Is Xubuntu still Sup Forums's favourite Ubuntu derivative?

Is Xubuntu still Sup Forums's favourite Ubuntu derivative?

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I prefer Kubuntu, politics and all.

care to explain?

I still prefer it to the others

Can anyone please help me out

So I've been trying to install ku/lu/ubuntu on my laptop but whenever I start up the installer, my trackpad doesn't work. Everything else is working like the keyboard, nothing is freezing, but I can't move the mouse. When I do, it's extremely laggy like it would only move once every 5 seconds of sribbling with my finger. I really do want to be able to use the trackpad.

this is the laptop. Has anyone else had this problem.

Ubuntu GNOME, so comfy

Did it do this while you were trying it out in live CD?

*buntu is the worst possible distro to pick. apt is terrible compared to pacman, lots of bloat, etc. But if you must, try ubuntu minimal, it should be somewhat ok.

Ubuntu mate

>apt is terrible compared to pacman
stopped reading there

ill take my config files over 0.01 less seconds to install a package

Go through with the installation, it's probably going to be fine afterwards.

How is Ubuntu Budgie?

Ubuntu Mate is the official distro of Sup Forums

Linux Mint because Cinnamon out of the box.

Had this happen to me before too, don't worry it'll fix itself when you install

there's practically no difference between apt/dnf/pacman, at least say emerge/guix so you don't look like such a retard

Post that wallpaper, user.

this 1000x mint is GOAT

Nah, Lubuntu is.

wallpaper pls :)

Not the user, but I found it.

Xubuntu or Kubuntu. The rest are various levels of shit

I like the well integrated KDE, which I find to be more customizable than most DEs while remaining fairly light on resources.
There was a spat between the heads of the Kubuntu project and canonical over lisensing recently, since canonical's TOS is essentially incompatible with their software liscences (mainly GPL).
Canonical was about to end their relationship with the kubuntu council over it, but that didn't happen

buggy trash unfortunately. Similar to Gnome edition.
In my experience, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, and MATE work well, but the rest are just minimal ubuntu with a DE install on default settings and too little QA

It used to be, until I found that the fucking "can't resume from sleep/suspend" bug hasn't been fixed for years.

I use solus and arch now tbqh.

>apt is terrible. use fucking pacman
go home microsoft shill.
Ubuntu is for beginners and those who want minimal fuss. Arch offers neither benefit.
Arch is very customizable and stable if you know what you are doing, but don't jump into it thinking things will be straightforward or easy unless you know your way around unix.

Yes. /Thread

KDE Neon's my favorite.

It isn't the best KDE distro, though. Just the best Ubuntu derivative.

Yes, it's comfy as fuck, no issues at all

Why do you assume to speak on behalf of us all when you can't even post a good distro?


>that wallpaper

When you get sick of Ubuntu, remember that Fedora and openSUSE Tumbleweed are great for running a MATE desktop. Fedora has a similar release schedule to non-LTS Ubuntu and openSUSE Tumbleweed is rolling release with extra safety precautions like screenshot comparison testing to ensure GUI applications don't break.



Using Kubuntu. Only problem is that it's a little bloaty compared to manjaro + xfce and that the items on the task bar jump around.

I don't understand why Xubuntu gets all of this attention. It's ugly as sin, and not even that lightweight.

If you need a desktop environment on your toaster, LXDE beats the pants off of XFCE.

The only thing XFCE has going for it is nostalgia for the days of GNOME 2 / Windows 2000.

Why not just use Mate instead of XFCE?

It's so much better. XFCE looks like shit.

Unity is comfy. No screen tearing.

I can install Cinnamon on Ubuntu minimal core without bloat. After that just fill in the features you want.

i prefer ubuntu minimal with i3

>Favourite Ubuntu derivative

Is there even such a thing?

Y'all niggers get NSA/systemd'ed

Ubuntu minimal has made arch obsolete. The install is noob friendly and you can build your system from the ground up without bloat.

apt/ppa is easier to use than AUR or any other bullshit package manager.

i just picked it over arch for my x60 because i had very little time to install an os before i could use it and didnt want to spend the 15-20min extra to install manually, otherwise arch is pretty good too with i3

>before i could use it
before i had to use it*

Arch wiki is gibberish and incoherent. Ubuntu is so widely discussed, any problem you encounter, there is probably a solution posted on launchpad already.

