Proof that Windows is spying on you

Proof that Windows is spying on you.

Why is this accepted Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

because it still works better than linux

[email protected]
linux is spie on yuo xddDD

Install Gentoor

It's not spying on you. It is just collecting metadata in order to make your experience with windows as smooth as possible

>It's not spying on you. It is just collecting metadata in order to make your experience with windows as smooth as possible
Kill yourself my man

>being this autistic
>not recognizing irony
are you off your meds user?

>Why is this accepted Sup Forums?- 6 posts shown.
Sup Forums does not accept w**dows

i'm just glad that someone thinks i'm interesting enough to spy on

god i am so lonely

Sup Forums accepts windows, at least half of these idiots use it to play video games.

Kind of like how Sup Forums shills haskell but the programming threads are filled with python fizzbuzzes.

>Why is this accepted
Because people click Accept instead of actually reading EULA.

C/C++ dev here. python is okay for rapid protoryping. Hasklel, Jav* and c-***rp can live in trashcan

you need to learn what proof is

Because you accepted it explicitly when accepting the EULA.

>a [email protected] address exists
>he must be working for the NSA

so if they create an address with my name, does that mean i'm working for the NSA too?


Windows collects data on what you do with the OS. It literally tells you its doing this too. It's not spying on you.

It can also be easily disabled.

Autists like you are part of the problem.

No totally not. It's tim cook in the guise of bill gates :DD, you know the same shit you do all the time: open an email account for yourself and set up your uncle's name XDDDD

If you can get a [email protected] to work then probably yes.

There is no way, anyone but a paid shill can have some of these expressed opinions in this thread. I refuse to believe it.

>Windows collects data on what you do with the OS.

If you say it like this you make it look like it's not a big deal.

>Windows collects data on everything you do with the OS, including your programs, files, mic, webcam, network devices, daily routines.


>It can also be easily disabled.

No, but it can give you a false sense of security which is even a bigger threat.

>Autists like you are part of the problem.

Nice way of stating that if you don't like this ass-raping there must be something """wrong'''''' with you.

Shit son. I'd love an address. I'd even consider paying for one.

I don't know shit about hacking, but i'd join the NSA for one of those sweet emails.

Every now and then my sister's laptop gets really slow. So when this happenend I opened taskmanager and see 100% diskusage on a process called "microsoft telemetry"...

>don't use it connected to the Internet
What's so hard about using The Gaymen OS safely? Just stream games/desktop to your small Linux desktop/laptop from a noisy windows gaymen ATX server in your closet, which is blocked Internet access in your (freedom respecting) router, of course. That is, when you need Windows for a game or tool.

Women are robots created by the govermnent to give the masses illusory goals to strive for so, keeping them busy and complacent, so they don't realize that the banks and private interest groups are stealing all our dubs

This is why you can't call it spying. Spying implies some kind of secrecy. Windows just uploads you HDD in full frontal view.

Install wireshark and see all the outgoing connections

I'd spy on you, user-kun


People on that certain other site found that if there's a functional internet but the server cortana connects to is offline, LOCAL searches don't work at all.

Wonder why that is

Imagine the look on dat bitches face when you drop her your addu. She'd be like, fuck me now agent thundRcock.

That's not Sup Forums, that's Sup Forums spilling here because they think videogames are technology. There's always at least 1 gaming thread here.

What makes them not technology?

Winkcucks don't care about technology in general.

All they care about is the product, not the method. Product is and the method is .

Products are GPU shitstorms, speccy threads, guts threads, casing threads etc.

A typical winbabby's perception of judging a GPU is "Gaming benchmarks".

None of the gamer wincuckolds are interested in the method or process of making games. Game is not technology, programming games is.

Buying GPU is not technology and neither is discussing which build will play the latest manchild games.

Wincuckolds do not care about privacy and cryptology. They are more invested in games.

If all they care about is the ability to play games they should move to

Sounds like you're trying to compensate for something

Genuinly nice post.

>just collecting metadata

Just collecting "metadata", nothing to see here, move along.

It is literally spying on you, Mohammed.

It uploads 35 MB of encrypted data right after I plug in my webcam.

Metadata my ass.

>It can also be easily disabled.

They're entertainment. They have a seperate board. Stay in your containment board.

This always cracks me up. Microsoft is probably also laughing with me as I read this.

Grow up


>It can also be easily disabled.

Ignore, report and record these attempts of defending Microsoft



exdee family


wtf I hate windows now

ok but is there a way to disable that tracking?

Install Gentoo.

What I don't understand is how they manage to decrypt the screenshots. Do they have Microsoft's private keys?

that joke has become so stale since years now

it does nothing anymore

>tfw literal russian hoaxes are being parroted as fact across Sup Forums



>microshaft in charge of understanding asymmetric cryptography

>1014 byte packet gets turned into two high-res PNG files
Makes me think

Do you really think that vidya manlets care? they only care about muh DX 12 for muh gaymes.
If a company can milk their stupidity and they agree then there is nothing wrong.
Stop trying to protect the lesser individuals from themselves.


not an argument

Uh...this has nothing to do with spying. Your computer isn't going to send EMAILS to any of those email addresses. That would be retarded. They're all domain names too. If anything, they would send data to IP addresses so you can't easily just add an entry in your host file or do router/proxy-filtering of dns requests (a trivial thing to do).

Install Funtoo

forgot [email protected] and [email protected]
also [email protected] and [email protected]

Edge had downloaded/uploaded/whatever about 15mb during the time it was supposed to be closed
