Does anyone now what the hell this is

I found this in a second hand store and I can't find anything about what this is

I think it's a phone

looks like a phone to me

Looks like a Nokia 3310 with a custom skin.

>custom skin

Is that a thing people say for objects?

Looks like a kid's toy phone or some Nokia knockoff that Cocacola made that is also a toy.

Also i think it could've been a normal phone but it has a different chasis or w/e it's written since here in Tacoland in the early 2000's it was really fashionable to change everything and put on some stickers, back then it wasn't autistic like the sticker general that happens sometimes here on Sup Forums.

Anyway, i hope you got the charger as well or else you just wasted your money on this.


It's a 3210, dipshit

Kind of. It's actually a faceplate. Skin is just a modern bastardization.

I found this at a yard sale. What kind of phone is it?

I'm not supposed to know everything.

>not censoring the number on that tiny bitch ass touchscreen display

enjoy being called ha ha

The kind that seems to be butane powered.

Then just shut the fuck up and dont give people wrong information, dumbass.


>lighting that thing that close to a spraycan

That laptop better not have an Nvidia GPU

I said it looks like a 3310. I didn't say it was a 3310.

>looks like the Russians rigged the election
>looks like the Nazis murdered all those Jews
>looks like you're an intelligent, straight male

Do you see what being an uninformed fuck pretending to know anything causes, asslicker?


note 7

nokia 3210 with custom case

shit bait

It is a picture of a phone on a wooden background

Looks neat. I use to collect vintage Coca-Cola stuff.

go the fuck away

>Hi, I'm with Sup Forums and just wanted to remind you: our board has the equivalent total brainpower of an edgy teenager.