Don't use FreeBSD. Bug reports over five years old that still affect people aren't fixed...

Don't use FreeBSD. Bug reports over five years old that still affect people aren't fixed. They don't even reply to your bug reports, either.
The default install needs tons of nonobvious configuration afterwards, too.
Use OpenBSD.

Other urls found in this thread:,

>Use BackdoorBSD
N-no thank you.

>Don't use BSD. Bug reports over five years old that still affect people aren't fixed. They don't even reply to your bug reports, either. The default install needs tons of nonobvious configuration afterwards, and there is almost no software for it

>Use Linux (or Windows if you must game)

OP pls, give us some examples.

>h-hehe yes good goy, don't use an OS with an intense security focus because there was drama between the developers!
Not an argument. de Raadt is a dick but his OS is more thoroughly audited than almost any piece of open source software.

Only use OpenBSD if you don't need a decent filesystem, any form of secondary security(because we all know forking projects and carrying giant diffs because of the NIH syndrome is a good idea). OpenBSD bases it's "security" on "well written code". Except there are bugs. Just today there was an OpenSSH vulnerability , as well as a libressl one. Install a port with a vuln and your OpenBSD is nothing more secure than anything else in it's default state. It just does less because muh "security", who needs SMP, who needs performance, everyone else sucks because we said so.

Please stop embarrassing the BSD community. As a member of the BSD community i reject all the shit being spewed by the OpenBSD community. Pin it on them, not the rest.

>use the BSD bistro made by the autistic pufffish community

Not OP, but FreeBSD still doesn't support ASLR, which is an essential component of exploit mitigation. Good thing nobody tries to attack FreeBSD, I guess.

Lack of ASLR in FreeBSD sucks, but I'd rather have no ASLR than a god awful implementation that is in OpenBSD. It's ridiculously easy to predict where certain addresses will be mapped and is vulnerable. At least FreeBSD still has a chance to provide a proper one, as opposed to being stuck with a terrible one that is just there for show.

The problem isn't so much that ASLR isn't there, but more that the maintainers don't seem to think it's a problem. It's insane that *windows vista* supported ASLR, and that was released 10 years ago this month. But FreeBSD, being still actively maintained, somehow hasn't managed to prioritize it, and instead seems to prefer masturbating over default software and re-implementing open source drivers from Linux.

FreeBSD was good when Matt was at the help.

Fuck FreeBSD. Dragonfly FTW!

Is there some BSD that isn't shit or dead?


>Use OpenBSD.
Nice try NSA shill!

This ShitBSD has lack for any good filesystem but full of big kernel locks


ITT: newbs that can't install FreeBSD

Won't support my 1 year old hardware, so yes it was literally impossible

It's not FreeBSD - most of its userland (ie. what Apple haven't replaced), the network stack, vfs and process model are all that's left. Rest is XNU, Apache, APSL or similar and not from FreeBSD through the Darwin port.

Can't wait to install it on my SHARP X68000.

Funny, it's super fucking easy. Grab the bootonly img file, write it to an USB disk, insert it, follow bsdinstall (use handbook if retarded), ???, profit.

Software has been more important than hardware since the 70s. Build your computer around your software needs, not the other way around.

i will be not using any bsd shit anyway.

Apple MacBook doesn't have this problem

They just have many, many, many other problems - such as a complete lack of consistent design, an almost frantic obsession with thinness to the complete detriment of battery or even just a simple 8P8C RJ45 connector, that they are no longer aimed at the professional market or even prosumers but are marketed to consumers, and that that they haven't had any innovation since long before Steve Jobs died.

I just realized something: it must be fucking depressing to be locked into any single ecosystem so hard that you'd prefer shitposting and making a fool of yourself instead of learning something new. If it was me, I'd probably just use an etherkiller and go live as a hermit, if I ever got to that point.

are you doing this to trigger the freebsdfag

Enjoy your FBI backdoors, my man

Guess why Steam says SteamOS + Linux

Guess they were wrong about needing BSD to create proprietary software or make money. Guess support is more important.

guess what

Was never found, so it's FUD Mr. Shill

Everyone thinks it's a problem, it's just that there's not nearly enough discussion and people who abandon revisions(Shawn) or simply don't care about them are the reason FreeBSD has no ASLR. Every single one of them has been criticized with comments that were never addressed. Respectable kernel developers made comments on every ASLR implementation that hit phabric and none of them were fully addressed. FreeBSD isn't going to chase people that abandon revisions.

How about this:
>accept the best available ASLR patch
>make the few changes you requested yourself (just submit a patch immediacy after)

It's ridiculous that the system has such a laughable security hole when it could and should have been fixed years ago

>using *BSD

When Linux isn't obscure enough...

