Fuck you Sup Forums for making me fall for the AMD meme...

Fuck you Sup Forums for making me fall for the AMD meme. Bought a PC with an AMD card + processor a while ago and it was total garbage. Installing drivers was a nightmare, card had trouble handling the latest games after a year, and the fans were loud as shit but the card STILL was getting really hot under medium-high load.

Just upgraded to a new PC with NVIDIA card + Intel processor and all I know is I'm never listening to Sup Forums again. Card is super silent and never overheats, even when maxing out games at 144+ FPS on Ultra with MSAA x8. Display looks absolutely incredible and even a TN monitor's colors can be made super vibrant and crisp using NVIDIA control panel. Driver installation works seamlessly. Everything just looks so much better and there's 0 hassle whatsoever.

As someone who fell for the AMD meme, let me give anyone reading some advice: Never, ever, EVER buy AMD products. There is no reason whatsoever to buy that garbage. Unless you want to be a non-conformist hipster or are willing to go through a ton of hassle and a worse user experience just to save a few pennies, simply do NOT purchase AMD.

Did you try not being a retard?

bought an used r9 380 and a new freesync monitor

glad I fell for the meme tbqhwyf

Amd sucks thats the truth

>actually being this retarded

you have to be 18+ to post here

good goy, shilling for free

Nvidia always wins baby

>7 posts
>6 unique posters
>4 contrarian comments
>2 nvidia shill posts
>1 retard posting irrelevant garbage video
really makes the neurons fire up

t.ATI Pro

who's this whore?



no one made you fall for a meme, next time use your brain (or what remains of it at least) and don't take Sup Forums so seriously

just stick your usual >a y y y
shit in there and call it a day

>Fuck you Sup Forums for making me fall for the AMD meme
>making me fall for the AMD meme
>making me

Member when we held you at gunpoint with memes? I member.

Fuck off shills.

nice blog

In future AMD will win

Nice try Nvidia.

I think you mean
>Bought a PC with an Novideo card + $hilltell processor a while ago and it was total garbage

>doesn't even post specs
Try to be subtle next time poojeet