/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously /**Experimental:
*Wire chat - add @helix to get started

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

* Resources:
$ man
$ info
$ help

Your friendly neighborhood search engine:
Try to use a search engine that respects your privacy such as qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Check the Wikis (Most troubleshoots work for all distros.)

What distro should you choose?

Break out of the botnet:

Learn more about Free Software:

Try GNU GuixSD:

/fglt/'s website:

/fglt/'s copypasta collection:

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
Part II: Part I: archive.loveisover.me/t/post/707928/

/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:
/wg/'s GNU/Linux Wallpapers:
Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/
Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

Other urls found in this thread:


First for power to the people!

>other new thread dies
>lets make a new one

Simplest way to block sites on Mint?
I'm talking porn sites (hentai mangas too) and things like reddit/Sup Forums. It has to be done on computer, not on router.

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Type in the following command to back up your hosts file, then hit Enter:

sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.bak

3. Type in the following command to block Facebook, for example:

sudo sh -c 'echo " facebook.com" >> /etc/hosts'

4. If you prefer to use a different method, use this command:

sudo sh -c 'echo " facebook.com" >> /etc/hosts'

To block a different site, just replace facebook.com in the command.

Why the hell would you block yourself?
What's wrong with reality?
Take your censorship and move back to

blue board

>advertising your favorite place

Hey retard, there is hosts.allow and hosts.deny exactly for that reason.

>hosts.allow and hosts.deny
bloat by definition

you should uninstall mint, it's a security nightmare and their isos were backdoored a while ago

esxi doesnt like my hardware and wont install
proxmox doesn't like my disks and wont install
xenserver works fine but randomly shat itself and died after three months

any other baremetal hypervisors to try before I reinstall xenserver?

>xenserver works fine but randomly shat itself and died after three months
sounds like a pebkac

may well have been

just wnrt to connect with cencenter one morning, no conection, ssh, no response, physical y interface dead, reboot, starts to boot then blackscreen and dead.

booted up a live image and checked disks and hardware- fine

could mount it and check logs but desu I don't really care

I want to address your retardation and everyone else's retardation too with a similar request.
Why do you think that there's a distribution 100% tailored to your idiotic needs? Can you think for a second and realize why that's a beyond retarded idea? Sane people use one of the handful of core distributions and then install and configure it the way they want. Sane people aren't retarded to expect that there's a distribution for the billion billions possible combinations out there.

>/t/'s GNU/Linux Training Videos:

Are these updated?

Which ones of them would you recommend for beginner?

Consider trying out one of these nice distibutions of GNU and/or the Linux kernel
> GuixSD
> NixOS
> Gentoo
> Funtoo
> Exherbo
> Source Mage
> Slackware
> Void
> Devuan
> Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
or these fine Unices
> FreeBSD
> OpenBSD
> NetBSD
> DragonFlyBSD
> illumos (a fork of OpenSolaris)
and remember - keep an open mind.

What does it matter if you're running a free as in freedom operating system if the hardware microcode underneath is closed source and botnet?
Face it, as long as Stallman doesn't create a company such as Intel that sells only open hardware (that will never happen) you will NEVER ESCAPE THE BOTNET.

I like Linux because of customizability. I don't care about freedomz

I wasn't asking you.

How do I compile the virtualbox dkms module with a custom kernel?

==> dkms install vboxhost/5.1.12_OSE -k 4.10.0-rc2+
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.10.0-rc2+ (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/5.1.12_OSE/build/make.log for more information.

I've installed the kernel headers but it seems the build process won't find them so does anyone know where it's expecting them to be?

have you tried consulting /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/5.1.12_OSE/build/make.log for more information?


You didn't quote anyone, faggot.

If I install Steam trough playonlinux programs will run in a windows vm but what about games that have native linux support?
What can I do to avoid having 2 steam clients (the client that runs trough playonlinux and the one that is natively support by debian's package repo)

There's no way, not until Steam adds native Wine support through the Steam client. Which, I'm pretty sure isn't a priority at all to Valve.