>couldnt handle the banter

just use arch, just restarted after installing almost 2 month of updates, so far only gtk icons broken, is a different theme

The installer didn't tell me it wanted a FQDN instead of a short hostname, so sendmail crapped out on first boot until I fixed that. There also is a ~/.shrc file which enabled things which are already enabled by default in sh, thus causing sh -V to never work.
Also when they moved fortune from /usr/games to /usr/bin they didn't fix everything that needed to be fixed for it to work. Various problems, all the time.
Also, using pkg to install Chromium or Firefox leads to an unusable browser without doing modifications by hand. At least in Chromium they tell you what to do to make Chromium work (enable shared memory) but for Firefox you have to enable dbus, and they never tell you to do this, nor how to do it.
These are all problems I've never encountered in OpenBSD: and when I do encounter a problem in OpenBSD, committers actually reply to my emails.

Fuck it, I may try to write ASLR for FreeBSD myself, and actually follow through. Watch for it, Sup Forums!

Teach me how to kernel program: I can only do userland programming.

If you don't need to write kernel code, then you probably won't have the motivation to learn. Still, a good place to start would be with a basic linux kernel module:

If you know a bit of linux assembly (, for example), then adding a system call may be a more interesting intro to kernel programming:

Finally, by far the best intro to kernel programming is to write an OS from scratch. This is the OS tutorial I learned most of my stuff from:

In all of these cases, it really helps to be somewhat familiar with C.

I only know C, but I don't have any GNU/Linux installation. Just three OpenBSD installations and one FreeBSD install. I suppose I'll install a GNU/Linux distro on a flash drive. I also have the Linux subsystem installed on Windows.
Thanks for all the links!

Not liking the personalities involved is a 100% valid reason not to use software that relies on community support, especially with a community as small as OpenBSD.

Linus is incredibly lucky that the Linux development community is so gigantic, varied, and more importantly has an endless supply of people you can pay to put their ego in check and tell you what you want to know or do something for you without screaming at you to read the manpages or whatever.

>babby who can't deal with software instead of the people behind the software
Why are you on Sup Forums?

I don't feel like cucking myself user sorry.

Are you really so sheltered that you have never had to deal with somebody who was a complete fucking asshole to you?

You never knew anybody like that? You've never had to work with somebody like that? Your work never forced you to attend to somebody like that?

Why would you willingly put yourself through something like that unless you have zero self-respect?

> Why are you on Sup Forums?

Because this is an anonymous imageboard. You don't know who I am. I don't know who you are. Nothing anybody says on here actually matters. I sure as hell don't need your advice or help with anything, and if I did I'd take anything anybody said with a gigantic grain of salt.

Huh, that's an unusual path to learning unix, to say the least. Cool! Well, you can follow the exact same advice, just look up your own BSD "hello world" kernel module, (userspace) assembly example, and syscall tutorial. They all exist for BSD, too, but I bet you're much more likely to find them for FreeBSD than OpenBSD.

No, I'm not sheltered. I'm just not thin-skinned.
I started with FreeBSD because I couldn't find a decent body of GNU/Linux documentation to go from 0 to actually learning Unix. I found the FreeBSD handbook, and it was good, so I used FreeBSD. Months later, I tried OpenBSD, and since I preferred it I never tried FreeBSD again until a couple days ago.
FreeBSD's documentation is better, but OpenBSD is really a better OS for everyday usage. I'll still save those links, but you're right that Google can help find everything.
I remember skimming this many months ago.

>No, I'm not sheltered. I'm just not thin-skinned.

Being thick-skinned only means that you don't let the abuse "get" to you, which is a good life skill to have no matter who you are.

That doesn't change the fact that there is extra mental overhead with dealing with those special snowflakes. You have to know their "rules for engagement" ahead of time, triple-check everything you say to avoid offending them, be mindful of their hot-buttons, purposefully steer the conversation away from things that could cause them to go off on stupid tangents, it just gets tiring dealing with those personalities.

Give me a community of people who are actually polite, professional, helpful, and most of all don't need their personalities managed.

The idea that Theo is some bully is a meme. Both of the times I've had conversations with him, he was pleasant and courteous, and helped me with what I needed help with.
So you prefer robots over humans?

> So you prefer robots over humans?

No? I mean the kinds of people where you can just rely on everyday social norms like "being polite and professional" and things will go swimmingly.

At least it's errata looks better then Linux LPIs and other vulns
Software is another problem.

There is already the best ASLR implementation ready it's called PaX, guess what it already existed since 2003 even Windows has ASLR.

Oh man, I almost skipped over this gem.

>The idea that Theo is some bully is a meme

You are full of shit.

Just for laughs I searched for recent posts by Theo in openbsd-misc. I couldn't even get through a single page of results before I found a post of him accusing somebody of being selfish and spamming the mailing list because they mentioned in passing that they were busy over the weekend with client work and hadn't had time to reinstall the OS.

This is not the first time I have done this either. I do it every so often for entertainment, because without fail I can usually find a recent post by Theo or somebody else on the team where they decided to be a prick at the smallest provocation, real or imagined. It's the same way watching a imageboard flame war is amusing. But every time, it reassures me that keeping away from OpenBSD continues to be a wise move.

Fuck outta here.

>But every time, it reassures me that keeping away from OpenBSD continues to be a wise move.
good for you

Oh, I'm not subscribed to misc; just announce, tech, and ports. Didn't know.
Please link some of these messages.











