Blackberry General /bbg/

Who owns a Blackberry Passport?



How does the Youtube works on it?
And MS Word?
If it doesnt have MS Word, Does it have something else that compensates well for it?

who the fuck gives a shit

OP here. I do.
Tired of my Shitsung Faglaxy S6's pussy battery. Had bad experiences with iPhone, HTC and Sony as well. Nokia was good but then Jewsoft bought it.

Had a Classic for a few years. Had a Curve 8520 for a few before that. Smashed the fuck out of the Classic screen though. Gonna need a new phone for a year or so until the Neo900 comes out, torn between getting a new Classic now or waiting a few months and getting that Mercury thing when it comes out. Anyone know much about it?

I'd buy one today if it wasn't for the lack of ways to not get banned on Ingress

I'm Canadian and I would never buy a BlackBerry product.

Whats Ingress?

A game that on the long run becomes very addictive, i suggest you not playing since it's the only way to win

Not much of a gamer. I ocassionally play Minecraft PE but can give it up in a heartbeat for peace of mind.
I want a reliable phone.

me too
i'm stuck with a Galaxy S7 Edge and that shit is slippery as hell, also i hate with all of my hearth the curved display since i have an hand so big that it presses every time the screen

I'm searching for a phone with decent specs with a qwerty keyboard, El Andruide and also easy moddability

I'd pick the Priv, but the lack of root access is a no-no

Priv seems to have a bad battery life as well so it was a no no to me.
What do you think about Oneplus 2 or 3T?

I am considering the Classic soon. I dislike the Passport's rectangular design.

Why? Are you trying to start a Blackberry Party Organization like the Lemon Party Organization?

Didn't knew about the battery drain problems

>What do you think about Oneplus 2 or 3T?
Oneplus did good with OP1 and OP2, but not with OP3(t): personally don't like all aluminum body phone since they're usually slippery, so i'd personally pick the OP2
But still no hardware keyboard

I wish I did. I'm stuck with my old Z10 for now.

what battery drain problems?
t. just got a priv

I watched Jewtube reviews of Priv. Two of them rated its battery as "Meh" or B-. So did some reviews on a local EU website. So I dont know.

Sucks that most phone companies have gone to shit.

I'm using a Q10 and it's the comfiest shitposting device I've ever owned.
Does anyone recommend upgrading to the Classic or the Passport?

Using a Priv right now. The battery life is okay, nothing special.
Going from Lolipop to Marshmallow helped it a little bit though.