Linux is proof that communism works.
Linux is proof that communism works
Linux was not a centrally planned project, it is more an indication that public works for the common good can be effectively maintained using volunteer effort.
>"I pretend to work and you pretend to pay me."
Cyka blyat, comrade.
actually it is the best representation of capitalism as it signifies that people have become so satisfied with their lives under a capitalist system that they can afford to spend time sharing free software with friends and having fun hobbies
>huurr durr no broadcomXDD
Clueless wintoddlers, every single time
this is socialism evolving naturally from communism
i think i watched a video of zizek explaining why this was the case
also piracy is communism
hahah yeah i pirate IDEOLOGICALLY
>windows 8 received 1240000000 hours of testing
>this happens
LMAO so polished
no because linux as an ecosystem could not exist inside of either of those systems as such with capitalism being the birthing chamber of lunux. the ideological nature of linux is irrelevant when you compare it to a political ideology because linux is not a political ideology but a technical and social achievement within capitalism as a form of civic public work. these concepts predate communist and socialist philosophy by centuries.
frankly one could say that linux has more ideologically in common with civics focused religions tbqh
Should The Linux Fundation or some other organistaion start enforcing standards to reduce fragmentation in Linux ecosystem?
The rest is proof that capitalism works better
>i-Phone is useless under Linux
So it is under Windows and FagOSX, to be honest
What standards? It already has Linux Standard Base (LSB) for software structure, Freedesktop for DE structure and standard init systemd. Furthermore if you want to develop isolated software you have appimagekit.
Don't fall for Micros***t employe's shitty blogs
/thread to be fucking honest you goddamn nigger
You know this thread will devolve into political shitflining, you probably even hope for it.
The only thing that Linux proves is that the open source model works, nothing more, nothing less.
he's not wrong about the API/ABI and keyboard things, though
Sup Forums is a right-wing safe space. Leftist threads get shitposted into oblivion.
Captcha: mens bologna
Nobody can enforce shit, m8. That's the beauty of Linux.
Keep in mind that Linux powers not only desktops, but also servers, super computers, embedded chips, phones, in house robots etc, unlike w**dows which is unusable everywhere except for desktops.
Making a standard keyboard settings does not make sense. It's your DE that should make these decisions.
If that were true then BeOS would have succeeded.
Linux would be dead without capitalism.
>no stability
>kernel of choice of many supercomputers including TOP500 ones
>Kernel written with C++
I like the sound of it
Stockholm Syndrome detected.
you sound upset?
that would mean that anarchism works.
>safe space
>can post pretty much anything
What exactly is your question?
Safe spaces don't require formal censorship.
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
If Linux were really communist then Torvalds would be a nobody with zero control over the kernel
Hamsters are proof that bicycles work.
Well no . Because each distro thinks that they can do something better than the other distro and so we have a infinite number of distros non nowhere as good to compete with major companies . If anything that Open Source car is more accurate
companies like IBM, Novell, Redhat, Oracle and many other IT companies that use Linux (android too) are proof Linux works within capitalist systems too,
Free software is not communism
Linux is not communism. GNU is communism. Remove GNU and Linux will be Great Again™.
>Liberal democracy isn't the system that gave the most wealth to it's population
this is a Windows problem, not a Linux one, the software industry has been cornered by Microsoft and everything is built around Windows as a result
What the fuck do code licenses have to do with an operating system and a "REEE NO BINARIES" project
>What the fuck do code licenses
What the fuck does GNU has anything to do with communism? It's GPL'd
having a commons != communism.
Yes, because if IBM decides to fork my program for their own use that means I lost my source code and they hold all rights over my software.
>mfw unironically a Nazi and I use Linux
Is this from a shitpost made in 2006? Linux supports more hardware ootb than windows. I always have to hunt down drivers on my phone and transfer them onto a windows pc just to get networking, and only then will I proceed to install necessary drivers like GPU, etc. But when I install something Ubuntu based it always supports every piece of hardware the PC has. So the "hardware issues" is actually completely reverse, windows is useless without a working internet connection and the windows 10 is unusable with an internet connection. It literally takes twice as long to configure windows than it does Linux.
>saying a lack of choice is good
Kys, sheep.
>adobe flash
Irrelevant, outdated pile of vulnerabilities. Nobody sane uses that crap anymore.
>non-english keyboards don't work
Works fine on my keyboard. It even auto detects my language which is used by less than 10 million people (20x more people use Linux). It only doesn't work on live boots and only on some distros.
WPS is just fine. And compatibility isn't an actual issue. That's like me making a .docxyzsolus proprietary format and saying everything other than Sup ForumsChan Office sucks because it's not 100% supported elsewhere. If you're not cucked by the Microsoft format ecosystem you'll be completely fine even with libreoffice.
>crucial software
I don't see how it's relevant to an everyday user. Nobody I know uses those. It would be great having that software available, but the user demand is low. It's the companies fault. They're the ones releasing and porting the software.
IBM is literally making money with "your" software and you are hiding in the cuckshed preaching your shitty licence LOL
And how is that a bad thing?
See the picture again
> constantly competing code commits
> communism
yeah ok
The image says a company can steal my code, which is impossible since the BSD license basically says they can use it however they want as long as they credit you, not to mention it's impossible to "steal" software regardless.
Again, why is it a bad thing that companies can use your code how they please? Explain it.
