
Thanks. Updating.

Other urls found in this thread:


is it important?
is there any good reason for 64bit MPC-HC when it only loads segments anyways?

looks like library updates


Why have you not joined the MPC-HC master race, Sup Forums?

> ending git commits with a period

Because mpv is superior in every way, shape & form.

when are they going to update a stable release?

its been more than a year wtf

ideally you should be using madvr anyways so the player is irrelevant

>meme player

>needing 3rd party proprietary software for your media player

Always ignore mpv trolls, they are ignorant morons

best Sup Forums meme i fell for


Enjoying those up to date translations?

>mpc-hc release on xmas day
>mpv do not

This is because MPV is a Muslim backed player for pedos upscaling their CP/goat-porn recorded on potato phones.

reminder that xysubfilter>>>libass

wtf I love mpv now

>>mpc-hc release
you retarded or blind? or both?


dumb anime poster

>only on gayOS


t. wintoddler

this is the biggest tryhard pic I've seen of these types. Usually they're funny.


The Windows 10 default player is really good. It runs all formats OOB and uses very little battery and resources. Quite useful on laptops.

>not using mpv



It's literally not and is a pain in the ass to use. MPV is trash and MPC-HC will always be the best.

Interesting, because I find it easier and more efficient to use. I'm also very good with computers though.

It also sends all your playback information back to their hq, awesome!

just like the operating system it runs on

OpenSubtitles now has ads in their subtitles, any way to remove?

>It runs all formats OOB
No DTS support. Needs a third-party filter.

>retarded keybinds
>no chapters
>no linked mkv support
>config file from the MS-DOS era

>retarded keybinds
That's subjective and can be changed to whatever you want

>no chapters
pic related

>no linked mkv support
who the fuck uses linked mkvs?

>config file from the MS-DOS era
not sure what you mean but using a config file is a lot easier than navigating through a bunch of menus.