Prove me that Debian is not the best distro

Prove me that Debian is not the best distro

Pro tips: you can't

>Mother of a lot of recent distro
>Come with apt, the best Just Wercks™ packet manager
>Almost every package is available

Other urls found in this thread:


>>Almost every package is available- 1 post shown.
What autism level are you on?

>mother of a lot of recent distro
thus archaic
>comes with apt
trash package manager
>almost every package is available
source building is better anyway

Ubuntu is better

debian cant compete vs aur do

why is "apt-get update" still a thing? When querying for an update, apt should automatically grab the latest version and not need me to manually update the apt cache first.

I use the silly hat meme distro instead because it´s way more comfy

Is debian a fucking meme?
It's supposed to be the le stable distro but I found it to be trash

That would be Fedora with SELinux

>devs do it for free
>unironically calls itself "GNU/Linux"

Well, Debian GNU/Linux is called that. There's also Debian GNU/Hurd and Debian GNU/kFreeBSD.

>mom I posted it again


It's over. OP is officially found to be wrong. Debian is shit.

Debiandrone here. How will I ever recover?

>Install Debian
>sudo apt install screenfetch
>you are not in sudoers list
>Sudo su
>you have been reported

What the actual fuck?

You don't need sudo for su, just su works fine.

i want to get into root so I dont need to sudo for each command. I use it on noobuntu all the time.

>you are not able to use sudo
>hurr sudo sudo
>durr how come it don't work

>A community group is the same as the distro itself
Nice try redhat shills

sudo su lets you enter root so you don't need to enter sudo for each command. it also removes certain restriction on viewing system files which I often edit like unity dash lens to remove garbage details.

>steals the sega dreamcast logo

tech illiterate

If you aren't a sudoer you can't use sudo. How new are you?

That's actually what su does.

If Ubuntu lets you sudo su, its security sucks cock.

why the fuck not? i installed the system with an administrator account. every distro by default enables sudo for the admin account.

No it doesn't, only Ubuntu does that. Rest you have to be put in the proper group, allow user in sudoers file, and install sudo if it's not already installed.

If Ubuntu lets you sudo su without being on the audio list*

>ubuntu lets you access superuser if you're in the sudoers file and know root password
>its security sucks cock


tfw phoneposter atm

If it doesn't let you use sudo the obviously you're not in the sudoers file.

>if you're in the sudoers file

> (OP)
>>Install Debian
>>sudo apt install screenfetch
>>you are not in sudoers list

Do you remember when you posted this?

I'll just leave this here for you because I think you may need it:

If you keep admin password blank you're automatically added to sudoers file

An officially recognized group of SJW's ruins the whole thing for me. Focus on the tech, not only whiny pieces of shit.

Okay, sorry, but you're saying something that is completely false. Maybe it was true in Ubuntu but it's not true here.

Look, I'll fix this for you.

Go to a shell
Type su and press enter
Type root password and press enter
Type gpasswd -a sudo and press enter
Log out and log back in

In the Debian installer it says if you leave the root password blank sudo gets setup for you. In Ubuntu, it always gets setup.

finally, the correct answer. i remember an extra step in debian net installer where it asked for a root account and password.

ubuntu does not do that.

I've definitely done this before realizing I was an idiot:
$ sudo apt-get install lynx
sudo: command not found
$ sudo apt-get install sudo
sudo: command not found

Turns out if you set a root password in the installer, it doesn't necessarily install sudo automatically. I just had to log in as root and install it.

I guess Ubuntu ditched the legacy system of separating root with admin. now they are merged.

That was on Debian, but what do you mean admin?

It offers a standard and admin account option when you add a new user. only admin can access root, or if the standard user can provide admin password.

>>Mother of a lot of recent distro
Your mom is a whore, I don't think you should be proud of her; debian is a piece of shit, I don't think other distros should be proud of being derivated from it
>>Come with apt, the best Just Wercks™ packet manager
Nice dependency hell!
>>Almost every package is available
What is AUR and building from source

What is wrong with SELinux?

Oh, he meant the root password when he said admin. I thought he meant the password of his user account.

Dead Ian

Debian is the only SO based interaly on free software..for me this is important..the OS'war is such old and stupid..the important is to use Linux and try to develop hurd..peace Sup Forumsros

was meant for

pajeet i...

it is

debian is maintained by people who have organized themselves into a software company, with team/project leaders, auditors and a hierarchy. compare this to other distros, like arch, where it is a persian bazaar of everyone just trying to shove in whatever they can.

debian has a security team which not only reports on security issues and bugs, but actually fixes them on a regular basis.

