/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Old memes edition.

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general.

Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price or to improve specs or build quality.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Gaming builds based on purpose or display resolution / Hz
>To activate the Description, select build from sidebar then click on the title over the parts list
>Description contains notes, other options, and build skeleton for easy customization / cost savings

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.
>Consider substituting an i5 6500 for the i3 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any i3 or locked i5 build
>Consider a B150 mobo for any i3 build
>Add a 240GB SSD to the "Very Good" tier build

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.
pastebin.com/9Pbm4nHL (embed)

>Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with Previous thread

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>Fast RAM significantly increases framerate in more than half the current AA games. I don't have the benchmarks with me, but you can find them in eurogamer's i5 6500 review.

Can someone confirm this? From what I understood, DDR3 ram frequency did have a significant difference when comparing the stock speed to ~2400 in some games like Fallout 4. Is this also the case with DDR4, comparing 2000 to 3000? I haven't seen any bechmarks showing this.

depends on a game, but "significant increase" is an overstatement. you will gain from 3 to 10 more fps though.
generally if you're already getting a z170 board then you may as well pay extra few $ to cheapest 3000mhz ram.

I have a thread up right now but figure this would be a better place to ask
Thoughts on this build? Using it for uni work, programming, graphic design, and some gaming (mainly Overwatch and PlanetSide 2).

If you're only gonna play overwatch and planetside 2 a 1070 is a bit overkill.

looks fine though i'd get msi gtx 1070 gaming x instead and imo you're spending too much on a psu.

Found some benchmarks. Seems to be a ~10 fps increase in most games comparing 2000 to 3000, just as long as your gpu is beafy enough to not be a bottleneck too often.

Hey, will this case be fine for a gtx1080, Z170, 6700k, i110gt build, or will I need a full tower?


you never need a full tower
it'll be fine

A lot of new games seem to be pretty CPU intensive; I can't even get a clean 60 fps for The Witcher 3 at ultra with my 1060.

Should I be looking to upgrade my i5-3450 if I want to play the latest games at a high setting?


Very by the numbers build I feel, first time doing this myself. Just wondering if I'm missing something here or paying too much for something.

And yes, I will be editing/streaming with this which is why I opted for the i7 and 1070.

From what I understand, as long as your CPU isn't bottlenecking your card I don't think upgrading it will do much of anything

Pretty sure the bottleneck is the 1060 with Witcher 3.

wrong link, pcpartpicker.com/list/JGHG2R

Thanks friend.

>this close to ryzen

As long as you aren't buying this tomorrow I would wait just to see what sort of prices AMD asks. CES is less than a week away.

Also: never buy windows.

So I thought you might help me out, basically I'm a poorfag looking for a monitor for work and occasional gaming


Not buying it from amazon tho, but what do you think, should I buy a used one in good shape for 120$?

>only 212 EVO
>2133 RAM
>Corsair PSU

What's best mobo for i5-6600k+GTX1070 build? Do I look at cheaper b150ms or z170?
Plan to use 16gig 3200 ram btw

is my 4590 enough to upgrade to a 470 4GB? 1080p

I may hold off on the purchase then, was planning on buying soon but I'm in no rush

Better cooler, got it.
2400 RAM?
What's wrong with corsair PSUs? Overpriced? Fail rate?

>2400 RAM?
>What's wrong with corsair PSUs? Overpriced? Fail rate?
Both. See OPs pic and imagine he's holding your PSU.


I've read the OP but what would you recommend for a PSU?

> I'm in no rush

AQ good reason to wait given the amoun t of money yo uare aiming to spend. If AMD doesn't release a chip within your price bracket and/or it does not perform good enough you've lost nothing - you gain the knowledge that Intel was the right choice.

