Using OpenRC on Arch is like traveling all the way to Japan but exclusively eating McDonalds the entire time you're...

Using OpenRC on Arch is like traveling all the way to Japan but exclusively eating McDonalds the entire time you're there.

That being said, I would order a Mega Mac anytime I come across a McDonalds. Interpret that in anyway you want.

It is like traveling from a country where you have a McDonalds and 30000 other shitty diners to Japan where they have both McDonalds and 50000 best restaurants, takeouts and ramen places in the wold.

Found your problem.


i want to impregnate nicoxmaki

girls can't impregnate other girls.

Maki is a whore, everyone's fucked her

Maki is pure PURE

i want to cream maki

d-delete this!

I'll dress up like maki if you promise to cream me

I want to fug her butte

i want to pump maki full of babby batter while she quivers and trembles

I want to insert my penis into Maki's vagina, if you catch my drift.

i don't get it

Sorry, what I meant to say was: SEX.

I'll be ur maki pls

u w0t m8

What is Sup Forums's meme with Maki

I've never understood, it just seems to invite RP faggots


Whats even more baffling is that this thread is still up after 2 hours

>its a systemd shill and anime shitposter