You don't

I'm on Arch if that matters.

shit nig! me too!

I have a really old/crap computer that my father wants to use for word/internet and stuff. What distro would you guys reccomend?


Thanks user.
Albeit with "simplest" I meant GUI if possible and something that I could turn off/on with just a click or two (not that I hate CLI). My bad. If there's a GUI solution, do tell.

So I guess I could write multiple hosts files and use the ones I want, like one for only blocking pr0n and one for social networks and copy the one I would want to use at the moment? I assume it must be only 1 file and only "hosts" as a name?
Could symbolic links help me here? Keeping vanilla hosts file and just linking to the one I want? Bad?

Notice the "friendly" in title.

>>Why the hell would you block yourself?
Because I have (close to) no self-discipline and it affects my life in a negative way. Most of people here might regard me as a "weak faggot" or something along those lines.

>>What's wrong with reality?
Fuck if I know.

>Take your censorship and move back to This will be done on my computer, hence the "not on router" part. And hardly censorship because it will be done by me, for me.

Satisfied your 'tism?

Heard of that.
Apart from that and forum breach (and ignoring the incompetence of core people), am I compromised? I heard something about Clem not wanting any help from Israel or people supporting it.
Found it: abriefhistory.org/?p=774

Now because I heard of past incidents I am looking for another distros. Maybe even Arch if I will muster up the energy to learn enough and customize fully to my needs.

Did you try it? Is it stable?

For how long should I be learning programming before trying to contribute to a distro you listed since they are smaller I assume there might be a lower entry gap? Of course not a lower standard.

>wants to use for word
>What distro would you guys recommend?

Has anyone tried to make proper systemd services for their X utilities? Taskbar, volume notifiaction, wallpaper setter, etc?

I tried to, but they fail to start because there's no X session running and they fail. Apparently a way to solve it is to create an X target. But how would I create such a target that starts up with X? Create a target file and autostart it with my window manager (because that's the first thing that launches)?

Great question.
I think the answer is "baby steps". At least we try to make software open source as possible. Open HW of course also exists but there are probably several factors that limits it's spread.
Found this quora.com/Why-is-open-source-hardware-not-as-successful-as-open-source-software and I think it's good answer to your question.
I think (maybe I'm too optimistic) in the future there will be vastly more OSHW because the knowledge will be more accessible (arguably it's already because of the internet. But not a lot of people know how to use google to find free PDFs (or for even basic things), use subreddits/boards/forums to find the stuff they need. But this is more anecdotal but I still think masses regard technology as some kind of magic) and because the machines needed to make chips will get cheaper.


But for a start maybe Ubuntu flavor, like Xubuntu/Lubuntu with Libreoffice if he doesn't needs some exclusive M$ Office stuff.

Is there a good install script/way to install Arch without having to manually install it (I mean using a GUI or something of the sort)?

I have installed it manually a few times but I want to install it again and I'm too lazy to bother with manually installing it without a GUI.

great answer


it's not

1. Installing it takes 5 minutes disregarding the time it takes to download.
2. You must be an idiot if you had to install your operating system that many times.
3. If you actually needed to to automate it, you'd know how. Because anyone who is in a position to automate installs, would be familiar with basic shell scripting.
4. If you actually needed that operating system, you'd have no problem installing it, because the installation is an integral part of it

tl;dr: you're a pretentious idiot who only uses things to appear cool

so on fedora rescue mode works fine but normal booting results in kernal panic, what do I do?

Just install Antergos or use Arch Anywhere if you can't bother doing it yourself desu.

ok, thanks

So I'm trying to use jGRASP and the README tells me to: Run
followed by
to build the native wedge and startup shell on
UNIX and UNIX-like systems. since Debian doesn't have a package called lsb-core that I can install.

