brothers nigger friends keeps coming over

> brothers nigger friends keeps coming over
> Eat all out food and leave cups unwashed
> Decide to ban them from the WIFi via MAC blacklist
> They're wondering why and can't figure it out
> They try rebooting the router and their phones
> One time they brought a laptop but I banned it too
> Feels good that niggers can't leech of my wifi
> Ask if I had anything to do with it
> I say no, I'm never home anyway
> They never come anymore

ITT: times when the good guys won

>I'm a racist with no friends
>and now no social activity

Bravo. You're on your way to a bitter, lonely death.

nice projecting
i bet you're a leeching nigger too

Friends don't come everyday and raid the fridge and make a mess and never clean up

are they literal niggers or are you just calling them niggers cause they "steal2 your wifi?

its called a guest network you autist.

>missing the point entirely

At least he won't get cucked off of his waifu by that nigger for not washing his own waste.

Good job OP.

literal niggers then these racist trump supporters say that their fuhrer is not racist

You people are so easy to wind up. NIGGER!

>hating people for their behavior is racist if they're black

Go suck a fat black dick, cuck

you should look at global rule 2, OP

this retard thinks being used and abused is what friendship is.
toppest kek. more than likely going to die a miserable and lonely death himself, once he's sick and worthless those "friends" will avoid his ass in an instant

so much common sense on /g today. why can't it always be this way.

>op says nigger
>post trump pic
>"See! Trump is racist!"

fucking idiot

Nice op. I know what you mean. I get nervous when a nig is behind me at the checkout, i couldnt imagine a pack of them in my house.

My sister's (white) friends used to do that shit in high school too. Unfortunately, smartphones were non-existent back then and wifi dependency wasn't a thing yet. I had to settle for being as hostile as I could get away with to the loudmouth little fucks and hope they didn't get too much of the good food.

As for your situation OP, did you never consider that a MAC whitelist might be easier? Ban all devices that haven't been specifically allowed?

I used to do this to my landwhale flatmate who would sit around all day being fucking obnoxious and generating enormous amounts of dishes. She actually started leaving the house and going to the gym regularly as a result and lost a fair bit of weight.

>being friends with niggers
>wanting niggers around you
>wanting to clean up used nigger cups
>wanting to support niggers in any way or form
>allowing niggers to even be in your country
>actually thinking there's nothing wrong with niggers being in your neighborhood
>posting on Sup Forums while defending antisocial niggers
wew lad

>He thinks Trump supporters don't want all shitskins gassed

It maybe easier but if they find out you can whitelist/blacklist devices at will then plausible deniability is gone.

I do this though since I only have 3 regular visitors.

lol, my little brother had a black friend and I'd do the same thing until they finally fucked off and started hanging out elsewhere

He didn't even eat food or make a mess, I just didn't want black people in our house

I can recommend a salve for that intense case of butthurt that you have My nignog friend!

I fucking hate it when people blatantly leech off my connection. I had a friend who would come to my house to just patch his League and play ranked games since my connection is better. I started QoS his packets and made him spike in some games. The reaction was priceless when gamers don't have their way.

The second post of the OP is "nigger". How the fuck are you this dense?

Based OP. Sup Forums approves.

Is it your food? Kick them out yourself
Is it your moms food? Be grateful that she can support both you and your brother's worthless ass

The only thing worth doing is enslaving them

die shitskin

I am also a nigger hater. MAGA

I really hate niggers too. MAGA!!!

Fucking thank you OP
I found a new way to fuck with people like these leeches

>Brother got a social life
>Be a jealous racist basement dweller nerd
>Block wifi, because that's all you can do
I feel so sorry for you, OP

I'm an anarchist but I hate niggers too
can i be your friend?


What's it like having a nigger loving brother?

Begone, Bixnoo'd

Did I invade your safe place?

>avoiding social condemnation and exercising his property rights instead of making an open conflict that'd bother people
Yeah. This is relatively good.

>guilt by association
So presuming you're from the western world.. That's a lot of guilt user.

>not being a gamer at all

what do you do with your freetime?

Movies write and code
Mom's food but that doesn't mean they can raid stuff before the family can enjoy them. Like they would down a bag of chips before we could even eat them. I don't care, I'm mostly on campus but on the weekend They used to come right after groceries were done. My mom don't care since she's the typical hospitable parent but the rest of us go hungry because she's oblivious to the raids.