If so, what field of CS interest you the most?
Are any of your CS majors?
the money
oh dap, the computer is interesting.
Web development. It's easy, and businesses pay a lot for it.
How do you start learning about web dev? I have no idea what react, node.js, etc. is.
Graphics, I just wanted to make vidya.
Dude, I'm going to CS soon, so I can make vidya.
[spoiler] I'm really nervous I won't be able to make vidya, and will fall into something I hate [/spoiler]
>If so, what field of CS interest you the most?
posting rare apustajas
>that feel when you fail at programming
the benis
Basically, pick up codeschool, do the following courses in this order:
(Some programming language, I like Ruby)
That should be enough to build a basic blog site or web app. Don't worry if you struggle, that's how you learn. Avoid shortcuts, take stackoverflow advice with a heap of salt.
why js before css?
Personal opinion: JS is more of a necessity. CSS just ensures that whatever you make looks good enough to attract users. You can build a site without CSS, but a site without JavaScript is useless.
Okay great thanks
systems, but why do you ask?
data mining, but natural language processing and computer vision are neat
Does "Systems" include building the infrastructure to make "big data" work? i.e., the plumbing that makes it reliable, secure and scalable? if so, i think i like systems too. maybe it means something else tho?
can we post more of these retard-pepe's?
there's a kid who asks retarded questions in all my cs lectures and I need memes
do you have the one where pepe's giving a thumbs up while typing on his keyboard
that's a good one
distributed systems, parallel computing
It's originally a Finnish meme called "apu apustaja", search that and you can get a lot more of those.
Here's the closest to your description of what I have currently in my collection; you could probably photoshop an IDE or something onto that monitor.
so my interest that i described would be classified as distributed systems? (I dont know the name of what i described but very interested in it)
I fucked up.
sweeeet thanks
I just think programming is cool. I barely know how to but still. Also that pay is fucking awesome. I want a big house and a hot blonde wife so I need to make a lot of money.
haha great I just searched there are many thanks
>tfw electrical engineer
>most of my job is programming stuff for motor control
I hate it all
interest is only the start to a real passion in a field. Start by writing a variety of programs and exploring as much as you can. I found my passion while developing a simple distributed messaging system. When you find yourself unable to stop working on something, then you may have landed on something special
More pepes!
switch jobs retard
where can i learn to do a project like that? any recommended tutorials?
Computer vision and machine learning as well because there is a lot of maths involved.
start slow, realize that it takes a long ass time to learn this shit. Also know that books aren't always that great, there's a reason a lot of programming classes choose to use more than 1 / skip through certain parts.
to answer your question more directly, it depends entirely on how experienced you are. If you're just starting out, look at Htdp to get your feet wet in fundamentals of programming
dumb frogposter
you try to hard.
cyber security
dumb frog poster
I'm a postgrad
I got hardcore into DBs during undergraduate. I really enjoyed DB architecture and related stuff.
My postgrad was AI and Bioinformatics.
Both of those are really interesting fields. You'd be best with a bit of a science background for bioinformatics because it covers areas of organic chemistry and molecular biology and the better you know those things (or can learn them) then the better you are at bioinformatics.
These days, I write web applications for biomedical researchers and am also the DB guy for these projects.
Shit's pretty comfy, I'm more or less irreplaceable because of my combination of skills and I work on interesting projects that aren't just putting some retail person out of a job.
I'd like to do more AI, I never got to code control systems for mobile robots and shit like that which I studied and did a thesis on. Can't have everything I guess.
pic is the opposite of related, I studied AI at postgrad because I want The Culture to be real. It's a long, long way away though.
Same desu. I'm slightly more drawn to natural language processing than to CV, but machine learning in general is the bomb diggity
>Spending 4 years learning CS just to end up working in web dev
I actively avoid frontend web dev jobs because they're an insult to my educational background. It's like asking someone from culinary school to flip burgers at McDonalds.
