub for shit" logic, you need math. Period.
For all the cool shit you need Calc 1,2,3 + Linear Algebra + Diff Eq. + ODEs + abstract algebra.
If you lack math background listed above, you'll be a shit programmer who can't into ML, graphics, simulations etc... basically all the cool shit will be off-limits to you and you'll be stuck programming shit.
I wholeheartedly endorse this post.
Getting gud at math is what really allows you to perform all sorts of wizardry, idk why people are so adverse to it
>Getting gud at math is what really allows you to perform all sorts of wizardry, idk why people are so adverse to it
Because it's hard and we live in a politically correct culture where there's this bullshit lie how "you can become anything" if you just practice hard. It's complete nonsense. And this notion leads to so many people failing at life. They pick some career because they heard there's plenty of jobs in it and then they end up sucking at it and losing their job or get stuck in some shit position and want to kill themselves. All because they were not properly steered towards their aptitudes.
You are students, aren' you?
You can do math without knowing what it's actually called.
An unfamiliarity with symbolic wankery won't stop you from making effective algorithms. You just need a strong sense of logic and the ability to parameterize/abstract things.
i'm a noob. Just got this from a Russian thingy some time ago, that's all. I'm an idiot trying to learn.
Zeus botnet translated. It's the 2009 version though. I know fuck all about programming. I asked some bloke on the dark net and he told me to start programming with APL, but I made the switch to linux and I can't load the right key board font even though terminal brings up apl fairly easily. Then some other bloke said to try A+ instead because it accepts the ASCII stuff and the European layout. But every A+ is about emacs and cancer. I kid you not, no A+ tutorials worth mentioning. They told me APL and A+ allows you to try cooler shit because you're allowed to do more stuff. Then they told me to move onto C but only after I got A+ or APL. I tell them that the zeus translation is in c++, c and php for the command and control bits, and that i'd need a copy of windows server 2010. Not server, the windows thing you use to write c++, the thing that has c#. I have mono of course but fuck if i know how to use it.
Just put your calculator app in your nav-bar and you'll be fine. Eventually, you'll get so sick of opening and closing the damn thing that you'll start doing the easy stuff in your head, and before long, you'll realize that you're a lot better at math than the public school system allowed you to be. At least that's my experience--retard-level pre-algebra through a lot of high school, with a legitimate inability to retain/execute simple processes involving numbers, and now I node.js for a living.
I am 81% complete with the Code academy Javascript course. What other courses should I take?
Don't even fucking try, Pajeet.
Calculus is used a lot in anything that has to do with physics. It is used every day by engineers
skank/10, wouldn't bang
Pajeetposting this hard and no one notices
Does the carpet match the carpet?