It's already the year 2017

It's already the year 2017.

Why do you still block ads?

That said. If you still block ads, you have ten seconds to post why you do.

Excuses like these will only get you nowhere, especially if you're on a stable connection ;

- Adware/Malware/Spyware. Sure, the exception's there if you're dumb/stupid to enough to infect yourself somehow.
- "I don't like ads"
- Page load times.
- "YouTube ads" are basically useless excuses now. You're either smart or dumb enough to not download YouTube videos and watch them in your preferred qualities and resolutions in your preferred media player(s) and likely dumb enough to not have autoplay disabled somehow. YouTube Red is basically YouTube ad-free, you've no excuse to even use your ad blocker here anymore.

What's your excuse this time, Sup Forums?

Get out of this board right fucking now and never come back you disgusting piece of shit.

You stop pushing malware, pop-ups and autoplay video through ad services; I'll stop blocking ads. Until then, fuck you.

Blah blah pull medium blah blah

I don't want to be tracked

Because I consider that ads should be treated as an art and it really offends me to look at all those poorly designed ads.

Advertisement is unethical and I don't want to support it.

>2 Mb/s connection
>100GB monthly cap

I bit the bait

they're delivered via nonfree javascript

fuck off kike

> "I don't like ads"
What's wrong with not liking ads?

They slow the page loading greatly and usually display garbage and obvious scams.

i wonder why companies advertise on internet and pay for having their adds displayed

I never got something because I've seen an add of it, all the things I buy are dictated by my current needs and if I need/want something more expensive I always do extensive research

Adds just annoy me so when I'm shopping and I see something that I was forced to see an add of I just reach for another brand

I wonder if revenues of companies that pay so much cash for having adds displayed n youtube or elsewhere would be affected at all if they simply stopped doing that, I guess a lot of companies providing advertising services make sure to inform those guys why they need to advertise on the internet but I can't be the only one

do you actually ever bought something that you didn't plan on buying because of an add? do you know anybody that did? just think about that

how are adds even effective? seems even more baffling to me than telemarketing

>you have ten seconds to post why you do.

More convenient.

This. So. Much. This.

Firstly OP, I do what the fuck I want and it's none of your business.

Secondly, ads benefit to Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and I want to see these companies die.

I hope some big tech guy will make a fucking thunderclap like Dave Hakkens did once and make everyone use adnauseam.

>"maybe OP Is right"
>go to news site
>Scroll down to skip ad
>Your generic android device is infected
>Webpage takes 10 seconds load
>Ad trackers steal and sell my info
>Put ublock back on
>Page loads in 2 seconds
>Clean web experience
Fuck ads. when they respect me and my privacy, my CPU usage, and my bandwidth I'll turn AdBlock off. Untill then I'll keep it and suggest it to everyone so that a new form of web monetization shows up that will change the internet

Fuck off google

98% of ads are fucking cancerous, javascript AIDS straight out of Satan's asshole.

disabling adblock is *the* way to be stupid and infect yourself

Ad has one D retard

I use three browsers.

One is vanilla (no adblocking nor content filtering)

I hate download pages which have huge DOWNLOAD HERE buttons (for completely irrelevant software) while the actual DL is just a small text link. Also it's slower than the other browsers.

My excuse is that I do not want to see them plain and simple. I do not need any excuse other than that.

Can exploit a vulnerability in your browser simply by being loaded, with no need for user interaction to infect you. Blocking all ads universally removes this threat.

>I don't like ads
>Page load times
These are legitimate reasons and do not need further justification.

>YouTube Ads
Watching in-browser is more convenient than downloading or streaming via a third party application. YouTube Red costs money, while blocking ads is free. The only legitimate reason to pay for YouTube Red is out of a desire to watch YouTube Red exclusive shows. But other than that, it begs the question over why I would pay for what I already have for free without breaking any laws.

Has been and always will be data mining. It's my data, you want it, you'll have to pay me for it.

why would i wanna see ads, it's retarded

>100GB monthly cap
>monthly cap
What? These still exist?

In the US, yes.

>Why do you still block ads?
Limited data plan, ads may spend a lot of time playing on some sites.

Every year I see this post in one form or another. Every year I shut off adblock. Every year I am shocked to see how shitty the web looks with ads for erotic novels and other shit pasted everywhere.

I'm not going to shut it off until the adds stop being shit and stop installing trackers on my computer.

