Thought on this?

Thought on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

seems legit

What's she doing?

is this the lady that I buy social media upvotes from

charging phones

is that a hand-warmer?

Fuck capitalism

Inflating ratings on app store products


She's boosting view counts/downloads/searches for products/apps. It's a Chinese gray business. I believe this one was for boosting Taobao searches for a given item.

Natural conclusion of capitalism.

My thoughts?

Every system with rules simple enough for the layman is a system that can be gamed.

Alleged story is fake
She's testing the phones

could you potentially hook all of those up and make one supercomputer?

There's got to be a much better way to do that.

This seems silly. It would be much easier and cheaper to create some kind of a botnet to do that.

>taped front cameras

Why the fuck can't they just use Apple devkit software to emulate an iPhone? You can do it with Android Studio ffs.

multitasking in the smartphone age

if you've ever been on tantan (chinese tindr) this is basically how bots operate.

shes just testing the phones

There is. Just rig up a carriage that replicates her hands movements while she does the desired action on the phone.

>AMDs new multi-core solution

In what world would having a super computer with ARM processors even make sense?

I'd fucking do this vs working at fast food desu famalalalmalmalmlamlamlamalmalm