The left has become so toxic, that even mac users don't like them anymore, kek

The left has become so toxic, that even mac users don't like them anymore, kek


Other urls found in this thread:

>impeding growth of important sexual characteristics and hormones spreading through your body
>cucking both genders from the beginning on
>crippling children mentally and physically
>"safe" schools
What the fuck

Wrong board faggots
This is Sup Forums

>The left
Fuck off Sup Forums. Why are you so obsessed with transgender and gays? "The left" everywhere is more worried about workers than whatever sissy faggots want, they're a nuisance. America is a clusterfuck.

>moving the goalposts

That's why I'm homeschooling my kids.

A tech YouTuber posted it, so it belongs on Sup Forums, at least for now

This is in australia though

>tech YouTuber
He used to be now he is only mentioning tech once in a while so no it belongs on pol not g

Not true

They can smell their death coming from a mile away and the noice they make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the rest.

4 out of his 32 most recent videos are tech related
so yes it is absolutely true

>tech channel isn't tech channel just because he uploads videos of other topics
Well, 8-bit guy isn't a tech YouTuber in your theory

no not because he uploads other stuff
but because he primarily uploads other stuff

>tech channel
implies the channel is primarily about technology

I don't usually like tubers but Dave is above them all. He can be funny as fuck also.

Let's discuss about your post, retarded polbabby.

>The left has become so toxic, that even mac users don't like them anymore, kek
What does your post try to discuss?
>Left becoming more toxic (1)
>Mac users don't like the left any longer (2)

In case of (1):
The Left becoming more toxic is NOT related to technology at all. I don't care what your political view is, you are free to be an alt-right white justice worrior or libtard sjw degenerate - that's not Sup Forums's topic. The left becoming toxic is not related to technology

(2): Mactoddlers don't like the left anymore
Okay. So what kind of discussion is your post trying to achieve? It implies either
>Mactoddlers are (not) liking some political view
Which is NOT techonology
>Mactoddlers are (not) liking some political view and we should care as if leftist mactoddlers are technology

Either way your thread is off topic to Sup Forums and you should get your ass back to your containment board .

On a side note: Why are all polbabbies so damn retarded?

Leftism is a mental illness

Spotted the Hillary supporter.

On a scale of 9 to 10, how would you rate your autism?

>radical vocal minority of {left,right} said stupid shit
>they are all exactly like this

American politics are so shit I wish that country would fucking collapse already

Ah, dumb shit burger muncher calling me a fellow burger now.

I can see how hard you are trying to control your damage after getting BTFO

10, probably. I'm taking a week off since C++ is really autistic

>tfw the slippery slope you were warned about by supposed "crazy right wingers" a year ago actually happened

>Pedophilia is next on their agenda
they said


When did that happen, fatty? It sure wasn't by you.

Also, format your posts better, you fucking sperg.

See how quickly you wondered off the topic of ? It's because you are trying to avoid it.

If OP addresses this without ad hominem I'd be obliged.

>please address my autistic ramblings

The polite thing to do with crazy people is to ignore them.

Oh look. Its the fucking forum topic police. Your post isn't on topic, piss-face.

Now piss off and get me my McBurger and fries you Hillary supporting MacToddler.

At least you tried.

I see how quickly Sup Forums or Sup Forums toddlers loose their voice like a cornered little faggot when presented with actual arguments.

>actual arguments.

Lol, what argument?

>muh not on topic


Western white men are faggots and sissies, and faggots and sissies must be treated as such.
I don't see a problem here.

Yes, not on topic. Look at the board you are posting your crap on, toddler.

Now to wait for some edgy reply...

Calm your autism, autismo. Like, get on topic, princess.

>actual arguments

So much this

But please user don't turn your kid into a 1488 kill niggers machine

Try to show what's wrong about both sides of every opinion be it left or right.

Wow such a rebuttal. I'm amazed.



Trump is a mactoddler. I hope it give you an impression on how much he gives a fuck about technology.

>An old IP trying to divert the ""topic""

>tfw you're an eastern european Leninist whose grandfathers fought in the red army and American teenagers call you a Hillary supporter
Can the alt-right get more mediocre and boring?

>Wow such a rebuttal. I'm amazed.