Here in the metro Atlanta, GA area, comcast caps at 1024 GB. It used to be 300 GB. Prior to that, it was 100.

why would I not block ads
is it like a morality thing


And cause they try to violate my privacy

I don't give a fuck about corporate profits and I prefer my web as bullshit-free as possible.

are you black?

I think the answer is pretty obvious you didn't need to ask him

>Excuses like these will only get you nowhere, especially if you're on a stable connection
My local news site is plastered with ads and it makes the browser stutter, on a quad core CPU with 8GB of RAM

>- "I don't like ads"
I want to see the content and not get distracted by more ads than there's actual content

It's important to note that using a blocker is NOT theft. Don't fall for this creepy idea. The ultimate logical consequence of blocking = theft is the criminalisation of the inalienable right to privacy.

Ads, "unintrusive" or not, are just the visible portions of privacy-invading apparatus entering your browser when you visit most sites nowadays. Adblockers's main goal is to help users neutralize such privacy-invading apparatus — in a way that welcomes those users who don't wish to use more technical, involved means.

>- Adware/Malware/Spyware. Sure, the exception's there if you're dumb/stupid to enough to infect yourself somehow.
a.) defense in depth. Even if I know better than to click on something shady, I might do so by accident. Or the ad might have malicious JS that contains a browser exploit, infecting me without needing to be clicked.
b.) I'm tech support for normies who don't know better. Giving them an ad blocker protects them from themselves very effectively.

>- "I don't like ads"
Well? I don't. And I am under no obligation to view them.

Running a website is essentially a high-tech version of handing out a free newspaper on a street corner to anyone who walks by and requests one. Sure, whoever is publishing that newspaper would prefer I look at all their ads. But they can't - legally, ethically, or practically - make me do so. Once they've given me a copy - remember, that's what a web server does, deliver a copy to anyone on the internet who sends a request - it's mine, and I can view or not view any part of it how I please. Similarly, a broadcast TV station can't stop me from channel-surfing during the commercials. etc.

If you want to restrict viewership of your content to those who have payed for it and nobody else, put up a paywall.

>- Page load times.
I don't really need to use less data. But if I can there's no reason not to.

>- "YouTube ads" are basically useless excuses now.
Youtube is cancer anyway. When I do want to use it I use youtube-dl. Which, conveniently, doesn't fetch any ads.

Finally lets not forget that advertising is inherently fraudulent. The whole goal is to deceive you into buying something you otherwise would not. I don't see why I should condone that behavior.

"I don't give fuck, faggot"

Because I do whatever the fuck I want with my computer.

I don't like ads.

"We see you don't like our ad. Can you tell us why?"

Because it's an ad.

I don't block ads on Sup Forums because they're not intrusive.

Every other site feels the need to have flashing ads, ads with sound, popups, popovers, or autoplaying videos.

Daily reminder that web content is delivered by request, not pushed.
I have the right not to request advertisment material that interrupts my system's desired operation.

Advertisements are a failure and a waste of my time, money, and effort. I want to see a world where they no longer exist in any way, shape, or form. I think they are a very large factor in the worsening mental condition of the western society. I block them because I consider them an intrusion, and they offer nothing useful to me. It's like asking why you're filtering shit from drinking water at a water treatment facility.

Although I realize this is a troll thread, and the answers are all obvious.


UBlock, or UblockOrigin?
what is the Sup Forums approved one?


I don't need to see them.
Simple as that.


It's a modded uBlock Origin that clicks all ads it sees, losing money for ad networks. Banned by Google, so you know it's good.

Ublock Origin is the best choice not that shit the other user suggested.

I block them because I have the option to. Nobody likes a million ads while they are trying to do something plus they serve no purpose for us only the site's owner. Most won't click the ads because they are all bullshit scams, porn viruses, and a product or service that doesn't pertain to anyone.

I don't like ads

because popup ads and video ads are annoying.

normies buy things they see in ads. they dont even know about anything else.

The web is a pull medium, I don't block anything, I simply selectively choose what I download to my computer.

They're both annoying and malicious

I don't like ads.
That's a perfectly valid reason.

>Listening to some 90's house music on YT.
>Suddenly silence.
>Some cock is trying to sell me his political leaning and ask for money for his cause.
>Suddenly I'm transported back to the misery of 2017.

Even TV ads were better than this shit.

Because I'm literally a Communist

Ads killed my parents

Popups and mobile data

I block ads so I can make people like you angry.

you need to block everything on the web to be safe desu senpai

I dont like ads, go fuck yourself.
Even completely ignoring loadtimes, malware, privacy, etc, ads are just fucking loud and obnoxious. Browsing the web with ads on feels like being chased by a swarm of salesmen insanely groping at you every moment so they can get your attention and try to manipulate you into giving them your money for some worthless trash.

