/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Copy Paste Edition

Post your component list, rate other anons', ask questions in general.

Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA.
If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price or to improve specs or build quality.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.

General Tips:
>Consider substituting an i5 6500 for an i3 in any RX470/480 or GTX 1060 tier build
>Consider substituting an i5 for an i7 if you are not a content creator
>Consider stock fan+heatsink for any i3 or locked i5 build
>Consider a B150 mobo for any i3 build
>Always consider an SSD for your build, the difference between one and an HDD is night and day

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.

>Information about how to assemble a PC, how to select components, etc.

If you see any other build advice or part list threads, direct them here with
Remember: Be nice and courteous, but don't tolerate people who don't accept help.

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friendship xor tolerance

r8 new 128Gb build.

using a usb flash drive.


I just ordered a Noctua NF-F12 PWM Cooling Fan for my Water AIO Cooler for $20.

Did I do good?

I've got GPU, Mobo (z170) and DDR4 RAM already bought. I have been waiting for nearly 2 months for CPU prices to go down, however, they don't seem to.

Recently the 7700k has appeared in Spain's online stores. They're charging 400€ for it. 340€ for the 6700k.

What should I do? Wait until the 7700k goes down a bit more and get that one? Or just out-right get the 6700k already even though it's a bit overpriced? I've seen it at 310-329 before.

I'm coming from a 3-year old 3570k build w/ 970 that I will of course sell once I get everything.

in 2 years the prices on the 7700k will go down a bit.

8th for linustechtips

I know you're trying to mock me and I understand not buying a piece for a mere 20€ difference is retarded, but my point is:

Is the 7700k really worth it? I've taken a look at reviews and some people say the 6700k is still better, once you OC them at the same frequencies.

7700k is marginally better but the difference is very minor because they both overclock to same clock speeds and are based on same architecture. Just go for the cheaper one out of those two.

>They're charging 400€ for it. 340€ for the 6700k.
Fucking hell, get the 6700K, the 60€ premium is WAY too much for what the 7700K offers over the 6700K.

I'm this user.

I'm running an old H100i on my i5-3570k, OC'd at 4.4ghz. Been like that ever since I got it, that's nearly 3 and a half years.

Will the H100i fit the mounting point on a z170 mobo? I've read it should.

Otherwise, if I had to get a new cooler to OC the i7, which is what I'm planning to do, what's the flavour of the month cooler right now?

So I have a couple questions about my upcoming build for this summer. Part list so far, going for a black and white theme:
>Thermaltake Core P5 case
>Gigabyte Aorus GA-AX370-Gaming 5 mobo
>High end Ryzen CPU
>High end Vega 10 GPU in white/black/both
>16GB of Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR4 ram
>Western Digital Black 5TB HDD
>120GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD from my current rig
>Corsair RMx PSU
So, now my questions:
Would it be worth getting the 4x4 instead of the 2x8 Dominators?
If I want to slap a second GPU in there at some point, will an 850W RMx be enough or should I spring for the 1000W? I Plan on overclocking as much as possible which leads me to-
I want to do liquid cooling in this build. I have not done liquid cooling before. What is the best kit (keeping the white and black theme in mind) I should get for this build? I want hard tubing, a triple radiator, reservoir and pump, the whole shebang. The coolant is going to be white. Also, how much of a pain in the ass would it be to add in a second GPU down the line if going with liquid cooling? Is draining the coolant to add more tubing, and a crossfire bridge, to the loop a bitch or is it relatively simple?
Last small thing. where would I find custom cables for the modular PSU I'm picking up? I want to get cables that are black and white patterned.

im not mocking. just letting you know the prices for both likely wont go down for a while. i even went to check pcpartpicker's prices before posting. using the i7 6700k as a reference.


i recently bought the i5 7600k over the i5 6600k, because if im upgrading and dont plan to get another CPU for a while i might as well get the Best one in that price range.

Tho i will say this, you might run into the same problem im dealing with. the Z170 board wont work with the Kabylake cpu. you will need a skylake cpu to update the Bios so it will work with kabylake.

tho i dont know anything about what you are upgrading from (ivy bridge),

X99 strix boards a shit

I bought some G.Skill ram rated for 2400mhz. When I enabled XMP in my bios, it automatically set it to 2666mhz. Is that bad? Could I damage the memory going past it's rated speed?

