What does Sup Forums drive?
Pic related
What does Sup Forums drive?
Silly op, Sup Forums doesn't leave their basements
This. HVAC tech
2014 Honda Civic
Here it is the other day when we got a shitload of snow
>cuckshed on wheels
Not sure if bait or not. I have 4 feet on my front lawn. Cleared a foot and a half last night.
Accord '07 V6 XLE
There was ~350 wrecks this day according to police. I saw 5 on my 20 minute drive home >_>
what else
My new project. Mechanically sound just needs paint and new glass
what makes it a """"cuckshed""""??
2014 Cayman S
1994 Acura Legend, IDK why I drive it other than the face that I don't like too much tech in new cars and I really appreciate how small and light it is compared to cars today. Cars today are way too big and heavy
i have a volvo v70 -98, same model as pic related. i would invest into something much fancier if i needed one more. i don't really even need a car since i live and work in a city center but the running costs for this are so low and the extra time/effort saved to have one when i need to go somewhere makes it worth it for me. also i love cars and i hate public transport. i can repair and do maintenance on my car myself, it's safe, it's reliable and has a nice relaxed driving feel.
I completely agree. I'm the rough looking integra guy. That thing is fun as shit to drive. It's like driving a go cart
>that shit
Snow is a real issue here so I go some Ml years ago, comfy as fuck
Suzuki Gand Vitara 2.0 automatic '2007.
2004 Dodge neon. Some problems in the past, but all in all, pretty trusty
Thats a big deal in the South where it might not snow for years. Usually we just get 3" of ice.
i'm not even joking
Some kind of weird dodge stratus?
Fiero with a bodykit
Haha Idiot burgerlanders driving with summertires in the winter
tfw everyone hates on the 9th gen civic :(
it's just plastic ban..
it just WERKS
Don't have my own car so I borrow my dad's Skoda if I need a car for something. Might eventually buy something small if I get a decent job.
It's too for my tastes and the gearbox is horrible for cities. I wish my dad still had his old 90s Opel, that thing was comfy as hell.
It seems very economical to buy snow tires when it snows twice a year.
It's alright
but how is this Sup Forums related?
oi fellow miats mane
That's why usually a state impose something like having to carry chains in your trunk from mid november to mid april.
Don't you have some similar laws?
Shhh mods are asleep
>being a faggot this big
Wrong board
A diesel Astra
>WAT sticker
top cringe, fin
Where I grew up and went to college, Colorado, yes. Tennessee where I live now, absolutely not.
Yeah, its much better to just crash
cars are more technology than fucking vapes and watches
They hate cars there. Bikes and trains only
Yeah, its much better to stay at home instead of buying $1000 worth of rubber you *might* use twice a year.
Exactly. Why would I spend that money on something I'll literally never use
my other sticker is your mom
>drives a Miata
Guess where I live
your mom's basement
>gulping up all those shitty /o/ memes like semen
>fellow /o/tist
This, for the time being. Recently switched jobs to one that doesn't need me to drive though, so I'm considering if I turn it into a fully fledged project, or trade it for a weekend car.
I'm not the finn
I was just reading the licence plate of the car you posted.
>5cm of snow in US city
But user, don't you know russians hacked the climate?
Sup Forums was talking about just yesterday, you know?
cyka blyat
whats with the gaps in the front bumper?
We send the snow, send it in sacs for americans to freezee and buy our gas its the clever pplot
The plastic shroud is a bit displaced from where it should be, I'll probably try to fix it when I have time
Skoda is one of the best EU brands when it comes to value. They usually rank high in longevity tests. Spare parts are readily available because the engine mechanics and electronics are actually VW.
= ThinkPad of Euro passenger cars
>best value
Pretty sure new Skodas are quite expensive.
no one on Sup Forums drive a truck?
Like new ThinkPads, yes. A good gauge is to look at used car markets and see how many you find with high mileage. Skodas with over 200000km are very common
Fucking good car
2008 Toyota 4runner
I suppose Sup Forums values efficiency over anything else
I like mine. Fairly stylish and sportier feeling than my 2010 Corolla. Pretty nice to drive and gets good gas mileage.
I can understand it. It snows yearly here, yet people forget how to fucking drive in it each year. Stupid idiots. I drive a rear wheel drive van with shit traction and never had an accident.
I have two of these in my garage.
Hello grampa
Toyota/Honda or a Caravan are the old people cars now user. Your age is showing.
GG AY 312