/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Indian tech support edition

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The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

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Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

xth for ab is cabal

this is a good op



where the heck is KG recruiter? if not recruiting

not giving you a fucking invite m8
that's where

uh, maybe he's doing other things? More to life than private torrent trackers, bud.


get cucked, alucardo

we don't want your FAGGOTRY here

can you tell him to come back, please

I see. When is he coming back from his 'life thing'?

>'life thing'
explain this

Holy shit are Apollo mods really that retarded? Or is that a fake image / new mod or something?

It's not fake, and this is their first line support team.

>are pooeylooey mods retarded


>he pays for a seedbox instead of simply using ratiofaker

You guys are fucking morons.

Lol it's the Admin
He's obviously doesn't want new users

>he posts hook shit in the thread!

You guys are fucking morons.

I got >1 TB buffer on APL and PTH by simply slowly faking random torrents. Keep pay2pirate moron.



Since this is "Indian tech support edition" I'm going to ask for some assistance.

I'm trying to move from Transmission to rTorrent. The problem is that rTorrent doesn't seed at all, 0.0 upload speed. I have my ports opened, files have been hashed and are in seeding mode, yet nothing is uploading (but I can download anything just fine).
If I restart the program then all torrents have "Tracker: [Could not parse bencoded data]" written next to them. All of those torrents work in Transmission (I loaded them from ~/.config/transmission-daemon/torrents).
rTorrent isn't in the tracker's unsupported client list (yet Transmission is, ironically), so I really don't know what could be wrong.

hello sirs :)

This is a good mascot

hello user

if by "good" you mean "hook" then i agree!

will you be taking the taxi to apollo sir

Your screenshot proves nothing.

>images are instantly archived
>deleting them anyway

very cuck 2bh

What tracker is that?

Also, /marked/. For any PTH mods watching: 1.80TB up, 214.95GB down, 8.37 ratio


Apollo. I'm not just set for life, my family is set for several generations.

ty for the giggle :p


photoshop idiot


Deep learning (neural net) on snatch habits during the freeleech.

Can we stop with this marking meme?
Neither Apollo nor PTH care.

Can't decide if you guys are ironically or unironically retarded.

dis nigga hook


he recruited me this week. Must just not like you

Alucard did that specifically to bait you guys. He posted this fucking picture. You guys are literally so easy to bait it's not even funny.

h o o k



The user who initially requested it I didn't trust with a webm.

"I was just pretending to be retarded."

Did you try turning off your computer and turning it back on?

he literally messaged me saying he was gonna see if ptg would circlejerk over this. it wasn't real. you fucks are so gullible it's not even funny. "I have a jpg here that confirms my beliefs so it must be real!"

Great suggestion, user.
But yes, I did.

I want Nala to crush my ballsack with her bare feet

If you act retarded, of course people are going to call you out for being retarded, even if you were just pretending. Plus, since the case in the OP image does strain belief, I asked if it was a fake.

is this a joke or?

seems like incredible amount of effort just for some buffer on some music tracker

Sup Forums - More gullible by the year

climbed the pyramid to empornium, privatehd, myanonamouse, and apollo .. what's next, lads?

6 months ok appreciate a worker
alright, curry level but a nice place
0/10 troll

PTP, BTN, AHD, HDB, PTH, Bibliotik, etc.


where da KG

sir i only read gaming of thrones :)

theyre worse than exigo and pedros

nostream or apooloo?

you're forgetting GGn you whore

Apollo, anything is better than NoS

drink bleach

fuck no

nos pwns pooploop day and night

it's conceivable, just would require immense autism.

btw did you guys notice a bitcoin link on nosec?

>did you guys notice a bitcoin link on nosec?
For real?

yeah, on the left in the navbar

>implying anyone with self respect is on nos
Screenshot it.

that's always been there...


stop niggering and expecting to be spoon fed!

Fuck off sarek. Nobody wants to join your shitty tracker

What's the best place to get Android applications?

Yes... Yes... I know, but I might as well take advantage of its features. Or else I'd just get iOS.

I've been using Mobilism.org. It's actually very good. If you need "mainstream" applications. The top distributors are always safe to use. Only had one issue with Speedtest because AdAway claims its malware or something, but it did that for the legit Play Store version too.

I heard about Aptoide too, but don't know much about it.

Also, what about ebooks? Plenty of places to get them. I mean for fuck sake both .mobi and .epub versions of an authors life's work is just 5MB, but it's always shit. You know? Some don't even have the appropriate tags and look stupid as fuck.

Yes, I did check the wiki, but I want some real opinions from people.

nick is pretty based 2bh

Bibliotik is the best book tracker I've used. I haven't used it very much, but it has had some relatively obscure books and I believe they require a library card for membership to maintain quality.

both of you sound like fags 2bh

for your viewing pleasure

rly? strange, didn't notice.

clearly you have no self respect

what's the worst that can happen? all they have is my ip and fake nickname/email/password

seeding off google drive seems to work much better than
seeding off amazon

the issue with google is just, you must not exceed an unspecified number of requests in X amount of time

so i use amazon drive as the main storage, and frequently sync to google, where i seed from

hook as fuck

I don't have any issues thus far.

Only ran into problems once when I uploaded to GDrive from two seedboxes at the same time. Exceeded the number of requests, banned for 24h.

don't summon me again

rtorrent is literal trash, it need plugins for literally everything

Use some script to install rtorrent+ru+scripts and achieve perfect torrent client

>plugins for literally everything
Like what?
It doesn't seem too bad as it is, or maybe I just haven't realized what I'm missing yet.

user is hook posting

rTorrent is great

Like everything?

>hook posting
What is this hook meme? I'm new.

I don't need any of those. Also, I'm not really interested in using a GUI for it, unless it has some benefits.

I just want rTorrent to seed stuff, which it doesn't seem to be doing very well. Maybe I should give it a week and see how my stats on the tracker change.

Don't bother, bitch, I can tell you I'm that fag that used autodl for 1 month in each client to test the differences

rtorrent > deluge = utorrent >shit impaled in a frozen shit > qb

Its not a meme. Its just one guy spamming it.


It will never become a meme, just give up.

it's already a meme :^)

That's exactly what it looks like.

>What is this hook meme?
Someone listened to so much Rap "music" that it fried their brain.

I wonder .. Do you indians cum thinking at 312c apollo or PTH ? Because seems to me they are part of your life. I know you indians don't have jobs, poor economy and you can fuck barely ( if you can purchase a wife ) but seriously it's nothing there to do than this?

>using the smiley with the carrot nose