What is up with microsoft and their creepy fascination with AA batteries?Seriously they put it into stylus,controllers,mouse,keyboard everything that can takes AA batteries.Do they have some sort of contract with duracell or something?
What is up with microsoft and their creepy fascination with AA batteries?Seriously they put it into stylus,controllers...
AA batteries will still be around 30 years from now. The proprietary shape of a battery pack that otherwise would have gone in it will not.
AA batteries are a good thing. They're a standard form factor, unlike Li-ion. NiMH rechargeable AAs are cheap and widely available. In addition they don't die in three to five years like Li-ion does, they only wear out with charge/discharge cycles, not the passage of time.
AA are the most common battery which people have laying around the house.
Rechargeable AAs are common and have been around forever, will also be around for many years.
Better then some special snowflake shit
Just use rechargeable. Proprietary battery packs only encourage throw away tech.
t. windowscvck
>Do they have some sort of contract with duracell or something?
Something like that is possible. Gillette's first cordless shaver was only created because their child company (Duracell) needed to boost battery sales.
>What is with all my products using cheap, standardized, widely available batteries that have excellent rechargeable options such as Eneloop? I want a proprietary pack that dies with age rather than use and will be completely off the market and non-replaceable in 3 years!
Those are clearly AAAs idiot
You mean R6 batteries?
You mean R03 batteries?
Cuck in hell eurofag
>American Standards
>BRITISH imperial units
Practically all button cell batteries use IEC nomenclature. Cuck in hell Amerifat.
>Headphone jacks are a good thing. They're a standard form factor, unlike thunderbolt or bluetooth. Corded headphones are cheap and widely available. In addition they don't die in one to three years like the batteries in wireless headphones do do, they only wear out with unnecessary strain on the cord, not the passage of time.
this is literally, unironically, true.
Nothing wrong with trying to standarize something as important for long term usage as batteries. I wish there was a similar standard for cell phones. Nokia did a good job for a while.
I would literally buy a smartphone that took 4xAAA rechargeables
apple used them in their wireless keyboard and trackpad too
Li-Ions do have standard form factors, including the same AA form factor.
But only flashlights seem to use them.
They're not interchangeable with AAs though, since they're 3.6v nominal. They also have the other problems of Li-ion, such as losing capacity with age, whether they're used or not.
and in practice gadget-makers (other than, yes, lights) don't use standard form factors, they have their own special-snowflake size of li-ion made to fit their gadget. That's the big thing that needs to stop, and AAs and AAAs are a better way to stop it.
They sell cheap stuff for poor people who care more about standard form factors and being able to replace the batteries in 5 years because they can't afford to buy a new product instead of user experience.
Also yes, probably contracts. It's fucking Microsoft, they didn't get where they are because of their products alone.
>British empire so weak that America was able to steal their units AND their language
You mean the French who carried your ass?
>They're not interchangeable with AAs
Well yeah.
Although you can actually use a battery dummy for something takes 2 AA batteries and something like a LiFePo4 with a lower voltage to power it from a single cell.
>Such as losing capacity with age, whether they're used or not.
Self discharge is a problem with every battery.
And Li-Ions actually have fairly low self discharge, especially compared to NiMHs.
I can get a nice little battery plug in rechargable goo for like $5
>the nation famous for losing to literally everyone
>yet even France is powerful enough to kick Britain's colonies away from the Empire
if France takes something from you, you never really had it in the first place.
I don't mean self-discharge, I mean the battery decreases in maximum fully-charged capacity as time goes by. Ever used an old laptop? Noticed how the battery doesn't hold much, if any, charge, even if it hasn't been through many charge/discharge cycles? That's what I'm talking about. The things just slowly die. NiMH doesn't do that. Vanilla NiMH has fairly high self-discharge (though you can get LSD NiMHs, that's what Eneloops are), but if you leave your NiMH batteries on a shelf for five years unused, you can just charge them again and they'll be as good as they were when you left them there.
This ageing characteristic of Li-ion combined with the proprietary form factors are what makes it so cancerous, it's the perfect combination for planned obsolescence.
>the nation famous for losing to literally everyone
What is this, Sup Forums?
t. disposable faggot
Where is the lie?
>only 5 different manufacturers of li-ion/li-po battries
> >100 manufacturers of alkaline or nimh batteries in AA/AAA form factor
hmm... i wonder
But Apple switched, so the new one is obviously superior!
>cant use it when it charged
it just werks
AA batteries never wear out as a result of charging.
If you want to have a device that has great battery life several years from now you should us AA batteries.
If they're so bad there's Sanyo batteries which are nice, but they are kind of overkill when disposable batteries would last for months.
Both are outdated shit.
Although to be fair, the design for the new mouse is even more idiotic.
Don't think any of Microsoft's AA battery devices allow recharging through whatever cord they have though. Makes it even more suspicious for non-rechargeable battery makers.
you can get a pair of NiMH AAs with a cheap two-cells-at-once charger for like twenty bucks from a convenience store. I don't have much sympathy for people who cuck themselves out of money using disposable batteries when its so easy and cheap to use rechargeables in this day and age. It's not a bother like it was in the NiCd days.
>>the nation famous for losing to literally everyone
Only in America is this even remotely believed.
>you can get a pair of NiMH AAs with a cheap two-cells-at-once charger for like twenty bucks from a convenience store.
Fucking Apple used to sell a pack with a small two-cell charger and six fucking cells for like $30 here (probably $20 USD though)
Bonus was that the charger took the same plugs as the laptop power supplies so you could swap out international ones when travelling
AA and AAA batteries are fucking goat. The generic AAA batteries that came with my TV controller have been good for over 4 years.
I still have them and haven't changed them.
Idk how they are still alive. Whenever they don't I just open up the controller and move them a bit and they work just fine after then for a long while.
Any ideas why?
remote controls use only a tiny amount of current. One, that means that they're a very light load and drain the batteries slowly. Two, it means that they can work even from batteries that in any higher-demand application would be very dead indeed. Even very worn-down batteries can muster a few milliamps for a couple seconds.
Usually in remote controls the limiting factor is the shelf-life of the batteries, actually. If you use the more expensive non-rechargeable lithium AAAs, which are rated to last over a decade on the shelf, you may never need to change the thing's batteries again.
>unironically wanting a shit proprietary battery that will be impossible to replace in 5 years without paying an inflated premium