If AMD does release a competitive chip within said price bracket buying the 6700k might mean you losing out on a good deal for your needs (hypothetical scenario, a 6 core/12thread zen chip for similar money to the 6700k). As much as Sup Forums memes about always waiting we are under a week away from finding out more informatrion and less than 3 months from the absolute latest point AMD will release zen (as Su plainly stated they are on track for Q1). Given the recent french review of the A0 engineering sample holding its own against broadwell-e there is so much to gain by waiting and seeing how things play out.

If you were going for an i5 or i3 then meh - even if AMD is competitive in that segment you won't be going wrong going Intel right this second.

EVGA G2/3 or SeaSonic G series if the former is too expensive.

Ah alright, got it. Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it

Got it, thanks


Friend got me the 480 and 8350 for me for christmas. Looking to spend upwards to 550 on the remaining parts. I have a monitor and OS already to use.

I just want 1080 gaming and stable framerates, since vr is a meme

Get the beefiest mobo and cooler you can afford and clock that shit up.

Sell 8350, wait for Zen (or get i3 6100 + asrock z170 mobo)

What can I do better for the same price? (the ram is like that for upgradability later)

Anyone here have the Acer 27" Predator XB271HUA? It's available for $475.

>2400 RAM?
Might as well get 3000 as there is close to no price difference.

>What's wrong with corsair PSUs? Overpriced? Fail rate?
Corsair's CX series has shit capacitors and bad build quality all around. Plus, if you overclock your shit you're gonna come pretty close to 550w, and you don't want a low quality PSU to put out full load constantly, that's just asking for a house fire.

You don't think Corsair's RMx/RMi-series are as good?

what the first person said get a nice motherboard and a closed loop CPU water cooler


i5-6400 with that can easily OC to 4.5Ghz, I have the same mobo/cpu/cooler combo.

>water cooling
I don't trust that stuff. What would be a nice motherboard?

I also don't want to buy a new cpu. I don't understand the amd hate.

its not a k model though how does it overclock?

only z170s supports 2133mhz+ and overclocking (since you have k version of cpu) so i dunno take a guess
>water cooling meme
nice one retard
there's no amd hate. their current cpus simply suck dick.

Depending on how far you want to push your chip and your budget most 990fx boards are good for some high clocks. That said the sabertooth (lol paying the premium on the crosshair) and the M5A99FX PRO sit at the top of the food chain.

As for a cooler skip the AIO and get a good dual tower cooler (again, budget is going to be the limiting factor but the silver arrow is great price vs performance).

>. I don't understand the amd hate.

Sup Forums knows fuck all about AMD cpus and just regurgitates memes.

Using older bios.

Asrock was the first to allow OC'ing of locked skylake, other motherboard vendors followed suit.

All you have to do is get bios version 1.4 or 1.5 and downgrade to that and it will allow you to BCLK overclock it.

Pics related.

- no reason for z170 board with locked chip,
- stock cooler is fine,
- hybrid drives are a meme absolutely not worth your time. either pick hdd only or add some money for 240gb ssd

>3gb 1060
just no.

(This is what I've bought so far, I'll probably add 8gb of RAM later on)

I have around 300 euros to buy a GPU, should I go for a 1060 6gb or a 480 8gb ?

Literally no difference for 33% more price.

Literal definition of retard

Despite what fanboys on either side might tell you, they're both fine. The 1060 is a bit better in some games, the 480 on others. If you want to save money, you could also just get the 4GB version of 480. There isn't much reason not to, unless you're thinking of maybe getting a second one later.


2nd time building a gaming pc, ausfailian with a disposable income

budget build
pls critique




If you plan on overclocking that CPU, you need the Z170 asrock mobo. I believe B150/Hyper version also allows OC but with price parity so close, its better to go Z170 imo.


And Phenom II processors are generally not too bad. The reviews for the specific one in my list got decent reviews, but most of them said the gaming performance isn't that great (which I don't mind)

Yeah but even for a cheapo build piledriver is much better.

gb 1060
>just no.

Alright, thanks for the heads up. I will look into other options.