Had to install lsb-compat and default-jdk.

Is your kernel up to date?

>want to install a python package
>it's packaged for python 2 only despite working with python 3 flawlessly

What the fuck Arch package maintainer? Is this a bug, where can I complain about this?

Linux mint 18.1 or Antergos?


Firefox tells me that my system date and time is wrong, but thats not the case.

I think your system is in the wrong year by the "6" on the leftmost side of the picture.

Hahaha ye
Its 2k17
Lol thx

>Its 2k17

>tfw CCI century
>tfw no robot waifus yet
>tfw no space travel yet
>tfw proprietary software is still a thing
Why even live?

use pip3?

KDE SHILL wants anal secks from BeAwesome
but BeAwesomre is very tsun tsun about it


fuck off Kde "Anal" Schlitz

we all knew he was a fagoot from the start


you want me to join your gay men wire chat room?
no thanks.

this kde shill is even worse than BeAwesome, if that's even possible
(BeAwesome's at least trying not to look like a faggot (although failing))

>it's the "spillover from Sup Forums trying to fit in" episode

Anyone tried Apricity OS or arkOS?

How do I identify what is causing my computer to go to sleep after a certain amount of time inactive?
It's Ubuntu, but a while ago I uninstalled unity and replaced it with i3

what's the best GNU/linux distro to run on a brand new macbook pro with touchbar?

Could someone help me with a small problem?

From one shutdown to another, my icon theme simply stopped working. I tried switching on the tweak tool (only works from default to High Constrast and back) and even running from the terminal with the debug flag on there's no errors.

I also tried taking ownership of the /usr/share/icons directory, downloading a different icon theme, reinstalling, clearing the icon cache, changing it by gconf/dconf editor and resetting both gconf and dconf configs.

The only weird thing I noticed is that gconf says it can't change the icon theme value.

I'm running antergos with gnome3.

I like the idea of Apricity's GNOME

Your default power manager may still be working

>It's Ubuntu, but a while ago I uninstalled unity and replaced it with i3

>can't add "I'm on Arch, btw" in order to look cool
>maybe mentioning that I'm running a tiling wm will help

Instead of /usr/share/icons you should try ~/.icons

I tried searching to try to find a config file that controls it but couldn't find one that worked
>friendly gnu/linux thread

Who uses Kali besides legitimate pen testers working for a business?
Are all the tools packaged with it just script kiddie tier?
Is it acceptable to use as an everyday distro or is there no good reason to?

>Is it acceptable to use as an everyday distro

How can we make /fglt/ great again?

ignore all people engaging in distro-wars

Proper moderation. Banning is a start

You can configure it to be a everyday distro, but out-of-the-box it isn't.

>asking for censorship

No, I'm asking you to fuck off

>How can we make
>Proper moderation
There's something wrong with your logic user.

This is a friendly thread, please behave friendly.

Sup Forums user can become a Mod/Janitor too

we start by removing Kde Shill's pathetic attempt at socializing from the OP pasta
and not allowing him to start any more threads

>*Wire chat - add @helix to get started
I mean how desperate can you get, really

>muh secrit club
>socializing is bad :D
Don't hax me bro

socializing isn't bad at all

>phone app
>closed source
>not irc
fucking disgusting

also, you dropped your name, kde shill

why the fuck can't you switch between things in a wine virtual desktop

is "wire" a good service?

Wire is not closed source


Who the fuck is the KDE shill?

What point in there in shilling something that's free as in freedom and as in free beer?

>being this new

good, then you should join right now and suck kde shill dick

KDE Shill did nothing wrong.

Except for shitting on BSD and wintards.

I took a long break from Sup Forums.

kde shill is a namefag from reddit devoid from any IRL friends and attention
he uses these threads to promote his gay wire club because he's a desperate lonely fuck

go kiss his ass on wire

>Shitting on wintards and BSD fags is a bad thing now