Buy new laptop

>buy new laptop
>game runs perfectly
>"hm my battery is full now"
>unplug charger
>all games runs terribly and becomes unplayable

Why does this happen? I tried everything (changing battery status, gamecard setting etc) and the problem persist

hm incredible discovery

Graphics card requires higher wattage than what battery puts out to run at maximum performance.

Because battery can't supply enough power per second to the hardware to utilize all performance.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Overclock your graphics card. I take no responsibility for the damages that may result.

Don't unplug your laptop.

>buy a new laptop
what a dumdum you are.

Plugging it when the battery is not low wouldnt fuck up the battery?

Check your settings if you're running Windows. Some laptops have a low power consumption mode

I have two sony vaios from 2010 that were almost never used unplugged, and their batteries are both still just fine.

it's often hardware restrictions. the wall simply provides more power than your battery can deliver to the system

Do you even know how chargers work?

Try turning off speedstep in your BIOS, it helped me out. You're battery will drain faster but it'll run better while it lasts.

OP here, forgot mentioning my video card is a 940m

Modern battery lifespan is based primarily on depth of discharge; using your battery is using it up. If you want it to last then keep it fully charged and only unplug when you need to be portable.

you can take out the battery if you're so worried, fagtron.

Are you sure it's not switching from balanced/high performance to battery saver mode when you unplug it?

The battery is unremovable


1. Open case
2. Find holding screws on battery
3. Remove screws
4. Remove battery

I've done it on multiple laptops with "non-removable" batteries, takes less than 5 minutes.


Wow, what fag machine did you buy? One with the touch meme? Neck yourself already and save the world from your retardation

Nah, they last about the same whether you drain or not

Asus X555UB, I live in a shithole and it was the most best option for the price

for maximum battery life a battery should be kept at around 80%, but don't even bother if your laptop doesn't have the firmware to automatize it.

You fucking idiot. Every time you discharge it it it becomes more used.

Stop trying to game on a fucking laptop you stupid fuck.

user bought it for gayming, what did you except? gaming devices are the flagship of capitalism, even cost more than apple logo

Hahahahahahahaa what a fucking moron

Install gentoo

Check the bios for any power saving features