/spg/ - Smartphone General

If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your country and what carrier you will be using it with, along with wanted features, budget and size.

Good resources:
>reviews, specs, comparisons

>Frequency checker

>Chinkphone news

>Recommended Chinkphones $80-$300 as of fucking March 2016

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how much shekels you spent on good/bad phone
>Shill your Xiaomi
>PRAISE THE CHINKPHONES unless you live in America you shits

Apple to introduce 5" phone with vertical dual cameras

Nokia to announce up to 5 new devices in 2017

Xiaomi rumored to launch Redmi Note 4X

Samsung all but confirms the Galaxy A 2017 series, water resistance included

[Deal Alert] The Nextbit Robin is $145 on Amazon ($105 off)

LG G5 $349 AT&T, Sprint, Verizon @ BestBuy (no contract)


Other urls found in this thread:

kimovil.com/en/compare-smartphones/f_min_d screenSize.5.4,fe_storage-external-storage,fe_battery-removable

First for we have our own super secret rom but you'll never get access to it because you're a pajeet.

I'll make the logo

Redmi Note 3 Pro or the Redmi 4 Pro?

Best chinkphone with camera and DAC? Should be ideally 5".

mate 9 a beast

RN3P or

Zuk Z2.

Looking for a phone under 200

Carrier is Verizon, location is USA

Battery life is a huge plus, not having a fuckhuge screen is also a plus.
Good GPS would be nice, dunno if quality in that can vary in the phone or if that's up to the carrier.

how the fuck can you weird autists get into any of this

First for I didn't care for CM's passing. Also, first for OPO.

RN3P. Bigger display, better camera, more RAM and a more optimized processor for the battery.

all smartphones are normie-bot consumer shit and are inherently all the same so why not just get an iphone 5s and call it a day?

Moto G4.

get into what

the only iphone worth buying these days is the SE

Some people like to follow trends, and not necessarily buy into new market entrants.

Will manufacturers present sd 835 phones on CES? Or is the soc not ready yet?

I've already made the logo and have a name, it's not ready to go yet though because unlike pajeets I refuse to release something that doesn't have basic fucking features working like a camera.

Pretty sure HTC has already come out and stated the 11 will be the first phone with 835, so yes.

Just got the Moto X Pure today. I love the phone, but I really dislike the cheap plastic bumper case that it comes with. Should I get an otterbox?

the htc 11 will be shown on the CES? Not the MWC?

Like a couple days right after CES they're holding their own event.

Is the samsung Note 2 any good? Thinking about buying one and installing replicant on it.

>Released 2012, September
No you mong.

Nigger, I just need it for communication and the occasional shitposting. I have a ChinkPad for my most resource-instensive shit.

>I don't like the cheap plastic bumper
>Should I get the cheap plastic fullbody?


Allright Im facing a small conundrum, a few weeks ago my Nexus 6 charging port stopped working so I took it to a repair shop. Now my phone already had the glass cra med but the actual LCD and digitizer were intact when I took it to them. A week later they called me to tell me the port was fixed but the screen needed replacement. Turns out the motherfuckers broke the actual LCD but since the glass was already broken it was pretty much my word against theirs and I had no hard proof of the fact that the screen was working so I didn't majke much a fuss because I'm not going to sue because of a fucking phone. Oh and they actually didn't fix the port either. So now I have to choose, do I spend 300 bucks on fixing the damn thing or should I spend a hundred bucks more and get a One Plus One 3T? I've had the Nexus since a few months after it initially released

I'd honestly recommend spending $20 more and getting the Moto X 2013. It's a fantastic for $99, even though it was $450 when it came out.

Well than youre used to lag go for it

Still a deprecated POS. even a $99 g4 play will be better.

Can it run any ROMs? Can I root it?

>Nexus 6
>spend 300 bucks on fixing the damn thing
You can't possibly be that stupid ffs. buy the OP3T.

>iPhone 5s
>Moto G4
>Samsung Note 2

Is Sup Forums poor?

Yes easily, and there are a metric fuck-ton of custom roms for it. It was the main competitor for the Nexus 5.

So do you mean it's stupid to spend $300 on fixing the Nexus 6 or do you mean it can be done cheaper? As far as I've seen the screen is at a $150- $200 price range everywhere and the n you have to factor in the charging port plus the labor (I know the screen is an easy fix, but the last time I tinkered with the phone was the time I broke the glass, I hate it and I vowed never to touch it myself again) it ends up being very close to 300

It stupid that your'e even considering fixing it for so much. just buy a new phone ffs.

Most of the world is poor I'm afraid.

why do chinks to the shitty
>one button meme
on their phones? I mean the zuk shills are constantly talking about the zuk z2 but the fucking one button setup. What the fuck where they thinking.

iPhone copycats.

iphone is still really popular there
therefore they copy

Its pretty fucking comfy.
Short tap for back
Swipe to right for play/pause
Swipe left for your messenger app
long tap for app switcher
its less finger gymnastics than the old layouts.
Its a touch/click button - a totally new thing
but yeah everything is a apple copy. Didnt lnow they invent a button layout. Apple didnt invent one damn thing but copied the right shit to make a decent product.

>a totally new thing
No it isn't.
It's there because iPhones have a button there and therefore chinks copy it. Even samsung did such. Prior phones were button messes or the blackberry toolbelts Get over it, no one cares about iPhones or your chinkphones or who did what first, but to deny how iPhones influenced the whole "single button below screen" design is pretty fucking retarded.

