What was the internet like in the 1980's, Sup Forums? I know that the Usenet was invented in late 1979, and that other online services started to crop up not long after that.
What was the internet like in the 1980's, Sup Forums? I know that the Usenet was invented in late 1979...
shit speed but less people and less stupid ass shit to put up with.
Sweet spot was late 90s before 2000 and the internet bubble bullshit. After that everything spiraled out of control and it went to the shitter after 2007.
There was much less content, but even including the alt.* tree the signal to noise ratio was much better. I remember when an Alta Vista search took you to the engineering department's documents on a device, not the marketing department's.
Do not fall for usenet sperg psuedo re-writing history based on their shit nostalgia source. The internet in the 1980s was more shit than you can possibly imagine.
This was an era that invented the "admin" model that put absolute power into the hand of one BBS shit. Within months they realized that they could just ban you when you said anything against their wrong and shitty information they'd been circlejerking for a decade.
IRC is the same model but at an even more accelerated rate. Channels would explode into ban and kick wars and then they would all go make their own channel which would explode a few days later.
The internet did not "go to shit" in 1993, 2000, 2007, 2012 or whatever other year you or other people pretend it did. Web consolidation is not the result of "private commercialization ruining the web", it is survivalism and the web naturally evolving out of this shit 80s model. Nobody wanted to deal with the same minimum wage dropout piece of shit finally being given just a little bit of power vis a vis the bbs, irc, or as it evolved in the interim into a forum, they always go to town with it and it's ban on sight for any truth that disagrees with their pretend circlejerk world.
Consolidation freed us and made the internet more about free speech than any smelly turbo loser admin did keeping his shitty bbs/channel/forum going so everyone could talk about nothing for 2-3 decades. It was not a wild west, it was not some lost era. It was a miserable shitty nothing land full of fat control freaks who were fiercely pushed out of society finally finding a way to exert control over other people and making it all about their insecurities and inability to communicate.
.... then how did Sup Forums develop in that era
Sup Forums has multiple boards and certain ones are already like I describe. For example, Sup Forums is ban-on-sight for everything except for 5-6 comics that the board is masturbatory over. /vr/ is ban on sight for a multitude of topics. The boards that do not do this have a lax amount or next to no admins or janitors looking over it.
>The internet did not "go to shit" in 1993, 2000, 2007, 2012 or whatever other year you or other people pretend it did. Web consolidation is not the result of "private commercialization ruining the web", it is survivalism and the web naturally evolving out of this shit 80s model. communicate.
>Consolidatiilon freed us and made the internet more about free speech
Speaking like a good goyim. Web consolidation will kill World wide web.
The only people against consolidation are those who lose their gay little power flaunting abilities because nobody gives a shit about their shitty rule lists on their irc et al.
Why did people choose consolidation. It is not because of corporations. It is because either directly knowing it or not, they collectively remembered all of the shit admins at their previous sites. Consolidation has eliminated shitty admins. If admins had been open to talking to people instead of just saying "we already disproved this in a thread I won't link to 10 years ago annnnd I guess I will ban you", then consolidation would have been a passing fad.
The world wide web of "olde" is the admin model and it is already most certainly dead.
Forums nowadays are so fucked since they realize this, the ban ratio is at an all time high and you see every site has several public "banned posts" forums in which they literally flaunt which threads they removed.
Above poster brings up the "signal to noise ratio" meme, how about the "post to ban ratio" ?
>Consolidation freed us and made the internet more about free speech
gee, I wonder who could be behind this post. it's totally not a shitty website owner.
Pics posted earlier are all ads and don't even closely show what it was "like" to experience the internet in the 1980s. Ads are lies designed to sell you something and so far it was the only type of picture posted in the thread. That is all nostalgia shits do, just filter through and post the 1 or 2 things that appear good instead of the 98 other horrible miserable BBS failures. Nostalgia is like if a collective of people were asked about a crime they committed, nobody is ever going to admit to doing something bad they will always try to focus on playing it in a positive way.
Gotta be honest - you sound like a weird abrasive autist who managed to get himself kicked off of a bunch of BBSes and maybe even banned from entire Usenet groups back in the 80's, and you're still furious about it.
Expensive as fuck to use if you didn't do any phreaking
>Why did people choose consolidation.
It has more to do with mass influx of new users on the web
It literally became tv 2.0