CSE here which is close, mainly interested in the hardware aspect of computers and systems hence CSE.
i hate programming
>Tfw takes me two whole days to get programming project done and doesn't even compile right
>Classmates are all oh yeah lol I finished it in like an hour how about you!
>About an h-h-hour too
I can't make up my mind what type of applications I'd like to program! Someone choose for me.
programming socks
Motherfucking this.
Computer audition.
Most people want to get lots of money fast so they are like: "I hear that you guys do so little for so much cash. I will try it too. Hurr durr". If you want to be developer then you don't need studies for that. Only benefit from it is a diploma so it will look nice on CV.
P.S. You need to be able to think things through and a bit ahead, which people in 21th century show lack more and more.
automation and security.
Have a degree in game design and animation. Can pretty much make any game from scratch grabbed I have enough time and resources. Tried Java, C, and C#.
My favorite is C#. Java is a fucking mess.
Got a job that has nothing to do with what I went to school for. 55k a year, full health dental pension 401k.
Network security/opsec.
Senior CS, started as applied maths figured I didn't have the chops/autism to actually be successful as a mathematician so I decided to pursue a trade.
do you know any cs majors with add diagnosis? My ability to conectrate and get shit done is pretty bad. Should I even consider CS?
There's more to web dev than frontend. Being full stack is a requirement at most places. If you can't write a decent API, you're not valuable.
Was asleep. Thanks for this recommendation. Any particular languages you recommend? een learning Java through classes, but plan to pick up C on the side.
>Tfw takes me minutes to get shit done
>"oh yeah lol it took me days"
>yeah m-me too
>tfw absolute opposite.
>Get straights hundreds on everything.
>Finish everything quite quickly.
>Lie about grades, time taken, and difficulty so that I can fit in.
Wonder how fucked I am when someone finds out my real grades are straight As and not average tier.
>computer science
>majoring in a meme degree.
Literally a useless degree that will teach you nothing. Your job will get outsourced by a shit skin indian anyway. Major in math and get a minor in cs, that'll set up much better for the future and you'll actually learn something.
>not having a father who's been programming since 1976 teaching you to manage his multi million dollar business
bump for all the great frogs
>meme degree
Maybe, but it helped me fall for the six figure salary meme before age 30. Feels successful man.
same here, I graduate in may and already have a 6 figure job waiting for me
machine learning
where are my /graphtheory/ bros?
>tfw you switched from CS to pure math
CS is fucking boring desu
I dont like my major and I am not interested in pursuing it anymore. I think I should change to CS>
Would the age of 24 be too late to start in CS?
Vacuum packed shirt I see. Are those common in nazi germany?
Computational astrodynamics and emulation.
i'm about a month away from my phd defense. i research systems that store and query big fucking network datasets, like roads and social networks
applied graph theory is fun as shit and extremely relevant right now, but i wouldn't recommend grad school until you've done at least a year of work, preferably 3
if you're in undergrad i think you should definitely take systems courses, and linear algebra courses that dovetail into machine learning
hey bro, treewidth is my fucking jam
that's a really good smug
Do you have the one with how to shitpost?
Also requesting moar
there's a job that emerged a couple years ago called a "data engineer" that is distinguished from a data scientist in that you work on the pipelines, rather than what goes through them
at the entry level this is just knowing about how to snap hadoop and spark shit together, big stock distributed systems (that tend to have a lot of problems and need a lot of babying because frankly, they're kind of crap)
high-level database science and systems science gets fairly technical and typically you would have some kind of background in database theory, distributed or parallel computing, high-performance computing/supercomputing, machine learning and occasionally you see programming language guys. i think it would be hard to do innovative work in this area without a PhD but research is not necessarily for everyone, a lot of people don't enjoy it
i'm taking normal math Linear Algebra next semester. How can I integrate a bit of CS learning on my own?
>tfw taking all my cs courses bunched up in the last 2 years of uni.
how fucked am i?
Not that bad. Only probs 8 relevant / core CS classes in a curriculum, others just electives.
>I go to a highly ranked Uni in US, currently senior
if you joined CS to make games and program, you're in for a bad time.