>thus archaic
that word doesn't mean what you think it means

>trash package manager
please explain

>source building is better anyway
its slower and in modern computers the performance gains you get from "fine tuning" source packages are insignificant and in a lot of cases not present

>why is "apt-get update" still a thing?
You run apt-get update when you switch repositories or debian versions between stable, testing and unstable.

>It's supposed to be the le stable distro but I found it to be trash
next time when you try and post, try to form a coherent thought

oh wow debian has copied other major software companies, as if it is a major software company itself

really makes you think

you use `su -' and then login as root, dumbass

>Nice dependency hell!
never had apt break my system. I also like the difference between `upgrade' and `dist-upgrade'

>What is AUR and building from source
AUR is unaudited and contains mostly scripts that fetch sources from git

someone writes `rm -rf / home/user/program/file', commits to github, archfag yaourts the program, deletes his system
>post yfw this actually happened

apt-get install sudo
vi /etc/sudoers

>never had apt break my system
Neither pacman destroyed anything on my PC
>I also like the difference between `upgrade' and `dist-upgrade'
And then Xorg died
>AUR is unaudited and contains mostly scripts that fetch sources from git
Can't see the problem tho
>someone writes `rm -rf / home/user/program/file', commits to github, archfag yaourts the program, deletes his system
>Implying that nobody checks the PKGBUILDs

>I've never actually run Linux, the post

This. Debian is a distro for people who actually want to get shit done, Gentoo is for people who like to tinker (although Slack was always way more comfy). Arch is for people who sit around for their entire day thinking their cool because X Windows broke only 4 times this morning not 5 like it usually does, and that they're a totally 5337 h4x0r because they can use a makefile that someone else wrote.

>And then Xorg died
>blaming the distro for problems of a package

xorg is shitty and outdated. debian has wayland now

>AUR is unaudited
>Can't see the problem tho
typical archfag

>Implying that nobody checks the PKGBUILDs
>implying everybody checks the PKGBUILDs

I was talking about the code in the source hosted on git where some random dude committed a typo that could potentially destroy your whole system

>inb4 implying that nobody who uses arch reads through the source code of every package they install

with debian, there are people who do it for you, just like with a real operating system. that's why people complain stable is 'outdated' and 'testing' isn't bleeding edge enough, they actually have to go through the packages and make sure they won't fuck your shit up

Stretch is coming soon! Make sure your sources.list is set up how you want for when jessie becomes oldstable, stretch becomes stable and buster becomes testing. I think I'm going to stay on stretch for a while after release.

Honestly: I have never been able to install debian. Something was always wrong with the installer. I tried. I really did. But for some fucking reason, more obscure distros are easier to install than this mess.

>I can't install it, so the distro is to blame
Shouldn't you be sucking an Apple store employees cock for a $2 discount on a second hand iPhone?

Building from source is stupid because you also need the dependencies idiot

Difference between Distributions
> which Init system
> which MAC
> which package manager n repository
> binary or source based
> entirely free or a bit propertary

This shit is it ??
I call it: Every Distribution is the same.
I see no differences between them.

The fucking packages are the same.
I can install every DE i want on every Distro.
In the most Distros you can install binarys and compile from source. Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, Gentoo ..

Oh no my Shitdistro comes with AdobeFlash and Java and codecs
Oh now its opensource ? easy.

We are left with the MACs and init system.

Stop arguing about Distros, there is no fucking difference. Its like you all are driving the same car model in different colors.

>Muh blue I better
>What ? Blue is SHIT, Red is the best.

Fucking MIT Niggers

>not using `testing' in your sources.list so it gets updated automatically to the latest testing release

Testing has no security updates, you want either stable or unstable

>Q: How is security handled for testing?

>A: Security for testing benefits from the security efforts of the entire project for unstable. However, there is a minimum two-day migration delay, and sometimes security fixes can be held up by transitions. The Security Team helps to move along those transitions holding back important security uploads, but this is not always possible and delays may occur. Especially in the months after a new stable release, when many new versions are uploaded to unstable, security fixes for testing may lag behind. If you want to have a secure (and stable) server you are strongly encouraged to stay with stable.

> debian has wayland now

How is Wayland on Debian? Any DEs using it by default?

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