Oh, I'm not subscribed to misc; just announce, tech, and ports. Didn't know.
Please link some of these messages.












This is OpenBSD country. Do you expect me to spoon-feed you things you could easily discover yourself? Do your own research.

(see how fucking annoying that is?)

you make a claim, so you back it up

Guys, I am stuck between using Debian/Fedora for my XPS13, I will be using GNOME as my desktop environment of choice. I have only had experience with FreeBSD and openSUSE/Arch briefly if that means anything, I would appreciate any input from anyone who has experience with either.


I've seen GNOME used on both OpenBSD and FreeBSD. Why exactly do you want GNOME? For which programs? I haven't used a DE in over a year, since I realised all programs can come without a DE.

You'll probably like debian a lot more, it has more packages. Debian is a GNU project though so it doesn't come with firmware images, so that's kinda shitty. Ubuntu GNOME exists.

When was Debian a GNU project? I thought gnewsense or trisquel were more like that.

Arch is the master operating race

Debian is not GNU, but it actually has a pretty strict stance on software freedom - if your software doesn't adhere to the DFSG your packages are now stuck as second-class citizens in the non-free repository.

how do you have all those colors in pacman output?

I have experience with all of these.

imho, Archlinux is the most desirable OS, but is more suited towards server environments.

If you want a home OS, from that list hands down I would suggest Fedora...

Fedora is the exact same software as Red Hat Linux, which is what most Govt agencies use. the only difference between red hat and fedora is fedora is community supported, whereas with red hat you pay a few hundred dollars a year for a license which entitles you to tech support.

Fedora is secure, stable and honestly quite underrated

Plus the firmware images which are not included by default for stuff like graphics cards or wifi chipsets.

>how do you have all those colors in pacman output?
Theres something called documentation, friend. Its essential with arch linux


>all those fucking shitposters that come in BSD threads to tell us that we shill government stuff
>this gets posted
sasuga Sup Forums

Thank you both for your replies, I will go with Fedora since I need the newer kernel for my hardware and Debian does not ship with non-free firmware.

I knew about that already.
I uncommented all the misc options and my output looks like pic related.

>people asking for GNU/Linux tech support in a BSD thread
sasuga Sup Forums, indeed

wait, is that yaourt you're using to update packages (including those not from the AUR)?

GNUshitter please go.

sry it's his fault for making me curious


FYI the PaX implementation has been broken within seconds due to a non uniform distribution or random addresses of parent processes and well defined fixed offsets between the children.

Educate yourself with recent research before you talk about security.

(((FSF))) is trash
Not open source software, just FSF

It's because Stallman chose not to make an open source Lisp OS, but chose to force MIT culture upon Unix. If he chose to avoid Unix, things would be fine. This isn't a defense of him at all, though.

arch is pleb tier trash though

Arch is the Windows 10 of Linux. Constant updates, constant breakage, filled with garbage no one likes, brain dead and pigheaded community that can't deal with criticism and a total chore to use

So I'm going to ignore one of the most secure and free(as in freedom) operating systems because devs get their feelings hurt? Should I sacrifice my right to security because you got slammed by asshole?

I was literally just reading about how private BSD ecosystems are, and I see this thread. I'm not the paranoid type but I have a sinking feeling this is some serious psyops shit...


>free(as in freedom)
Learn English before posting, gnutard.


Just because Apple controls FreeBSD doesn't mean any other BSD user likes Apple or FreeBSD.

It's just a joke since by working on something with the BSD license you're implicitly OK with a company like Apple forking the code for their proprietary use.

Not implicitly, but explicitly. But that's fine, MIT is my favorite licence.

the gnu/tard needs some communist imagery

The GNU licence is socialist. The BSD licence is communist.

freebsd is trash, the installer overwrote my mbr without any confirmation, then the pos couldn't even boot windows.

openbsd filesystem is slow as hell, default partition scheme is retarded and X would only run in software mode on my gpu


NTFS is one of the slowest file systems around.

the GNU license is communist and socialist garbage. The BSD license is right wing and based.

Please read some basic economics and politics before making a fool of yourself by making posts like that. I'd recommend anything by Kropotkin or Bakunin.

>"""""""""""""""anarcho""""""""""""""" leftist shite
>anything to do with politics or economics
Nice one

Install Lincux if you want spics and sandniggers in your country. Install *BSD if you want a white tomorrow.

>implying anarchism isn't centrist
Stop being a retard, and stop bringing Sup Forums to blue boards.

I didn't though, I just explicitly stated that something can't be both left wing and anarchist at the same time.

Correct. If it's anarchist, it's not left wing. That's why anarchism and communism, which are the same thing, are not leftist.
Leftism is socialism.

>anarchism and c*mmunism, which are the same thing
>c*mmunism is somehow not leftist
You have just lost any semblance of credibility you had.
>Leftism is socialism.
So is c*mmunism and various forms of """"""anarcho""""""-socialism (""""""anarcho""""""-syndicalism, etc.)

>live free or die
>proprietary software

>If it's anarchist, it's not left wing
Anarchist movement started as a leftist movement.

Denying capitalism isn't inherently leftist.