Sup Forums, what's the best font for emoticons?
Sup Forums, what's the best font for emoticons?
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I wouldn't know as I'm not a toddler who's not able to use words to convey emotions
t. wintoddler
>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
Mona Font
What is this, 1999?
> ~but user, it's called emoji now~
what are you, a faggot?
Oh yeah I forgot were all supposed to be using emojis now
it's the best one tho
>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Segoe UI Emoji
depends on the actual smiley used :^)
Comic Sans
Fourth row
The :3 looks cute
Helvetica is objectively the best font for anything.
Something sans and center aligned?
I use Symbola
It's completely free, i use it in most of my projects to avoid using .ico for icon images, saves me alot of time and work
>no :o)
shit list
Just use Emoji, faggot.
>Sup Forums removes emoji code-points
God fucking dammit, moot2!
Emojis look like shit.
4th row
Am I the only guy who post-ironically believes that adding emojis to Sup Forums would actually be beneficial to the site?
Imagine all the shitposts lads
mine is the 2nd from the bottom row
windows 10 w/ chrome default fonts
It would have been a lot easier for you to have just replied to OP with:
symbola. But not the apt-get symbola. The symbola you find when you follow the "fonts that support this" link at
>Description-en: symbolic font providing emoji characters from Unicode 7.0
>This package includes the Symbola font, which contains special symbols and
emoji characters which are encoded in the Unicode Standard 7.0
depends on how ironic you wanna be
Times New Roman