Was this the best prank in computer history?

Was this the best prank in computer history?

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iOS wave was pretty good.

AMD convincing people to buy objectively inferior products for a decade.

fuck off

2016 elections

Apple products

>salty leftist faggots still salty

shitposting on Twitter sure is some real hardcore hacking. DNC paying rioters $1500 a head is fine though.



"Advanced" Micro Devices

The AOL prank call where they get some soccer mom to erase her entire C drive was pretty epic


FUCK i miss the 90s


This shit right here.


>hurrr we did it boyz

as if Trump wasn't elected by millions of backwoods dumbfucks

Keep believing whatever helps you sleep at night user.

Stallman would be proud


>backwoods dumbfucks
I think you mean Americans.
There are more truck driving patriots than numales with anal leakage packed into some sjw bubble in california.

>millions of backwoods dumbfucks

but hillary won the poor vote

The only reason trump got so big was because Sup Forums inadvertently made the media believe that all trump supporters were as racist and alt-right as the most insane Sup Forums user.

This election brought out the worst in everyone, people repulsed by the constant barrage of anti-trump whiners and talking heads claiming that trump would literally repeal civil rights got people to vote for trump just to spite them.

>there are more



Trucks are the most popular vehicle in the US.

SJW bubble acid test, are you friends with anyone that drives a truck?

Yeah, exactly my point
the backwoods dumbfucks live in desolate states that have a higher sway with electoral points.
he won the electoral college = elected by backwoods dumbfucks.

What about this do you not understand?

>liberals still upset
>Sup Forumstards actually believing that alex jones shit
i voted for her, but most trump voters were regular republicans, and weren't racist, just old people that vote party line
most hillary voters were the same, just people that vote democrat, but because of all the shit that trump says and does, cnn can make wads of cash from reporting every single thing he says and does,
and having a panel talk about it

I shouldn't be surprised they supported her.

>SJW bubble acid test,

Rachel Maddow drives a truck.

Your argument doesn't hold water.

You are a moron.

I'm a liberal and I drive a truck.
doesn't really make a lot of sense.
most conservatives drive shitty sedans anyway.

Says the tripfag with jap letters

Yeah, alright kid.

It does, you are just stupid.


Also cDc's L0pht and creator of Netbus

30 years later and it's still unsolved. Truly epic.

Hi Friend, not sure if you realized or not, But this is actually Sup Forums's Technology Board.

Here is a helpful link to get you back onto the containment board.

Yeah, my brother's one of them. Fucker can barely spell his own name.


You say shit like that because you are delusional, the truth is that republican truck driving hicks have more sense than you do and could see that Hilary was evil and corrupt.

They just only bother voting when they are pissed off, like when a nigger forces a bunch of globalist executive shit.

Pretty much. Republicans have always voted for the most religious zealots they see, and Democrats always vote for the most useless. Liberals just wait and see who's going to give them stuff, and the others are just waiting to see what happens. To be honest, this whole country needs to be wiped clean and used as a storage area for old boxes.

Oh, he didn't vote. He beat his daughter until her skull cracked and when he got out of prison, ran his truck into a car killing a woman and injuring her mother. And when I say he can't spell his own name, I mean he can't spell his own fucking name you half-wit. He didn't even make it to 9th grade because he's a fucking moron. Unless you're blowing him, I think I know a little more about him than you do.

haha your probably dumber than he is
that stuff is genetic

>that stuff is genetic

Yeah it is buddy.

>Top ten jokes that went too far:

pleas to be posting the source code to this humorous engangment

Found the visitor from reddit.

how does it feel to be related to a hillary supporter?


I can't believe i went to college with this cuck.

everyone knows that faggot is only good at making bbt tier jokes

>i voted for her
kill yourself

But those TBBT jokes are jokes Sup Forums can relate to and understands.

My Tacoma has a nice big Bernie sticker on the back window, thanks.

>when you shitpost so hard it changes history

>when you shitpost so hard you awaken the egyptian god of chaos

>tfw go into thread looking for some laughs but get another serving of political """""discourse"""""
This is the best prank.

what's the point of exhibiting a floppy disk instead of the virus' code listing?

Screenshot of desktops set as wallpaper, hide taskbar or kill explorer altogether, if explorer left running use trick to move all icons off screen.


This was legendary that was.

are you serious if they gave out the code anyone could copy it on pen and paper then release back into the internet you dumbass.

This pretty much

Prank is still going, AMD fags are still falling for it

The poor losers all voted for Hillary though, look at the stats

He's also a male.

This guy is a jerk with the most punchable face ever. Tries too hard to come off as a robot but keeps asking dumb questions which are incoherent, unrelated to the topic and make no sense.

His Glenn Beck interview was painful to watch because for one Beck is a always on meth and Tucker was an absolute cunt with the questions. You don't embarrass and insult your guests for ratings.

>You don't embarrass and insult your guests for ratings.

Clearly you haven't watched any TV lately.

Not on a news slot. I know talk show hosts and controversial networks do that.

the code is freely available



welcome to nu-Sup Forums. this won't end in the next 4 years btw.

Sup Forums = Sup Forums
sure it wasn't always the case, but since 2016 it's the most important board and the center of the universe

Sup Forums is the most alpha board, all the other boards just follow its lead

Sup Forums used to be the leading board, but since Sup Forums got famous with we know what, they have became the dominant board.
>tfw I remember the old Sup Forums
>the one that was not 90% porn.

yeah, 45% porn and 45% YLYL truly was legendary


not sensing sarcasm over the internet

your autism is showing

I didn't sense the sarcasm I just assumed you were the dumb ass.

Get mad, stay mad..for 4 years

what an easy way to spot retarded Sup Forumstards who will fall for amy bait as long as it's related to the elections

fuck off



>muh Sup Forums
found the nigger

>The only reason trump got so big was because Sup Forums...

Nigger nobody but the userbase gives a shit what neckbeards on 4 chinz think.

>found the nigger
Just looked in the mirror, did you user?

That's not true, especially when people from Sup Forums leave Sup Forums and go do other things. Sup Forums is not a self-contained miniverse. That would be /r9k/.

> most punchable face ever
Have you seen John Oliver?

The creation of Sup Forums

Fucking burger...

I remember this. kek