Posting my first build I did last year so you all can learn from my mistakes.
>Don't buy a product because it "should be good in the near future"
>Don't buy a product based on brand name + price = quality? (bonus points if you can point the component I'm reffering to)
>Don't buy overkill cooling solutions
>Don't buy a large case unless you are 200% sure you actually have the desk space for it
>Don't buy a mid-low-end gpu when you actually have more cash at your disposal.

>>High end Ryzen CPU
>>High end Vega 10 GPU in white/black/both

thanks for the quality feedback friendo :^)

Is there a horizontal (pizza box style) mATX case with a seperate PSU and hard drive compartment (like the case basement meme)? Preferably with filtered intakes, and top rear (which would be side rear on a vertical case) exhausts?

Split the 5TB hard drives into multiple smaller drives so you don't have your shit fucked when the 5TB drive inevitably fails

>(((((GAMING))))) mobo
>(((((DOMINATOR™))))) RAM
>only 120GB SSD
>current ((((rig)))

Crossfire doesn't use a bridge. Dominators are already pissing away money for no good reason so just get whatever kit you like more aesthetically. AM4 will not support quad channel though like x99.
Changing realistically anything in a watercooling loop is a massive pain in the dick. If you really want multi-gpu just get them both right off the bat. If you can't afford it then maybe you shouldn't be going for such a high-end setup in the first place.
AMD graphics cards tend to eat up more power than nvidia ones, but each generation is getting more efficient from both brands. There are no specs out for vega, so take that for what you will.
I threw together a "worst case scenario" for current hardware on an 850w psu and it only came out to 624w Even adding an additional 30% to account for random power spikes AND your overclock (being extremely liberal with estimates here) Its still enough for the psu to handle. If vega high end uses more power than a gtx 1080, maybe get the thousand watt unit.

well no shit its for video games you fucking idiot i like to enjoy my free time. thanks for answering no questions

cool thanks for the info man

>just one GTX 1080

>t. xXxTh3_G4M3R_1337xXx

>pcie sound card and not a DAC
>1200w psu for a system that probably draws 510w maxium when overclocked
> 64gb ram (idk maybe you actually have a use for it).
Ignore previous greentext if you are a video editor or something and your ram useage actually spikes over 30gb
>massive case with normal sized hardware that would normally fit in a mid-tower.
If you're just using this for gaming, it's pretty shit all around. If you're a content creator of some sort, some of the choices are slightly more justified, but you could have done a bit more research / shopping.

Stop replying to trolls. It's fucking 2017. You should have learned this by now.

>High end Ryzen CPU
>High end Vega 10 GPU in white/black/both
No, just no user

Sapphire rx 480 4gb or XFX rx 480 GTR 8gb or XFX rs rx 480 4gb?

for e-sportsy games ( overwatch, phantasy star online 2) and PS2 emulation?

I'm running dual 1440p monitors on an r9 270x and windows ui stutters and lags with just a bunch of youtube videos, game fps drops maybe to 40ish.

actually 8x16 ddr4 3200

No gaymes, just adobe creative cloud and ml.

And sound card was for 24/192 adc (input). Other parts not pictured are bluray writer, 3.0 card reader, two 10tb 7200 rpm drives and LSI hardware raid pcie x4 card.

The sapphire nitro card runs kinda hot and loud. Personally I've got the msi gaming x 480. 63-65c in overwatch. Ps2 emulation will be almost entirely on your cpu.

Where are Porsche's lawyers when they need them?

go for the GTR, coolest running Rx480, and the 3+2 warranty XFX is offering is pretty neat,

>Today is the day I shall cable manage
>An hour later finished rerunning all the cables
>Literally no better than it was before
Cable managing without a modular PSU is basically impossible (at least in my case)

>not wrapping the longest USB 2.0 cables in a helix around the other non-ATX power cables
Wrapping your longest cables like that will shorten their length AND keep your wires in check. Just don't tug on them too hard.

No, the main issue is I have a rather small midtower (Antec 300) with no cable management holes.