>bugs unpatched for over 5 years
>it works
But real-life communism is highly centralized, bureaucratic and oppressive
Linux is decentralized and voluntarily colaborative
More like anarcho-collectivism
stealiong as defined by the mpaa is anything that doesn't gey you money for your material. try harder poorfag pajeet
BSD licence permits a client to close off the source.
Now if companies make money on your codes and you get nothing but a "thank you, cuck" in return - I'd say it doesn't need explaining how BSD is bad
>off the source.
close off their fork* to be more precise
Linux is by definition anarcho capitalism
software is private property in which a license is imposed upon, it is not a collective, it is individual and can be used to make profit, it is anarchist as it doesn't require a state, religion or anything to stop or control you, only licensing, fuck off commie swine
collaborative projects aren't communist or even necessarily left wing
>BSD licence permits a client to close off the source.
They get to fork it and close it off. They can't take control of your own source code or your own repository.
>Now if companies make money on your codes and you get nothing but a "thank you, cuck" in return
You still haven't explained why that's bad. I keep asking WHY it's bad and you keep repeating that's it's bad. So yet again, why is it bad? Give some reasons.
>I'd say it doesn't need explaining how BSD is bad
That's a funny way of saying you can't explain it.
>$20 buying that much food in 2005
LMAO more like 1955
not to mention it relies on competition with code commits and what is better, BSD isn't communist, Linux or GNU isn't communist and Windows and Mac isn't communist, they are all capitalist, except Windows and Mac are statist capitalism (corporatism/cronyism) anyone who says otherwise doesn't know that open source computing is capitalist is a fucking idiot
I just put an Intel 802.11ac card in my laptop. It worked ootb on the Debian partition, but I had to hunt down W7 drivers
Retard weebshit see . Are you going to give access to your local hard drive?
It's about intellectual property, if someone is making money off your project you get paid. That's how it works. If I am working on a new idea, make actual program out of it, I don't want people to steal my shit, employ paid devs and publish a polished fork of my brain child and give me no money.
If you are so much interested in your throwaway code use public domain licence.
If you made something serious go GPL where you get paid
Still hard to understand? Here is an example:
Your garbage bag is free and you don't care what people do with it: BSD licence
Your book in library is not free and you expect people to give back the book with some money: GPL
piracy is copying, not communism, or breaking a license (private property) it's fine as long as the licensw follows NAP but if a harmful license that relies on state force (like all rights reserved) is issued then it deserves to be broken as it relies on coercion or force, licensing is fine as long as it follows non aggression principle
BSD is communist. You may code for large companies and you can claim nothing in return
Deflation is NOT a good thing for economy, at least when it comes to regular currency.
no it's not retard, none oc that shit is communist, maybe actually learn what communism is before calling it that? BSD licensing came from a capitalist vompany and is a private property license that doesn't violate NAP, therefore it cannot be communist, nothing on here is communist, not to mention BSD licensing does better in the marketplace than other licenses like GPL (still a fine license) also communism believes in no money or companies whatsoever. It is stateless capitalism, that's what all these licenses are
berkeley is a company that doesn't require a state to be ran is it not? if that is true then it is capitalist
Some people mistakenly believe that there is something communist, socialist, or otherwise liberal, about Linux. They point to the word "copyleft", and the fact that it's given away for free, as things might be expected to be in a socialist society. "Copyleft" is simply a play on the word "copyright", indicating that it is an alternative view of what copyright protection gives. (Briefly, the copyleft forbids copying other people's work for one's own profit, but otherwise allows copying.) Also, the Free Software Foundation repeatedly emphasizes that "free software" means "free as in free speech, not as in free beer." That is, no one is required to give away something that they worked on. But information, once published, can be distributed freely. Information gets distributed freely all the time. The web page you are looking at now is freely distributed information.
>and is a private property license that doesn't violate NAP
cuckbertarian detected
completely proves my point that by it's very nature it is capitalist
>Are you going to give access to your local hard drive?
If a company is using your source code legally that means you published it somewhere at some point in time. The fact you specifically chose a license is evidence of this fact. Most people don't publish the contents of their hard drive.
>It's about intellectual property, if someone is making money off your project you get paid.
So the company distributing, supporting, advertising, and selling copies of the software should be forced to give me money? Why is that?
>That's how it works.
Actually it's quite literally NOT how it works according to many licenses such as the modified BSD.
>If I am working on a new idea, make actual program out of it, I don't want people to steal my shit
They aren't stealing your shit if you willingly allow others to use your source however they want. If you really think you'll make money selling the program then make it so they can't sell it. How many GPL programmers are self employed again?
>If you are so much interested in your throwaway code use public domain licence.
Why do you assume it's throwaway code simply because others can use it how they want? Why do you keep implying that you somehow magically lose control of your own project because someone is selling it?
>If you made something serious go GPL where you get paid
You mean get employed as a private programmer for some company maintaining someone else's spaghetti code for a living. There's what, one or two profitable GPL programs in existence right now? Does Subsonic even make much money?
>Your garbage bag is free and you don't care what people do with it: BSD licence
>Your book in library is not free and you expect people to give back the book with some money: GPL
If you can't even explain your argument without using (very shitty) analogies why bother arguing at all?
Wow man you're beyond retarded, did not see so much retardness in a while. It's like your're SJW, mentally challenged and underage at the same time.
wow dude you sure showed me, now get to the part where you actually explain why i'm retarded
Linux helps me to feel myself superior to Mac faggots and Windows normies.
Hey, at least you replied. Takes big balls to reply with one-liner denials after getting thoroughly BTFO