
>computer science AA turned politician

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AB on Political Science

Well on this issue he is, he undeniably is.

>Senator Lieu authored a bill[31] in 2012 that bans the provision of sexual orientation change efforts (including conversion therapy) to minors.
he's definitely our guy

>commie chink
>our guy
pick one

You don't have to agree with him on every issue to agree with him on 1 issue.

>agreeing on anything with a (((commie)))
keep being a good goy

Are you serious.
If so, what's your age.

I'm dead serous.

>Is he our guy?
Take that with you on your way back to plebbit

I agree that communism is bad, but nationalistic socialism is definitely not

see countries like denmark, norway, etc, before the "refugee" invasion happened

Fucking legend

This dude is literally our guy

I bet you take Sup Forums seriously too.

Natsoc has nothing in common with communism or the ideology for the useful idiots (socialism).
Natsoc values private property and individualism because it boost the nation's value.

I'm com sci and I don't even want you to trust me.

Keep pushing for the leftist cancer then.
You are free to go back to Tumblr now.

Except it doesn't?
It's called socialism for a reason.
Under Natsoc, it's the nation state that is the most important entity and the rights of individuals are subservient to the well-being of the nation.

>Natsoc values individualism

>you're a communist if you don't accept my headcanon

You do realize there is a multitude of political ideologies most of which aren't mutually exclusive?

Now you cry about the 6 gorillion
You can't deny that communism is against human nature, therefore everyone that believes it it's brainwashed and will do anything to push the communist agenda, you simply can't trust anything they say.

Define human nature.

I wonder what distro he uses

It's a containment board for a reason. Go circlejerk about your glorious leader who's betrayed you before he even got in office.

Basically the same as with most other organism out there, maximize it's gain of resources with the least amount of effort.
And of course to reproduce in order to maintain the population through time.
Communism states the the individual should work mindlessly for the profit of the state, that the individual will just work and never think about it's personal gains.

>le Drumpf betrayed U XDD!!1! sAD!
Shoudn't you be shitposting about the golden shower?

No, that's capitalism, stupid. There is no state in communism.

Sure in your fancy version of communism there isn't.
Now back to the real world.

there is literally nothing wrong with being a communist