The issue with that is my ATX 24 pin power, SATA power tree, SATA cables, and PCIe 6 pin power for my two graphics cards are all competing for the same space and nothing can be routed behind the backplate

nice video game consoles

I know, and my tip is still valid. You want those cables taking up as little space as possible, so the only way forward is to bundle them up together efficiently. The thickest cable (motherboard and CPU/8-pin PCIe cables) are straightened and wrapped together to form the "backbone" of the cable group and the thinner USB 2.0, front headers, HD Audio, and other power cables are wrapped around them or bundled together separately and put between the ATX cables and the case's backplate. The USB 3.0 and SATA ribbon cables are folded flat into neat S-shaped beneath all those cables to shorten their length and minimize their clutter.

I had that card for a day (thought my second 270x had died and got the 480 to replace it)
and it seemed to perform decently, back then I only had a single 1080p monitor though, damn shame I can't compare it before to my current set up

Newegg has the sapphire 4gb for $210, I could have amazon price match it, and fill out the form and get it for

Pretty good considering that you didn't build it yet

This guy.

how do you have a graphics card for a day? I'm surprised they took it back.

Amazon is just really good. I was surprised too. Of course restock fee was like $9, but that's still nothing.

Motivate me to finish building the PC I've had laying around since September, haven't touched since November, and cost 550 burgers

Thanks. tho im disappointed that leaving the whole Sony vs Xbox has me entering another dick waving contest, Nvidia vs AMD. It Megahertz my feelings.

I can't decide between these two for my next build...

any help?


+ a GTX 1070

You don't need a liquid cooler for a 6500.

You can't overclock that processor anyway.

And you can google win 10 OEM keys on Kinguin for 30 bucks.

>buying a GAYMING B150 board
The very least you could have done was ought one of those overclockable C236 motherboards and a Xeon E3-1230 v5

>(((GAMING))) (((AURA))) mobo
>AIO for a 6500
>120GB SSD
>$93 for 2133 RAM
>buying wangblows 10

How do you install the drivers for your stuff?
Should you use the CDs it comes with or get them online?
I don't have an optical dive so idk what else I could do. Copy them to a USB maybe?

Get cheaper memory.
Get a bigger and better SSD.
Get a cheaper HDD.
Get a cheaper PSU.
Don't buy W10.


It's not like it is your money. If he wants to buy it, let him.

Because waiting for an unreleased product(s) and hinging a major financial investment upon it is a foolish mistake that no one in their right mind should ever do.

Thats the profile on the ram. Its fine.

About to pull the trigger for my gayming PC

I'm not the guy, but is win7 fine?

Who cares? Only autists. I say good on him for wanting new shit.

If you prefer W7 then go for it. DazLoader has made it piss easy to pirate.
If you want 10 just dl the ISO and use it without activating it. All that happens is a watermark in the bottom left and you can't personalise your background and stuff. It's all fully functional.

well that sounds pretty good

>tfw not enough money to buy mobo+cpu+gpu+ram

$30 short ;_; Should I give up the gpu and wait for muh mony or give up the mobo and wait for the 200 series to get cheaper?

If you are going to OC. Id go with a DH15. The 212 will be ok for keeping a stock 7700 cool.

I tried asking this in the last thread but got no replies
I finished my build and turned it on, it ran for a few seconds and then turned off, before turning on again. I tried working backwards, but even with the motherboard out of the case and with literally nothing connected to it apart from the psu, it did the same thing. Is this a psu problem or a motherboard problem? How do I fix it?

I had the same one time and it turned out that my retarded ass had managed to bend some pins in the cpu socket.

Just an idea.

>Kelvin Lake
>212 EVO
Enjoy your thermal throttling and housefire.

But I went with the 1060, not the RX 480

Do you have firsthand experience?

Mine ran stable 4.8ghz with a 212 at 66c. Im sure witha dh15, 5ghz on air is possible.

Enjoy your memes.

It was still happening even with the cpu removed.

r8 my build? I have about half the parts

it's not like he's trying to cool an FX user

You will need cpu and ram for it to POST

Case and motherboard aren't available yet, but should be in February.