There is literally nothing wrong with Xubuntu.

It looks fantastic.

>it looks fantastic

remove desktop icons, remove bottom panel, set i3 keybindings, and its almost perfect ,all of this can be easily done.

>needing work to look good
Or you can just install Solus like a normal person and enjoy something that looks nice otb?

Now THAT looks like shit.

Mine looks like what's in the OP.

i could give a fuck what it looks like
just need something that works and uses as little ram as possible

> i could give a fuck what it looks like
Then make it look better??

i mean as in i could care less otherwise i would rice it up

Enjoy your screen tearing.

I would like a systemd-less ubuntu. But since ubuntu is made to spy on people that will never happen.

Yeah, like there it literally NOTHING in the world you could do to prevent this.

stay zozzle.


Why is english so hard for you?
>I could give a fuck
>I could care less
If you don't care it would be:
>I couldn't give a fuck
>I don't give a fuck
>I couldn't care less

>light on resources
pick one

I could give a fuck about what you say, but I don't.


xubuntu vs windows

windows user: "yeah i turned my computer on this a.m & it was 40 minutes before I could work"

Solus provides no real advantage over other distros, it uses the same Linux kernel with a new skin and Moka icons pre-installed. The side applets is a useless feature which no one used even in Windows Vista/7. It is basically a bastardized child of Gnome and Mate.


>Using anything else but Solus for budgie.

Just install Solus.

>uses as little ram as possible
Why did you waste your RAM on wallpaper?

having xubuntu on a laptop / mate anywhere

xubuntu is comfy
ubunutu mate is slightly less comfy but if xubuntu didn't exist i'd use it

Xubuntu should default to adapta-nokto and numix-circle

It's the most comfy distribution out there. Nothing even slightly compares to a xubuntu LTS release

the KDE Manjaro flavor is nice, running that now.

>implying xubuntu isn't an ideal DE for laptops

no idea why you say mate is less comfy than xubuntu
experience of mate on raspberry pi3

why are you wasting all that space at the bottom


never liked/ figured out what the window manager is in lubuntu - always had installed it & had it on for 10 minutes, disliking unease of setup (through wm). xubuntu because XFCE

openSUSE has terrible default install settings.

it's openbox...

Recently switched to xfce, does anybody have a reliable way of binding certain programs to specific workspaces? For instance I want my browser to always open on workspace 1, and kodi to always open on workspace 5. Thanks Sup Forumsents.

ยป Auto starting applications into specific workspaces

Hm, so nothing built in then? Does any other DE have this functionality built in? I know almost all the standalone WM's have this.

maybe log on, set up your workspaces x on a y on b etc

then suspend it .. windows are always there, on the workspaces.

you have it .. set them up & suspend

Why is the mouse pointer much larger in Xubuntu when using a 1440p monitor? No other distro has this problem and it's really annoying.

How do I fix this?

ask here

thought you could set the mouse pointer size

(looks) ... settings, mouse & touchpad, themes

there it is - mouse cursor size

That's a worse hack than using devilspie imo. Are there no DE's with this seemingly simple functionality built in? I've been doing it for years with openbox without any problems.

i don't see what your problem is, set up desktop & suspend, rather than having "feature bloat"

go and use openbox then -- you have options

it's not a "hack"

I can't always suspend, obviously. I realize I can use openbox, I just told you I have been for years. I'm wondering if a DE exists with this very simple functionality built in. lold @ bloat, you serious m8?

It is.

a hack is something put together to make something function, say script, say configuration

using suspend to save your desktop is not a "hack"


after years of gnome2, unity i am now a kde convert. plasma shell yes please!

It is if you use suspend to mimic a function not available otherwise. Which is exactly what is suggested here.

Do you trust the Mint guys considering what's gone down in the past year or two?

>get a computer released in the last 6 years
>get the fuck out of Sup Forums
You pick one

What I hate about Ubuntu minimal is that there is still NO UEFI booting support. So people with UEFI computers (which is most computers released in the last 10 years) are forced to use Ubuntu server for a minimum installation.

YES. Fix your shit ubuntu, what the fuck.

>sudo apt install xfce-desktop
Too fucking difficult for you?

What did he mean by this?


It's KDE without bloat