Getting this literally every five minutes. On various installations on various machines

Getting this literally every five minutes. On various installations on various machines.

How is Linux the most stable system again?

Stop using Ubuntu.

"Stop using [the most usable Linux distro]"

Locate the common denominator.

It's you!


He didn't say anything about solus though

>it crashes every five minutes but it's the most usable
ok bruh

>install ubuntu
>feel shit

You know, you can use real OS, like openSuse.


Fedora is more usable


That message means shit. Just disable apport man.


ubunru do not adhere to linux standard and is dumb and stupid and not arch linux

Kys dumb faggot pedophile

Install Gentoo.

Also that message means absolutely nothing.

>Linux has 'something happened' type errors
>Linux has required restarts
You lied to me Sup Forums

>How is Linux the most stable system again?
Linux is more stable than NT. hell I purposefully OC my CPUs on Windows because I know it'll blue screen instantly if my settings are unstable. Linux can go on for fucking ever.

but that doesn't mean Ubuntu and its rube-goldberg assortment of freedesktop shit is more stable than Windows. the Linux desktop is fucking awful. take it from a decade long user.


Do you really need to post this same fucking picture every fucking thread?

what does it say when you press "show details"?

I had the same problem. Install arch, it just works

>ubuntu 16.10
>debian logo

I don't understand your post. The kernel seems to be working just fine.

This is how terribly hacked together Ubuntu is

That's Linux for you.

Some Frankenstein turd of a OS.

Just disable the dialog from popping up. What you don't know can't hurt you.

That he's done something completely stupid so that he could get the error box and shitpost.

Why don't you fix it?

Ubuntu is basically the Linux Toddler distro. Most people who use it rarely touch the command line and when something happens that can easily be fixed by a few minutes Google and command line work, the toddlers start crying saying how Linux doesn't work and it's useless and then before you know it they're back sucking that windows tit.

This. Just check what the source of the error is, write a patch for it and then recompile the package.

But Linux is just a Kernel


>That's Ubuntu for you

Use a better distro.

>Debian logo
>Wrong DE
Fuck you 0/10 made me reply

You know what I'm talking about.

Install Mint.


That's like installing Ubuntu's retarded brother who's been locked up in an Austrian cellar for 30 years and is the product of incest.

I n s t a l l G e n t o o


disable apport

send report, goy

What is in fact he referring to?