Streacom F1CWS Evo
ASRock Z270 Gaming ITX/ac
Intel Core i5-6400
Noctua NH-L9i Low Profile CPU Cooler
HyperX Impact 32GB (16x2)

Total: 700€

Already own:
700Gb 2.5" HDD
128Gb M.2 SSD
Monitor, mouse, keyboard, speakers

This is for an all-purpose (except gayming of course) home PC that's supposed to be portable but I'm having my doubts. Should I build it like this or wait for the new AM4 ITX motherboards to come out and use a Rysen CPU to take advantage of them sweet integrated graphics? It would be nice to play some FIFA at a native resolution even if on minimum settings. The downside is giving up the Thunderbolt 3 port on the ASRock Z270 ITX which is something I use a lot but could definitely live without.

Way overkill with the psu, but it's a good series. Fans on the cpu cooler are going to run a bit loud.
Not necessarily bad but it might be overkill based on what you're going to use it for?

help me build a htpc and seeding/torrenting machine pls. I have no idea how to make one.

I used a 4gb usb flash drive to install some motherboard drivers before installing the OS to help recognize USB 3.0 but updating your BIOS might help that, like Asus using EZ Flash.

Now fuck off cunt

quick request for any pc building expert passing by. I'm trying to build a pc (my very first one).

My goals would be for it to last a while (over 2 years if possible) without going over ~1500$ (canadian).
I want it to be able to run the Witcher 3 at medium-high settings without struggling. (I think that's the highest demanding game I'll ever run on it.)
If you can fit a monitor and a not-crappy mouse and keyboard in the budget I'd be really happy.

I'm not sure if asking for this is too much for the cost of 1500$. if it's really impossible to fit the budget then feel free to inform me of the price I would be looking at.

more like

now fuck off cunt

hold off on the gpu and get a b250 mobo, you can get the twin fan version of the 1050ti for the same $140

I turned on a rig with only the motherboard and the processor installed and with the fans and case cables plugged in

no ram
no hdd
no optical drives and such

Shouldn't you at least be able to boot up the bios? I couldn't manage to get anything out of it, though i didn't expect it to work.

I want to upgrade my 920 i7. Mainly for games and some graphic work.
I have a decent graphics card and ssd. Need a few pointers on what to look for to keep a budget of $600 USD.

it needs at least 1 stick of ram in the first slot to post.

Got it up and running last friday night. Booted on first go. Haven't started overclocking anything yet. This mobo has two switches to enable cpu voltage bump and ram oc.

>why 6900k
My SO did not want the 4 core meme 6700k. "too fucking slow."

>why 2tb
Dual boot for adobe cc and ml under linsux

>beefy ps
More drives and another gtx 1080 will eat additional power in the months ahead.

Any size will do?

weird question. how easy is it to switch out cpu coolers? I accidentally ordered one of lower quality than i needed so I had to order another, but while the worse one has arrived USPS has taken the one i'd rather be using hostage. since I predict it will take them a few days in this weather i figure I might as well build my pc now and switch out the cooler later

the rx 470 is much better and has 10usd rebate.

depends on the cooler.
212 is hard as fuck.
cryorig h7 is a breeze

hah cool. the h7 is the one I have. getting a corsair liquid cooler in the mail though so i wont end up needing it.


it's fine. you're paying too much for the psu imo

Waited 2 weeks for all the parts to come in and now they're all here, right in front of me. First build. Literally shaking lads.

I ended up paying 125 canadian loonies for the PSU, which hasn't fluctuated at all

I already have the CPU and motherboard and I'm on a budget, could anyone help me fill this out? I just want to play games on 1080p and maybe some easy to run games at 144hz

One step at a time m8. No rush.

Get the case on its side. Put in mb port shield. Slide in mb. Screw in mb... Not too tight. Look how far you've progressed!

I know about the two-fan version but I just don't like it, 2big 4me.
Also, you're probably right, I'm better off holding on the GPU since I can still use da integrated graphics.

Thanks for the advice but I can barely afford my budget build, RX 470 is like $70 above my budget and the gain is pretty insignificant. I was gonna get the vanilla 1050, but 2GB + higher clock for $30 more seems like a really good idea.

yes, as long as it is compatable with the motherboard.

How is this looking guys? Old i3-2100 and 6850 that has been in the closet. Seems to run pretty good but I want to switch the ram to a faster 2 channel 16gb kit now that I found the 390 so cheap. I was planning a newer 4gb card but. I will give this build the psu from my main when I upgrade that.