Has Sup Forums ever changed your mind on anything tech related where you previously had a strong stance?
Has Sup Forums ever changed your mind on anything tech related where you previously had a strong stance?
Edward Snowden is a traitor. If you do nothing wrong why do you need encryption? To hide illegal content and communications? There should be a chip in all devices that allows decryption like universal master key.
0/10, here's your reply
fuck off kike
I used to think Macs were for homos but now I realize they're actually for pedos.
I thought linux was shit. I've been using it as my main OS for about 7 years now.
What do you have to hide from the police? Harassment? Pedophilia? Stalking? Dealing drugs? Plotting against the government? Hacking? What are you afraid of?
My stash of anti semitic frog pictures
Got me into *nix-like Operating Systems and Free Software in general
I really thought Macs sucked because when I was a kid, no quake, no duke, one mouse button, gay logo
thing is, I had never "fucked around" on a Mac, besides some really out of date black and white OG macs that we had at my jr high
when the iMacs came out, my best friend's family got one (i flamed him) and I remember getting to know it really well, I slowly wrapped my head around the idea that it actually was better than windows
the happy ending is I still never bought a Mac, they are too expensive. If they cut the price by 40 percent I'd probably get a macbook. I use linux these days, and I'm far enough removed from Quake/Duke Nukem 3D to admit that it has always been a better OS than whatever microsoft makes
Windows 10. The insider previews looked promising but then the spying came to light.
The red flag should have been the free-ness.
I use it now, though, so any hatred I lump on it makes me a hypocrite. I still don't like aspects of it.
Yeah I guess so its the current year after all so everything spies on us these days, any idea if windows XP spied on its users?
My sides good b8
>everyone's else face seeing this post
in xp when you turned of telemetry, it turned off
in win 10 when you turn of telemetry, they dont give a fuck and still track you
I always wondered, this dog died right? the volume of shit he barfs seems way too much for him.
Used to believe:
Mac is better than PC
AMD is better than Intel
Water cooling is a meme
Linux is feasible as an every day OS
Also, used to exclusively console game, but after the disaster that was Fallout 3 on PS3, I see PC gaming is better. I still hate gaymer culture though.
IPhones. Well the iPhone 7 Plus read and write speeds on the 128GB model. Holy shit it's faster than most people's ssds!
I'm considering to get a iPhone 7 plus. Nvme looks really promising
This is what politicians actually believe.
Don't talk like that, if we keep meming this hard people will take it seriously.
>I slowly wrapped my head around the idea that it actually was better than windows
>x hardware is better than y software
Logical Fallacy: Non-Sequitar
>What do you have to hide from the police? Harassment? Pedophilia? Stalking? Dealing drugs? Plotting against the government? Hacking?
All of the above.
nah, long before the whole SSD meme crap I had an actual SSD as OS drive and knew what it was.
Hated laptops pretty much all my life, there's always something wrong with them, eventually I got a macbook pro 13 pre retina faggotry. Before that I thought maybe OSX was better than Windows or Linux. Boy I was fucking wrong after using it for a while, it has the same or even more "quirks" than Windows and Linux, that's for sure.
Sup Forums showed me that business grade laptops are actually worth it and most of the time built like tanks and easy to service. Also confirmed that only faggots try to use laptops to play videogames.
I thought he was just fed chocolate. I think that's what I read, anyway.