Fucking programmers

Why are programmers such flakes? I'm recruiting for my company and I've met three programmers who flaked on me before signing the employment contract.

First guy I meet, Chinese with decent English and decent programming skills. Still undergraduate, but I'm happy to employ him. After the interview tell him I will employ him and that he should show up on Monday morning. Monday rolls around and I get an email saying he has joined another company. Seriously?

Second guy contacts me after I place an add. Resume checks out and references are positive. Ask him to come in for an interview. Three days before he emails me and says he got offered another position closer to where he lives, even though when he spoke to me initially he was really excited after my offer. Unbelievable.

Same deal with the third guy. Interview, reference checks, ask him to come in to work - nope - found something else.

How am I supposed to employ anyone and get work done when these fuckers keep flaking on me.

I always hated how big HR firms and departments do their recruiting, but I'm starting to see why they have processes set up the way they do.

Show up to your fucking interviews you flaky bastards.

nice blog

I'm willing to bet you got used as leverage for a raise at the company they're already at, or even as a bargaining chip for another better company.

>By the way, I've already been extended an offer for $XX,000 at Mom 'N' Pop, but I'd really love to work here. What can you do for me?

Looks like you need to be giving out better offers m8. Or move faster with your hiring process. Good software developers always have other options.

>need a job
>apply to multiple places
>take the one that gives the best offer
Oh my GOD how could they!


It's pretty obvious they picked multiple offers and you ended being the worst one.

Cry me a river, faggot. No one's obliged to work for you.

I'll work for you senpai

whine more, cunt
maybe you should sweeten up your offers a bit, sounds like they all simply got better offers more worth their time.

I've only looked for jobs once and I had to reneg my first acceptance.

None of the places I applied would tell me whether or not I was even being considered anymore.

So I took my first offer even though the pay was dogshit because I only had 3 days to accept. Then on the fourth fucking day I start hearing back and one place is offering me +20% to reneg.

It's like getting a gf, they don't want you unless you're already taken. And you're the 300lb smelly practice gf OP.

What's your biz user? Looking for devs as well

just outsource to pajeets you entitled cunt

>offer shit salary
>Take forever to have employment agreement signed
> Surprised when no one gives a shit


>getting your ass handed to you by codemonkeys
Outsource your shit to Delhi and do interviews to locals just for shit and giggles to eventually deny them the position.

sponsor me a visa an i'll work for free. but i'm not a programmer, i am a mechanical engineer (manufacturing), at best i know a bit of php/mysql, c#, labview.

I hope you niggers rot in hell. Well, not really, just the Ivy League niggers that come to campuses and ask stupendously retarded questions to determine employment.

Ill sponsor you a kick up the arse

Oh thank God, I'm not the only MechE to frequent the board.

>why are programmers not accepting my shitty pay

>Hiring people
>not getting them to sign employment contracts

It's not done until the paperwork is signed bro.

Teach me how to program and hire me.

If your role is very general/ introductory and doesn't pay any better than any similar offer then expect people to jump ship quickly.

Hire some autists from /dpt/, they'll write you some beautiful C or Haskell.

where are you located, what are you looking for, what are you paying and what can you offer me that the other 5 firms i could get a job at within 2 weeks don't

they're not flakes, they just have options and i'm guessing you're paying below market or not offering competitive comp packages

I'd be happy to apply for the position you are offering.