Hi Sup Forums
After 1 year of using Ubuntu, I got sick of it.
Which distro do you recommend me?
>inb4 gentoo and solus
Hi Sup Forums
After 1 year of using Ubuntu, I got sick of it.
Which distro do you recommend me?
>inb4 gentoo and solus
Other urls found in this thread:
>I got sick of it
ubuntu is one of the few good linux distros just change the DE you fucking idiot , try kde or xcfe or mate
>I got sick of it.
Install Arch you fucking poser
You better explain what you want OP, there are thousands of options out there, not exaggerating.
Maybe just go to distrowatch and call it a day.
Mint. It's like a good ubuntu.
I thought XFCE always looked like shit but you might have convinced me otherwise.
Try our fedora 25 in a vm the gnome distro is the default.
How to run live Ubuntu USB on MacBook Pro?
idk i use arch linux and it just works. i think all the distros are the same mainly they package manage systems with arch linux it is super neat.
I would say solus but i dont feel like being called kevin anymore so maybe try fedora or red hat or windows.
Unironically solus
What dock is that
They're all really the same, just different DE's, all of which can be installed on any distro.
Only really different systems are Arch (package manager is better and faster) and Gentoo (different because you compile everything from source, plus USE flags)
one of the xcfe pros , its just a customized panel
Numix and Arc (particularly the Dark variant) both make XFCE look nice. There are actually a ton of cool themes nowadays.
Numix circle icons are really good as well.
how do you like it
Decent but Just like all chrome based bowsers , it has problems with flash on ubuntu so for some reason since a week it cant runt twitch, vocaroo and some other sites so i have to use slowfox.
oh shit nugga
I use xfce and I've been using plank but that looks pretty fuckin nice, might have to switch
>graphical out-of-the-box: Fedora 25
>DYI Linux: ArchLinux
Just install i3, no need to change distros :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Elementary OS is bretty gud.
Ubuntu is the best distro, improve it with openbox
Or i3! :^)
Idk I tried the same thing once on my friends Mac and the boot loader took forever and never loaded the OS. Ubuntu was probably made for the architecture of Windows machines or something because there's no way to live boot or even install side-by-side with Mac OS
windows 10, cunt
I kinda went through the same thing except instead of going to Debian or CentOS because I wanted something professional, I just went straight to the "return to easy distro" stage and stuck with Antergos because I really like Arch.
glad that I get actual work done on my ubuntu and don't even care about Sup Forums's opinion :-)
>End step only mentions Debian and its derivatives
>Fedora is still there
So which is it?
(I'd also add openSUSE to the bottom step. Really don't know why some people think it's a difficult distro to use - yast trivializes a ton of the "difficult" aspects of Linux.)
>devs literally title their distro "babby's first linux"
fedora is really not a good desktop distro
Depends on what you're sick of
-If it's just Unity (or the DE you're using) but you're okay with everything else, just change the DE.
-If you're tired of apt get anything but debian/ubuntu-based distros
-if you want more customization go with gentoo
-If you just want to change to check other distros, make a list of the distros you're interested in and try to use each one exclusively for a couple of weeks.
Only Ubuntu and Mint have enough popularity to stay on the end steps, either OpenSUSE and Fedora is adventure-test distros.
Ubuntu MATE, i lik
Assuming you want to change only the looks make it easy, go for Ubuntu MATE.
get better at linux
a different distro wont change much
Windows 10
Anyone able to help me actually get a version of linux installed? I've been trying for days and keep getting this screen, sometimes an error saying radeon ring stalled
Card is a 7870
Trying to install ubuntu 16.04.1 atm but i'd be happy with anything that actually works. Have tried ubuntu 14, kubuntu, mint, latest ubuntu
Sometimes i can get it to install after inserting "nomodeset" in the grub menu but then when it boots i get this screen again.
At the moment i'm getting this screen before even getting the grub menu while trying to boot from usb to install
>being a red hat and Microsoft shill at the same time
Those are the two sworn shill enemies of the one true Solus. Kys yourself.
Just install Windows and stop with fell the Linux meme.
its not memey enough
Just install Debian and the de/wm of your choice. good job you have a working system, now go get some work done
your gpu is probs fucked. 7870 should be reasonably well supported by the open source drivers.
Whats there to get sick of? most people here just don't like the way a distro looks, just change the DE.
Better DE, lighter, no bloat, good support for ubuntu
Literally nothing wrong with Ubuntu + Cinnamon.
Ubuntu -> Arch -> Gentoo -> Repeat
The circle of life.
Can confirm.
There are only three distros to rule them all!
• Gentoo:
If you need a powerful desktop computer.
• Slackware:
If you need a minimal and Unix-like system you will rarely need to update (a server for instance). Be advised there are non-free software shipped with it that will need to be removed.
• Debian:
If you need a quickly set up environment for a short time. Notice how APT is a huge clusterfuck and will thus not be fitted for long term usage.
Any other distribution is meme-tier. There is a reason only weeb ricers love Arch, only 13 year olds like Solus and only macfags like Noobuntu/eOS.
I think i'll stay on fourth stage
Was working fine with windows 7
What's adventurous about openSUSE? Seriously.
>There are only three distros to rule them all!
>• Gentoo:
>If you need a powerful desktop computer.
If you love a 90's distro
>• Slackware:
>If you need a minimal and Unix-like system you will rarely need to update (a server for instance). Be advised there are non-free software shipped with it that will need to be removed.
As above but you will rarely want to update because of breakages.
>• Debian:
>If you need a quickly set up environment for a short time. Notice how APT is a huge clusterfuck and will thus not be fitted for long term usage.
Calls updating Debian a clusterfuck but seems to favor systems that will foobar your computer way easier than Debian.
>implying Gentoo isn't the ultimate weeb ricer distro
Gentoo is piss-easy to update you memer. APT is overcomplicated and bloated as hell.
Back to Mint.