Is now a good time to build a new computer or should I wait?

This is my old computer:

Please note that I currently have a GTX 970 in this computer. I replaced the GTX 560 TI with the GTX 970.

>There is a 970 in that build not a 560 TI.

This is what I plan to upgrade to:

Is it worth replacing my old build with the new one? Should I sit on it for awhile longer and wait for new advancements to come out? How much of an upgrade would I be getting?

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Literally just upgrade when you have to.

Is performance an issue?


Yes but sometimes you could be upgrading on the dawn of new hardware being released making waiting a better option than purchasing immediately.

Help please this is a hard decision I don't take spending 16-1700$ lightly.

Whats that girls name?

I want to do unholy things to that frog face.

That 2500k is still fine. You can wait another year or two if you are really on the fence about it.

Trading one 4 core for another 4 core? Doesn't sound like a great upgrade to me.

I could, but I don't want to. I would however wait several months if there was some new hardware pending that would make purchasing now foolish because of much better deals on the horizon if I waited a few more months.

Is there anything pending in the next several months that would be worth holding off on building a new PC for? Or will an i7 6700k and a GTX 1080 be a worthwhile improvement over my old system, with nothing new coming that will completely blow them both away making me regret not waiting?

Do you even need the upgrade? There's the TI coming but it's worthless without a 1440p monitor with +100 Hz refresh rate.

Dunno man. You can wait for coffee lake to drop and move to that and whatever high end jewvida card that will be out by that time. That or just make that build. The hardware will last and keep pace for quite a while.

Currently one of the games I play (Titfanfall 2) only runs well on low settings in multi-player. I suspect as new games continue coming out this will continue to happen.

Is it a significant upgrade over i5 2500k and gtx 970 I have currently?

Vega is going to eviscerate XP and volta for $300 wait it out dude

What you're looking at getting? Graphics card wise you're not getting that much more. The gtx970 is pretty good and unless you're getting into some serious gaming meme shit, you won't see the performance gap. Processor wise is a pretty big jump, but if you're not seeing a short fall in processor intensive games why upgrade now?
If you're talking about coffee lake no one really knows how that's gonna shake out. I know it'll be a good boost from Kaby, but that's it. Coffee won't be here till like summer 2018


kek. You funny guy, I'll kill you last.

I want to fuck that frog.
On the upgrade, wait it out. This generation high end is garbage and Zen might be a good alternative. Consider going 1440p high refresh.

The GTX 970 has been disappointing. I have to play on low settings in Titanfall 2 Multiplayer to guarantee I never dip below 60 FPS.

The i7 6700k and the GTX 1080 are garbage?

Don't misuderstand, they're quite good. The 6700k is the top performing CPU out there in signle threaded stuff, only surpassed by itself in a more refined version, the 7700k. Buying 4 cores right now will definitely hurt you in the future. The GTX 1080 is the second most powerful consumer GPU out there, but it can't run 1440p at high refreshes or UHD at 60Hz comfortably. You might as well go 1070 or even RX 480 and wait it out.

Why would buying 4 cores hurt me in the future? From my understanding there isn't that many games that even fully utilize 4 cores.

What is UHD?

>The GTX 970 has been disappointing.
No shit? Even idiots knew this right after release.

Don't listen to this faggot. He's right that an i5 is all you need for gaming unless you have money to burn for an i7. But, if my 980ti can play 1440p at high framerates (80+) then the 1080 is even better. If you have a 1440p monitor with a 144hz refresh rate the 1080 can push it. Don't wait it out unless new hardware is a month away because then you will forever be waiting it out

Don't, unless you have a 1440p screen at least.
Wait to see what Volta/Vega and Cannonlake/Ryzen have to say, get the ones that are better for the price (hopefully Intel and/or Nvidia will adjust their pricing if AMD doesn't drop the ball too hard).

How long for the Volta/Vega and Cannonlake/Ryzen. I don't mind waiting a few months but if there is no concrete date and it can be anywhere from a few months to a year then I'd rather pull the trigger now.

