What is the perfect OS, Sup Forums?
Does one exist?
What is the perfect OS, Sup Forums?
Does one exist?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was called Windows XP.
And it was Good.
Yes, it is called Life.
macOS Sierra
Pic unrelated.
GNU with BSD kernel.
A GNU/Linux distribution with the GNOME desktop environment. (When GNOME no longer needs third party extensions)
Windows 8.1
Debian 8.
That would be WES7
T-thanks Microsoft
>not using 'administrator' as account
everything comes with their upsides and downsides from a variety of different factors, there is no "perfect" OS and there never will be by virtue of every large software project turning to shit one way or another given enough people and enough time
The most perfect Windows iteration is 7. The most perfect gnu/linux iteration is Fedora.
The most perfect MacOS iteration is on fire in the dumpster where it is lighting a dumpster full of Macs on fire as well.
The OS God chose
At least it has a non-stupid name, unlike Windows POSReady.
LOL no, you must be underaged
Any OS that comes with a vulnerability like that is not perfect by any definition
The new OS Google is creating from scratch seems promising. I don't give a shit about muh botnet, I just want a modern OS.
Basically every OS right now is some code from the 80s that had been polished and the UI made pretty, but they're ancient turds deep down to the core.
>creating from scratch
Linux fork
>I don't give a shit about muh botnet
>he says while posting an underage girl in her underwear
>implying that bitch is underage
They may be old but they're still gold :^)
Do you have any proof of your claims?
If not, be ready to go to prison for many years
>Do you have any proof of your claims?
add the filename to snapchat
>If not, be ready to go to prison for many years
>implying you can be sent to jail for posting a pic of a girl in a bikini
kill yourself
>>implying you can be sent to jail for posting a pic of a girl in a bikini
>implying you can't
maybe in whatever totalitarian sjw hellhole you live in
Not really.
>Android and Chrome OS use the Linux kernel, but Fuchsia doesn't.
anyways, thanks for the snapchat nerd
> Basically every OS right now is some code from the 80s that had been polished and the UI made pretty, but they're ancient turds deep down to the core.
The only 80's operating system still kicking around is OSX and the BSD's. Windows NT and Linux were both relatively modern creations of the 90's.
Do you have anything concrete that you would have liked to see in a modern operating system that would be enabled by something more modern, or are you one of those javascript kiddies that hate old and battle-hardened codebases?
>Windows NT and Linux were both relatively modern creations of the 90's
oh wow!
they're not from the 80's! they're from the 90's!! sooo modern right?
You still haven't said what would a more "modern" operating system would have to offer.
The OSs we use right now were created when computers had mere kilobytes of ram and processors ran basically in Khz too. Any dumbphone nowadays has more power than Supercomputers of the time.
MUCH of the code has remained basically untouched and completely optimized for the hardware that is currently available. Creating a OS for today's hardware would make computers a lot faster and efficient.
Windows 3.11 and Windows 2000
Everything else was a mistake.
You're retarded
b-but macos was created from the ground up!!
thank you
>code was optimized to be super fast on 1980s hardware
>therefore it must be inefficient and slow on modern hardware which is several orders of magnitude more powerful
1980s hardware didn't have multicores and a bunch of stuff new hardware has.
People have different needs. Some OS's work better for some people than others. Same with text editors, programming languages, computers, phones, etc. But Sup Forums will always have unoriginal debates that change no one's minds and only serve make people feel superior to other people on the internet just for using a certain product.
Jk, arch is the only good one.