Without knowing your upper limit budget wise i'd go for something like a 6300, msi 970 board, single tower cooler, gpu of choice, any old 8gb ram and whatever else you can to feed that lot (don't get a shanghai street special psu though).

>3gb vram in 2017
it will shit itself a year from now

maybe on 4k, but I doubt you have a 4k monitor if you are buying a 1060

If you're actually planning on buying CPU, go for used intel xeons, they go for cheap.

E5-2660 goes for 45 UK bucks. 8c/16t xeon. 2.2 -> 3Ghz (turbo)

99% chance it wont because games industry overnight wont just switch to 6GB required games for 1080p resolution.

which version of either one is worth dumping my money on?

Whatever's cheapest.

Anything more than the cheapest counterpart will produce maybe 5% extra benefit in increased OC. However you'd be paying extra 30-50% more money.

the average price is literally the same between the two, it's literally red vs green and I don't have any preference between the two

>budget of maybe $600CAD
>really want to upgrade pc in most noticeable way

>~500gb SSD
>3tb HDD
>Fractal Define R4/5
>i7 3770k (or 4790k+mobo, but that's unlikely)
>2133MHz ram
>144hz 1440p monitor, or 4k monitor

I feel like I should just sell my pc now and start from scratch. what do you think I could get for it if I sold it?

What do you need to upgrade for?

Mediocore PSU, shit value, there are far better options on the market.

You have no reason to upgrade tbqh, atleast for another generation.

>two of my friends got 1070s, one of the same friends got a 1440p 144hz monitor, and another friend got a 6700k
>meanwhile I'm stuck with a 6 year old pc where the newest part is a 3 year old gpu
I guess I'll just hold out. maybe when kaby lake and zen come out, prices for skylake will drop a bit and I can grab a 6700k. I definitely need more storage either way. i can't buy new games because my 180gb and 1tb are full. now, do i get a 3tb hdd for $99 or a 500gb ssd for $140?

I really have no idea what you'd do with 3TB of space. SSD's are always nice.
1070 is actually a reasonable upgrade for you as well

I want something to upgrade from my 8320 but nothing really seems worth the money. Any ideas?

any intel CPU

I have 6 TB HDD and 4TB are filled.

Get 3TB HDD for games/archive/storage.


So I have a new i5-6600k, and I also use it for integrated graphics. On idle, just desktop, the percentages are good with 0%-12%

However, when loading up a game the CPU starts to use absurd amounts for the game, 70%-90% just for 100% orange juice. However Windows 8.1 (not activated) still runs smooth, and when opening another game at the same time it will share CPU usage while with the other game, and lower itself still maintaining stable frame rates. Programs like Opera, or steam, and even Skype have nice CPU percentages of usage, usually under 10%. All of the CPU cores are doing equal work and have similar temperatures, so no outlier.

What would be causing this issue?

You use igpu, it uses the CPU.

If you don't use igpu, the computer uses your descreete gpu.

This is a simple answer isn't it?

>What would be causing this issue?
what's the issue exactly? igpu's are weak compared to dedicated so it makes sense games would stress it

Intel's integrated graphics are so potato its staggering. Should've gone AMD if you want a system without a dedicated gpu.

Posted this in the /sqt/ but I wanted some more opinions. Is this card a good deal? I wasn't 100% sold on it because its refurbished. Also does the blower fan make much of a difference?


>gaming on the iGPU
The only games you'll play that thing is some indie shit or ancient games.

Its a shit cooler.

Its got 90 day warranty, if it dies after that, you get fucked. I wouldn't do it.