Volta will be at least a year from now. Vega and zen are imminent. Why would cannon lake or coffee lake or any other retarded body of water be coming out soon when kaby lake just released?

A year isn't too long to wait, your build is still perfectly fine for 1080p.
If you decide to go through with it, get the 6700k only and keep your 970. CPU progress is pretty much dead, unless something groundbreaking happens, nothing that will come out in the next 5 years will be significantly better than Skylake, but GPUs are still getting old very fast.

The 970 is pretty bad though. As I mentioned earlier I cannot consistently stay above 60fps in Titanfall2 MP unless I run the game on all low settings. I really feel like I wasted my money with this card. I plan to sell if if I go ahead and purchase the new system. I may just sell my old system entirely + the 970.

I'm worried the 1080 will be disappointing as well though. It always feels like buying a new GPU is never satisfying. When I wanted to game at 1080 60 the 970 wasn't enough to consistently maintain 60 without ever dipping below 60.

When I look at benchmarks for the 1080 it's not enough to get 1080 144hz consistently, although it will permanently stay above 60 at least. It looks like it can run 1440 60 at least.

Seems like the best approach to GPUs is buying a new one every year and selling the old one to recoup some of the loss.

>I cannot consistently stay above 60fps in Titanfall2 MP unless I run the game on all low settings

Probably the 2500k's fault. A 970 should be able to stay above 60 fps @1080p at high settings without any issues.
t. 970 / 1200p owner.

his ram might be slow or running in single channel. someone did that a few days ago. a 970 is plenty enough for 1080p 60hz, though I'd get a 1060 or rx480 over a 970 these days

My friend has a 1070 and when he maxes out Titanfall 2 and plays multi-player the 1070 will dip into the low 40s.

Please understand I am stressing the multi-player component. You can easily find benchmarks of people running high settings in single player, but that is not the case for multi.

Also is there a way to check if my RAM is not running in dual channel? I'm fairly certain it is but I'd like to check to be sure.

>his ram might be slow or running in single channel. someone did that a few days ago. a 970 is plenty enough for 1080p 60hz, though I'd get a 1060 or rx480 over a 970 these days

I don't think you actually know how much single channel bandwidth impacts real-life performance

>Please understand I am stressing the multi-player component.

So let me get this straight, you want to get a new PC because you want to brute force sufficient FPS in this one literally-who game that has dogshit MP optimization and is crippling your hardware that is otherwise perfectly okay?

like, a lot?

You're overstating the hardware. My build currently can not max out modern games at 1080 60. I had to play Battlefield 3 at medium settings to achieve 60fps and even then I had dips occasionally. Battlefield 3 isn't a modern game either it's quite old.

Fallout 4 would also not run at 60fps at maximum settings, had dips all the time.

Dark Souls 3 does not run at 60 100% of the time either at max settings and has many dips.

>Every single game you play is just poorly optimized then!

No sorry, we can't cherry games that run a smooth 60 and say everything else is unoptimized. The card either runs games well at 1080 60 or it doesn't. The 970 doesn't.

Starting to think you're a poorfag.

my 980ti couldn't run vanilla fallout 4 at 1080p 60hz because that game was unoptimized trash. if you can't play bf3 at 1080p 60hz with a 970 something else is the problem because I was able to play MGSV: TPP with no issues at 1080p 60hz. I'd say get a new cpu and more/faster memory and make sure its in dual channel mode

Something is affecting your performance, none of these framerates are right.
But hey, go ahead and buy a new PC because you can't troubleshoot for shit.

>Starting to think you're a poorfag.

Suit yourself.

I upgraded two months before core duo
I upgraded right before athlon 64
I upgraded right before 4000 series

no, unless it will cost you your source of income do not buy right now.

What animeme is this from?


lol what are you even talking about man, I play the game using my AMD A8 APU + GTX 750 ti GPU just fun at medium-high as long as you're fine with dipping below 60 fps.

Your 970 should be getting 60+ constant, which means you should just reset your computer and clean install windows and your drivers.