>tfw you fell for the m50x meme
The hinge on the right broke and now I have to put zip ties.
Don't buy meme headphones.
Tfw you fell for the m50x meme
The earpads on mine are hard and cracked and they are too fucking heavy and curly cable weights same as headphones REEEEEEEE!!!!! Jewkblickadick (mkbhd) lied to us!
Still rocking nearly flawless M50s.
Maybe if you didn't throw them in a backpack and kicked around with out a hard shell case.
I've had my ATH-M50s for 6+ years and the pads are soft and no cracks or breaks in hinges or anything.
I regularly just tossed them into a backpack, and they've been use a shit ton. People should just learn to take care of their things.
I'll admit they're fairly durable but the sound is what makes them memes
I've had mine for 3 years, and they are still like the day I bought them. Sounds like you either got a bad one, or a fake one.
or he aggressively took them off with one hand for a while
should have bought HD 25-II-1
People just aren't careful with their things and blame the object.
I didn't listen to Sup Forums and bought the HD598 Cs when they were $99 on Amazon, and I couldn't be happier with them. Sometimes it pays not to listen to Sup Forums.
>IPS meme was good though.
>tfw you fell for the portapro meme
They're really nice headphones for the price
Still rocking mine after three years
I have M40x's, and they did the exact same thing.
They literally never left my computer desk, just on and off my head for 3 or so years.
When they broke, they partially severed the cable to the earpiece, so now it's time for some tight splicing and JB weld.
Had mine for 2.5 years
Fallen off the back of my head more times than I can count, dropped em a bunch. Still perfect.
Only thing that sucks is the pleather pads have worn the fuck out.
Best value peripheral I ever bought.
The only m50x meme that's real is the one where Sup Forums shits on them because they're popular, good value headphones.
Lol dumbass
m50x is so uncomfortable and they sound like shit, most overrated headphones ever
Lol, thought you had a gigantic hand for a sec
I've had some m50 for a few years (m50x didn't exist when I bought them), been using them every day and the only thing I have needed to replace are the pads.
Though I only use them with my desktop computer so apart from a few accidental chord pulls that I can count on my hand they haven't suffered any punishment.
do they still sell the red m50s? The technigger in me likes the look of those.
m50s are bretty gud but my big fucking ears touch against the sides of the inner earphone and it irritates the fuck out of me reee
I started having that issue so I replaced the pads and it went away completely.
>gifted m50x
>sounds okay to virgin ears
>get into audio hobby
>listen to many headphones
>including kilobuck
>find out i'm a treblehead
>realise flaws of m50x
>replace pads with hm5 hybrids
>bass reduces, highs appear
>fits preferred sound profile _good enough_
>no longer feel the need to upgrade
Always remember to try before you buy, friends.
Go back to tumblr
while they are nothing special sound-wise, but I'm surprised you managed to break it. My old M50 survived years of abuse. So either m50x aren't built as tough as their predecessor or you're a gorilla.
Get a hardcase, a d replace the ear pads every year or 2 they are cheap and they should last for years if you arent a jackass.
Had mine for 4 years and they are flawless.
These headphones are for mixing and mastering, something your pleb brains can't understand.
Of course they are going to sound like shit when you use them for listening to music because they're designed to give a flat response across all bands and make no attempt to hide flaws in sound. Don't buy studio headphones if you're an audiophile.
Didn't realize Sup Forums was so autistic.
Buy a new headband off ebay. You will need to solder to replace it, though.
Buy Brainwavz earpads and replace your original ones. Also consider removing the cable and adding a jack for a removable cable.
I've done all of the above and it's great. Of course, it'd be better if I didn't have to, but too late you already bought the memephones.
>These headphones are for mixing and mastering
I agree.
The problem is that they are recommended to everyone, it's complete bullshit.
If you don't produce music, do not buy the m50x, they are awful for anything else.
I bought a pair of white ones last year. They continue to serve me quite well, though they kinda got filthy over time. I had to replace the pads, though. HM5 is another meme.
How can you even stand the stock earpads? I had to get deeper memory foam pads to make it comfortable and have acceptable noise isolation.
are those worth buying
i have had mine for almost 3 years now and i don't feel like switching headphones
but they hurt after a while, so
>this thread
>These headphones are for mixing and mastering
>they're designed to give a flat response across all bands and make no attempt to hide flaws in sound
You're fucking retarded.
>believing it's a studio monitor because it says so on the box
>with that nigger tier sound profile