Keep shilling your abysmal phone though ;)

and going to get a s7e soon

I will
Nice dubs ;D

RN3P, where's the best place to get one price wise?

I like spending my money on other things than a fucking phone.
No one gives a fuck what tracking device you own.

Should I bother to hope for US 4G with the 4X?

aliexpress tends to be cheapest globally


Probably not.

Zuk Z2 or the R3NP? There are price differences but I want to know which one is going to last the longest.

Right now the 3np due to community support
That could change of course, the community support... community is pretty much a mess until lineage gets its shit together

how do i make nova launcher my default or whatever?

IS HongKong Goldway pretty well trusted on Ali? I've never bought anything on there before

Z2 probably. Youll avoid lagdroid with a snapdragon 820 and a gigaboyt more ram longer. Also there's official MoKee with cm styled release routine. They get good ROM support atm. Also preinstalled firmware is pretty close to stock.

Yeah they're legit. select "seller's shipping method" if your'e in Europe to avoid customs and taxes.

Do any chink phones work in the united states.

Z2 shill is still here

Honor 8.

I'm in the US

best phone for $60-100? anyone here who had a Doogee? how many months do they last?

thl would do better or?

So why are you even ordering it, you won't even get 4G.

nearly all huawei phones

There'll always be one. Bc we arent just one.

Hello. I'm currently having problems with google play services(I think the origin is from a network APK) from a chinese tablet. I've heard that gapps could help me out but idk where to begin.
Pic Unrelated

Xiaomi shll is still here

Lg g5

Shit m8, that was recommended to me since I'm on ATT. I'm just trying to get a decent phone in the US for under $150

Eiaosi sales still hasn't taken flight

Honor 5x has full at&t compatibility. Moto G4 also if you want something closer to stock.



spotted the zuk shill
kys sweetie :3

So, what's the final word on the Axon 7 now that it's been out for a couple months? Seriously considering buying but I'm worried since it's a chink company.

Only if you kiss the poison from my lips, darling

best phone and why is mate 9?


no wonder you're alone

not worth~

are you the copy pasta guy

But im not alone (;

Zuk: better processor, more RAM.

Xiaomi: bigger screen, longer battery life.

Live in peace, friends.

Also better camera for the zuk
However both arent great

gor my first android phone today and i got a few questions

theres a thin white sticker on the back of my device with a bar code and a s/n number can i remove it?

i havent rooted my device yet and dont know if i want to so in the meantime what is the best browser with an ad blocker preferably?

whats the best Sup Forums app?


Promised my Mum I'd take her up town tomorrow to switch her Sam Galaxy Ace II out for a more up to date phone. She's still under contract for £25pm with EE & probably wants to stay like that, just with a new phone.
Any suggestions?
Priority being battery life, camera & not being flashy enough to steal, don't need a high power SOC just something that doesn't run hot but can do well enough

Personally I've got a rooted RN3(650sd) running CM13, you guys helped me here before so thanks

just get her an iPhone

please stop spamming

>galaxy ace II
o lawd
get her an iphone SE
gr8 battery, camera, and years of software support

get her any phone with sd 625
samsung has 2 phones with that c7 and on7

Please give me suggestions for a phone that has:

Great battery life (replacable or not, thinking about getting a zerolemon)
Headphone jack
Sd card slot
Big screen
Not Apple

That's pretty broad.

Avoid ulefone LG and elephone
kimovil.com/en/compare-smartphones/f_min_d screenSize.5.4,fe_storage-external-storage,fe_battery-removable

From this year? S7 Edge, its 5-5" though, standard size for a flagship, not exactly a 5.7-6.0" phablet though, the phone looks thin as well.

Note 4 with a 10,000 mAh zerolemon battery is what you want but its almost 4 years old, that or a Xiaomi Mi Max.

Is znaps dead?

when did android phones stop having gallery and file explorer apps built in?

who does this benefit? why is google photos so shit?

Just use quickpic and amaze and shut the fuck up.

Gphotos is great though bruv.
Solid explorer is king, nothing will ever come close to how good it is right now so OEMs don't bother.

literally what

Does it matter if she has no other Applel tech?
Its a nice looking device really, good size aswell
They have an S6 in the same price bracket she's currently paying for her GalAce II.
She's not the sharpest with new tech so something like before might save me earache.

Its actually good that they started doing this though, you can now use your own stuff after disabling all the google bloat.

Solid explorer, leafpic/piktures, poweramp/blackplayer and mx player pro are the best.


>Does it matter if she has no other Applel tech?
Nah, iTunes works on windows too

>She's not the sharpest with new tech
Even more reason to get an iPhone, they're better for tech illiterate people than any android

>Does it matter if she has no other Applel tech?
Nope. Unless she listens to a lot of music, then she'll have to get used to syncing with itunes but that's a free download anyways.
Extremely solid device (and price!), especially for those who just dislike the giant phone sizes these days. Plus it's apple, so if she has any problems an apple store would be glad to deal with her. But if your mom actually likes the larger phone sizes you'll have to look elsewhere sadly.

Not really looking for a recommendation, but has anyone else with an HTC One M9 experienced overheating issues? I'm tempted to just say fuck it and get a new phone. I'm running ViperOne, if that helps.

Well I mean it is an 810...

>Snapdragon 810 housefire
Yes, it's shit.

I guess it's time for an upgrade, then. It's a shame because otherwise it's a decent phone.