>Mediocore PSU
What are you basing that statement on?

looks good if you want a fucking heater

Looking to upgrade my prebuilt PC, make it for gaming. Have a budget of around $575. Buying everything from Amazon with Amazon Prime, so the base cost is what matters. How does this look?
What I'm replacing:
>i3-2100 (3.1GHz, dual-core)
>4GB DDR3 RAM (2x2 GB) 2666 MHz frequency (dual-channeled 1333MHz)
>Generic AVC cooler
>Integrated graphics
>Generic 300W PSU
What I'm keeping:
>Stock H61 MicroATX mobo
>MicroATX case
>Stock Wi-Fi card

What's a good Motherboard for an i5 6600K processor that won't break the bank? The Microcenter near me is giving a decent discount if you buy that processor with a compatible motherboard and I was just gifted an old full tower case I feel I need to do something with. Haven't had an actual desktop computer since I was little so I've kinda been out of the loop on this stuff.

Is there any reason to format storage drives as anything other than NTFS if I want to dualboot windows and linux?

A "k" processor should be paired with any mobo using the Z170 chipset and other features you need like
-enough rear usb ports
-enough sata ports for your drives/optical
-enough expansion ports (most people only want a graphics card)
-enough ram slots, some people want more than two
-onboard audio like spdif if thats what you're into

so just use Z170 as a starting point, many of these are not expensive. there's no point spending more if you don't need 5 PCI ports, etc. another cheaper option is to get the i5 6500, don't overclock, and pair it with an H170 motherboard instead

How important is a good motherboard and how much should I pay for one?
What motherboards do you recommend? I've read the bus is the biggest bottleneck so I though getting a good MB would be a priority.

It just comes down to what features you want. More expensive ones have more features. Also don't fall for the gaming motherboard meme.

What sort of features does a mb have?

If the drives aren't going to see lots of reads or writes then meh, NTFS is good enough.

Building a PC for programming, Overwatch (I don't care if its meme-tier my friends play it), probably some other gayms later on, and music making shit like FL Studio.

Planning on an i5-6500 and an RX 480. Would that be overkill for my purposes?

you could definitely settle for an i3 if you're hard up, but I wouldn't bother with any lesser video card.

Yes, a 480 would be overkill. I would recommend a 470. Also, if you are going to do programming and stuff like that, I would recommend an i7, probably the i7-6700 (no K). Also, for stuff like that you need 16 GB of RAM.

Both SeaSonic G and EVGA G series perform better and are cheaper. I see no point in getting a Corsair PSU unless you are a brand whore gaymur cancer.

Aside from chipset/socket type, form factor and what memory it supports, things like

>Number of ports(usb, sata, pci, audio)
>Number of fan connectors
>Supports Sli/Crossfire
>BIOS options

Those are the main things to worry about. Most others you can ignore, see pic.

bumping this

What's the difference between ATX and mATX? Other than the size are there any differences? Performance issues/compatibility issues with tower cases?

>spend $300 on old CPU thats not even unlocked

Cooling system is dumb. Its poor as fuck, hyper 212 is much better and cheaper. See the tube

>limiting yourself to one merchant
Literally goy'ing yourself. Jesus christ.

You linked to reviews of the old regular RM models.

This is the RM750x:

This is the G2 750:

Both are around the same price, both are given the exact same score.

Just size really. Standard ATX is 12 × 9.6 in, verses mATX at 9.6 x 9.6 in. Keep in mind in order to be smaller some things have to be removed. Unless you plan on doing water cooling or have multiple gpu's a mid size case + mATX is perfectly fine and will save you some money.

Get the regular 3770, and buy it used. If you're spending that much on a CPU, may as well get a new mobo and a modern i7. Don't bother with a new PSU unless you're getting a better gfx card
Need SSD

Fine then, how does this list look?
Still only buying from Amazon because I have Prime free 2-day shipping, plus Amazon has a good return policy.

What's the best budget i7. I wanna upgrade cpus.

Over the board EVGA G and SeaSonic G are better than Corsair, they are cheaper and don't use non-japanese capacitors, especially not Ltec ones.
If you take a look at the 550/650 W versions, which are more than enough for the average Intel CPU + single GPU user, it's clearly not in favour of Corsair.