Name ONE good OS.
Name ONE good OS
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OS X 10.6.8
inb4 templeOS
ur mum
Windows 10 :^)
OS/2 Warp
win 7
Literally perfect
Advanced tools, simple and easy to navigate, not dumbed down too much. Functional.
I feel like Win2k was their peak. Everything after was just worse. I hated having to move on to XP.
Especially the control panel was easier to use on Win2k I thought.
Botnet OS
Yeah, especially when coming from win 98 or god forbid ME it was just an amazing experience to finally have such a rock solid and functional OS.
For it's time, Windows XP
Win10 is great actually.
Don't you ever get tired of shilling?
Literally just a dumbed down mom-friendly 2k, was barely even usable before SP2.
Linux Mint Cinnamon x64. I use it and so does my grandma. Zero issues in both cases.
>For it's time
Where I lived, everyone loved to hate on XP. It was like how people hated on Vista. Was it like that everywhere? I knew several people that did all they could so they could keep using Win98se and/or Win2k. Even in 2004.
Every OS is shit. GNU/Linux is less shit, but still shit.
To be honest, I have no idea what are you trying to imply here. You do look stupid, though.
Why do you keep posting this? Literally what point are you even trying to make?
dumb frogposter
SeL4. I mean seriously it's formalized verified down to the assembly code. What more do you want?
Are you to too blinded to see how the font rendering went to trash?
Notice you blur?
Retard, you are comparing your fonts with your own
That's exactly my point. Only you have this problem. Looks fine for me.
Temple OS
I'm comparing your fonts with mine here you are comparing your font with your own here You are not mentally handicapped, are you?
And I'm telling you you're a fucking retard. Did you think everyone was affected by this when you posted it?
This on you to figure out, and if you're expecting Sup Forums to be your personal tech support in this situation, you can fuck right off.
>Did you think everyone was affected by this when you posted it?
I've seen better damage control than this hahaha
Debian 8
So hilarious and original
It may not be great but it's better than everything else
WES7 hands down
Go away, Lennart.
Windows 2000
Ubuntu 17.04
Atari MiNT
for its time, XP was a shitfest of BSOD and incompatibility.
now, its okay as there have been many fixes. But for its time it was fucking disgusting.
ITT: Computer janitors argue about which toilet is the most fun to clean
you name a good one then
Urbit :3
gahnoo slash leenuks
Fedora has been perfect for me from first install on my x220. Not a single driver issue, not one hiccup, not one glitch. Absolutely perfect
Looks like mmc no longer declares itself as dpi-aware and opts into the system 2x bilinear filter instead.
Reasonably normal choice to make if it had hardcoded any pixel offsets, reasonably normal thing to happen for old raw-win32 / MFC / WTL software.
I'm assuming they bent over to support some bigco's compatibility constraint seeing as mmc can host a lot of third-party controls.
Mac hOmoSeX
>Unironically encouraging the use of selinux: the distro
Windows 7 Professional-Ultimate
i came here to post this
you are fucking retarded, its your image rendering that is making the image blurry
Arch Linux
NT 3.51
Really stable, and it supported many of the programs 95 ran.
There are none, depending what you need some just suck less for a particular job.
This is actually probably the least controversial answer on this board.