Rebuttal to what? No were arguments made. All you did was make the new grammar-nazi shitpost (i.e. on-topic-nazi). Go play in traffic asshole.

>I hope it give you an impression on how much he gives a fuck about technology.
That means he values technology for its functionality, and not its autism.
Truly a great man.

>namefag derails discussion Again
Hide, ignore, report.

Thank god for white people

>mfw i'm South-Eastern European, and according to the US media and agencies, I rigged the US elections by influencing the opinions of their voters by posting the following vid:

I have never felt more accomplished in my life. Thank you US media, thank you US agencies, for giving me such great CV credit.

We're going to be following some Classical Education homeschooling plans that have been coming out, focusing on Math, Latin, Greek, Rhetoric, History, etc. It helps that my wife is a licensed teacher even though she left teaching because of how progressive and soul-killing the institution is.


1." Rebuttal to what?"
The fact that OP is not relevant to this particular board.

2. "topic-nazi"
Implementing and following rules are "nazi" now? Also, ironic how poltoddlers calling people nazi. I chuckled

3. Go play in traffic asshole.
Are you disabled? Mentally?

>He tells me to go back to my contianment thread, I will hide and report him like a "cuck"
Did I hurt your feelings?

Do you like your starbucks organic coffee as well?

Is this the white nationalist hugbox thread?

I think you are looking for

Why are liberals always bringing up race? Look at the OP and please tell me what it has to do with white nationalism.

I agree. Hillary supporters should get the fuck out and back to

>"""tech""" youtuber
>talks about something that is not tech
>this makes it Sup Forums

If you look at OP you'll find it has nothing to do with Sup Forums as well.

Just go back to where you crawled out of

>look at me I can make up stuff too

Guy in video is just spouting a bunch of bullshit, and none of you bothered to even look up if any of it was true (none of it is).


Liberal intellectuals everyone.

It is true. I have a gagged white male boy caged in my room right this moment.
I have dressed him up in a frilly maid uniform and he is currently busy enduring the vibrator pooper training session.

>constantly defending the left
>"Starbucks organic coffee drinking macbaby"
Is this what hyper autism looks like?

It's not true because he doesn't give any citations and Googling his claims either yield no results whatsoever or matches some conspiracy blog bullshit.

But please, provide sources proving me wrong you degenerate scum.

>Oh no the liberalz are ruining my hugbox again!
>I'm too stupid to do anything other than parrot criticism onto the liberal bogeyman
How's being uneducated treating you?

sounds hot, do you guys yiff?

>How's being uneducated treating you?
Why are you getting all triggered suddenly?
I just agreed with you and you treat me this way?
Did your parents never teach you any civility?

How the fuck do you manage to fuck up a swastika?

You poltoddlers are truly hilarious

>What is your political preference?
a. Alt-right (the good one)
b. Alt-left, communists, faggots etc etc etc

>What do you do if someone calls you mentally disabled?
b. See a

can't believe you actually tried to use this as an argument
fuck off and kill yourself

I don't think that's supposed to be a Swastika user.
I think that's the alien lizard sect members spreading their sign.

Right wingers are more likely to be privileged and white, and thus wealthy, when compared to left wingers. This means more right wingers have MacBooks than left wingers.

>look at me, I buy organic water so I am rich :D
Mactoddlers' logic

Butthurt poorfag detected. U jelly?

no, its autechre

>youtube celebrity

>A tech YouTuber posted
How is a tech youtuber posting a non-tech related politics video is Sup Forums?

Good. Don't let anyone dissuade you with the socialisation meme.

I'm not jealous of your vegan (organic) burgers, mactard

Of course. A person can't be jealous of something they could never afford to taste in order to develop a sense of urging that would lead to jealousy.
It's understandable logic.

>i'm a fat fuck
>i'm so fat i talk about a brand of computers and compare it to food

You're the only one triggered here bud.

If you don't like being called an idiot so much perhaps you should shut your goddamned mouth long enough to learn a thing or two!

I know, I know, that would take a literal fucking miracle. Maybe you should make a few offerings to your household Hitler shrine for intelligence, vitality, and safe trolling. That will totally work, just like all of your great social theory!