I block ads because I paid for my computer, I pay for my internet and I don't want them doing funny business without my consent.

>b-b-but user you didn't pay for the website :(
go under for all I care
don't fucking touch me

>Excuses like these will only get you nowhere
What you gonna do about it, faggot?

> wants excuses for using adblock
Dunno if troll or just retaded

I block ads because I can, if you want to make revenue then come up with a better way of doing so.

You stop using distracting flashing, blinking banners, autoplay videos, pop-ups and stop covering 60% of any given screen with ads, and I stop blocking them.

Ads a shit


Ads fucking up websites design.

Anyway, poor bait.

>launch firefox on fresh install
>need to troubleshoot
>instant popup with audio
>install ublock origin
Happened today.
If ads were just sitting on the side of pages with no intention of fucking up my user experience, sure. But that's not what they do.


I have autism and can't focus on the website content if there are flashing images left and right

Why would someone make a thread like this? Do you think it's some kind of "troll", or an actual shill for some ad company? Maybe some guy who stopped getting revenue from his ad-riddled blog? I can't even tell anymore.

I'm allergic to ads.

>Excuses like these will only get you nowhere

I don't even know what that's supposed to mean

it doesnt really mean anything, its just fluff that communicates a vague air of either "this is pathetic and illegitimate" or "im above these stupid things and you" or something like that
A bit like bad rap lyrics.

>Why do you still block ads?
Because the internet is not like watching TV. Fuck ads.

Ads are annoying and ugly

I do what I want.

Some sites I use still have retarded ads that try to inject malicious javascript.
Many big news sites and such have so many ads loaded in by Javascript that my potato can hardly function with the tabs open.

If a site I use doesn't have retarded ads, I disable adblock for it, and it alone.
Don't want me to use AdBlock? Stop having retarded ads.

Oh right, and I recently learned that I now have a monthly data cap of around 1TB or so.



>"I don't like ads"
It's already the year 2017.
Why aren't you drinking methanol with every meal yet?
That said, if you don't drink methanol, you have ten seconds to post why not.

Excuses like this will get you nowhere, especially with a healthy central nervous system.

-"I don't like blindness"

What's your excuse this time, Sup Forums?

OP, please shove a cactus up your ass. Advertisement is the biggest cancer on internet. Tracks your info, wastes that tiny bit of bandwidth and obstructs your shit. Every year it's more and more nauseating, it's more aggressive and unbearable. You want us to go back to the internet without ad blockers. I want you to choke on your own piss, you filthy subhuman.

Because I don't want to see them and I have the right to decide what content renders on my computer.

>go to website
>ads take up 75% of the screen
>ad creeps up from below with microscopic 'x'
>another ad appears in centre and makes rest of screen dark
>video somewhere starts playing with volume at 9000%
>shit myself

Until this shit stops, I'm going to continue blocking ads.

Another thing that pisses me off are those popups on shopping websites which ask for feedback even though you have only been on there for 10 fucking microseconds!!!

I like to piss off faggots like yourself.
I don't seed torrents either. What are you gonna do about it? Fuck the hell out of this board.

Fpbp, you guys can stop bumping this thread now


Ads are intrusive and I don't care about the upkeep of the sites i browse.


Low effort bait, pal, try harder nex time. Not even going to bother pretending I took it.

I don't want to see ads, I block ads. Get fucked.

Fuck off.

I was hanging out with my mom the other day and saw her playing some app on her ipad. It occasionally forced her to swipe fullscreen ads out of the way to allow her to continue playing the game. I offered to remove all of that and she told me she liked them because she occasionally buys stuff from them. Later that night she showed me something she just bought because she saw it in an ad as if it proves to me how useful they are...

It's 2017.

Why aren't you eating shit, OP?

That said, if you don't eat shit, you have 10 seconds to explain yourself.

Excuses like these will only get you nowhere, especially if you live in first world countries like India or the US:

- It's dangerous for health. Sure, if you eat all the shit, but you're safe if you find vegan shit, since it has no decayed flesh and whatnot.
- "I don't like shit"
- Toilet times, shitting and scavenging
- "Designated shit streets" is basically useless excuse now. You are either smart or dumb enough not to eat shit from the streets, and the shit in the red toilets is better for you anyway.

What's your excuse this time, OP?

HTTP in a client server model was designed as a Pull and not Push protocol.

Therefor I am only required to receive the data I want.