Oh shit Sup Forums.
I spilled milk on my MacBook because I'm an autist (hence the MacBook), how fucked is it?
Oh shit Sup Forums
saged and hidden
Don't cry over spilt milk.
not buying chinkpad with superior chinkkeyboard
It's spelled "sageta," as "sage" refers to "下げる" (sageru), which is Japanese for "to lower." The past tense form of this word is "下げた." It does not refer to the plant, as many people still seem to think. Just remember that this is an anime website, and you should remember the rest.
What kind of milk? ;)
How exactly did you manage to do that?
>saged and hidden
that was really informative, thanks
Being autistic and trying to eat while shitposting. Probably deserved it but I don't want to give Apple all my money for their repairs
you fucking retard
>I'm an autist
(hence the milk)
which kind of milk? XD
does it work?
y - it's ok
n - it's as fucked as it can be
seriously how can we answer this for you?
I guess what I'm asking is if I can just let it dry and hope it survives or if I should do something better. It really wasn't much milk but I don't know about how liquids get through the keyboard
had one that remained silent after spilled mango juice. after a few days drying it worked again but the mousepad remained dead.
Lenovo ThinkPad doesn't have this problem
Put it in a 5kilo rice packet
The rice gonna absorb the humidity unless is too much fuked UP
You can use propan-2-ol to clean it
It will exchange solvants, alcohol dries quick and is ok for electronics
And let it dry after
>Open up they keyboard
>get something to very, very gently dry it
>make it a little moist so that the parts can't get too dry and break, with a very slightly (!) wet cloth or something
>shield off the milk that hasn't already gotten into the rest of the macbook (on the fundament of the keyboard)
>dry it in this shielded area to not just blow it farther into the laptop's innards
>let it sit either with keyboard off or on for 24 to 48 hours
>try to turn it on
This would be the most logical way to fix it imo, but always search for guides on the internet
Thanks user, I'll try to take off the keyboard then. Might post updates if the thread is still up
It's going to reek of spoiled milk for a long time, unless you get it all cleaned out. If you're lucky a keyboard swap and thorough cleaning of the interior may be enough.
It's not a thinkpad so it is likely ruined if you spill something on it.
It's not like you can open it to dry it either.
Honestly I'm pretty hopeful that drying will fix it because I don't think much actually got in the keyboard. It probably will smell like milk. When would it be safe to try to back it up?